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Everything posted by railfan101

  1. First off, i didn't write any of these pieces of music. I got the notice in an email from RPG Maker web. http://resources.rpgmakerweb.com/music-launch/ if i get in trouble for this, i'm sorry, but i wanted to show you guys what they released because there's also a free music pack as well.
  2. thanks. i'll see if the same thing works in ace.
  3. I'm liking what i'm seeing here. Two questions: Is there more to the game, will you be adding more to it? How did you get dialogue to appear in the battle scene? I'm curious if the same thing can be done in Ace.
  4. thanks. i think i might use some music ideas i've had for awhile and incoperate them into my game as well.
  5. i guess i picked a bad time to do this. while i've had the idea, i also have a summer job that will take up nearly all of my time. don't think i can work on this until after i come back from that job in August. i made a mistake in posting this, thinking i could do semi-regular updates when i am boggled down by the job. i will try to work on it now, but will get back on it in august.
  6. cool, that will make things much easier. i can use that to mark my progress in my game.
  7. don't know if this would count as epic, but here's a music project i've been working on. Rhythmn.mp3
  8. Can i summon a character from my game? If i can, then I summon Baxtrob, his age, and huge experience makes him near godlike strong. If i can't do this, then i have effectivly just killed myself for summoning an unstable character.
  9. Thanks tomo2000. I read Marked pinned topic after i made this and then started thinking, 'oh crap the management team is going to pin me for this.' I am soon going to be uploading a prototype of the army command feature i'm trying to do for the game, because i'm a little lost on how to make it unique. i know which direction i want to go, but i have little to no scripting knowledge, and the last time i tried scripting, i broke the program i was trying to script in. Needless to say i'm about as clueless with scripting as someone who's never seen or used a computer before. i'm trying to get what i want using events, but it seems a little tedious. and i'm probably making it more complicated than i need to, but once i've finished the prototype, then you guys can see what i'm trying to do. please understand the map this is going to be on is not part of the game, but i didn't want to try this on a black screen either. Also, one last thing, to update my first post with the information you want, will take a few months, as i'm going away to a summer job where i won't have my computer with me. so for this summer, i won't have the time or the access to work on my game or fix anything.
  10. Project Talquin This is a brand new project I'm working on though I've had the story for a long time. This is an open world game, designed in a similar manner to the way the hit console game Red Dead Redemption was done, though i hope not to take 6 years to make it like they did. Synopsis You traveled across the planet to a desert civilization situated inside a mountain to train in the military force. As you train, you learn why this mountain range is isolated, and you learn through other people in the mountain range, that the land isn't as peaceful as it might seem. The Mountain Range The Land you are training in is called Gybonis. The military state has been around for years and has developed it's own economy. Although you the player will never see much of that economy, you'll be too busy training. Characters Arcane Tsunami The main protagonist in Project Talquin. You are a free spirited young man who's eager to be a full member of the military force on Gybonis. As you train however, you discover the military isn't as rewarding and as pleasant as you initially thought. Lance Brand Another new recruit. She is the very first partner you get in the game, and will always help you out throughout the game. Comet Gale A confused young girl who always seems to think she's in older games, though most characters will pass her off to be just mentally unbalanced. The very first thing she says when you meet her is "I AM ERROR" (If you can guess what i'm referencing, i will reveal a spoiler in the game, or more or less what i'm planning to do with it.) Wasstenbuen A once great leader for the Gybonis Military is now in exile for the most unforgivable crime any one man or woman can make in the military. What is this unforgivable crime? No one really knows. KoBan A rising star in the Gybonis military. Initially to replace Wasstenbuen as commander of his army, he has now gained a wide fame in the military as a commander who can think on his feet quickly. Baxtrob Leader of the Gybonis Military. Other military leaders are starting to notice Baxtrob is not himself. He's started making decisions he normally wouldn't make. Some say he's being coerced by someone else, others think his old age might be making him forget. KoBan has tried to convince Baxtrob his time is done and he needs to allow someone new to take his place. On the outside, no one knows he's having a problem. On the inside, the military leaders want him off the military before he makes an order he will later regret. Features The ability to command, build and manage your own army Call meetings with senior staff in your army to discuss strategies, individual military members, and to relay information regarding orders from higher up Discipline members of your army for bad behavior. Kick them out of the military if they don't improve. A full open world to explore. A main storyline and several side missions. Some side missions include catching criminals within certain cities for a cash reward by the local police. An Anagram Wizard, whom you can talk to and earn a little extra money. You could potential multiply your investment by 5 with this person. And this is a big deal considering money is hard to come by in Project Talquin. Screenshots Credits Enterbrain for RPG Maker VX Ace
  11. having fun so far, though i think i found a problem. Can't open Matthiad's Journal. the sound plays, but nothing else happens. EDIT: Never mind, i spoke too soon. it works fine. My first let's play video will be out new year's day. With hopefully a new video at least once a week, maybe more often, depending on how much free time i have. EDIT AGAIN: Just played the first 5 hours. I just have one word for it. Addicting, in more ways than one. You've done so well with this game, i am truly impressed. 4 years for this game to be completed, and it's worth it. I will definitly take care with my playthrough to try and show as much as i can. I've changed the difficulty and battle settings because i find through experience in other games if the difficulty is too high then i get fustrated too easily and as a result i don't play the game anymore. I will do your game justice when i make the let's play. The first 2 minutes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IypsqGxm-hY Nothing exciting, just the opening.
  12. Just from a first impression, the first 20 or so minutes are pretty dialogue heavy. No control until you're a half hour in, and the starting town seems too spread out to me. i was actually passing the same place 3 times before i realized i had been to that spot before. maybe include the same world map system you used on the world map in the town maps. Just a thought. I'm only getting started though, so my opinion will most likely change. and considering the game is 30 hours, you said, maybe the opening is the most dialogue in one spot we'll get. i'll definitly keep playing. EDIT: Just thought of something. May i ask your permission to do a let's play or walkthrough of your game? This would involve me recording my playthrough of the game, commenting on it, and posting the video on youtube. This is a game i think i could have a lot of fun with, and several aspects of what you have described remind me of Red Dead Redemption. Just a curious question, you said this game took you 4 years to make, When Red Dead Redemption came out, was that any inspiration to your game as well or did you get ideas from that game as well?
  13. i agree with you, i think now that i listen to it more, it would probably fit into the meeting before fighting the final boss. I'll have to try and think of something else for a final boss battle. but inspiration doesn't come easily for me, so that will take time.
  14. not at all. i was only referencing Red Dead as an example of what i'm trying to do. since posting that though, i've come up with a couple ideas. forgot to write them down and don't have time to now since i'm heading out the door to work.
  15. Hello. Recently i decided to attempt another game idea. but i didn't want to use the default music for it, simply because i wanted to try and put my own spin on the music. so i wrote my own. I wrote the final boss battle music first, i don't know why i did, but i felt i needed to write that first, and branch off the other battle music off that. the problem however, is i don't think i captured the tone i wanted to give for a final boss fight. so i inputted the music into RPVX and the music alone with the boss fight imagery didn't seem to fit. so i tried changing the pitch, and to my surprise, VX changed the pitch, but also sped up the music a bit. that's not to say i was expecting that, but doing the same thing to the default music didn't seem to speed it up when making the pitch higher or lower. So i replicated the results and made 3 seperate audio files which i will display here. What i want to ask the community is does this sound like battle music, and does it sound fitting for a boss fight? http://www.mediafire.com/?lozndxdipp0302s Normal Speed http://www.mediafire.com/?n50yu3x2ptbe99v sped up x.25 http://www.mediafire.com/?efkvgh7qj8pev7j sped up x.50 thank you.
  16. VX or XP might work for what you need. Though i don't know how to make your character jump like it would in the real game. you might be able to program something into the game's characters to make them jump.
  17. I would like to offer my services too as a story writer as well. You can pm me here if your interested.
  18. Since it's currently unknown what is going on yet with the contest thread (as in i don't know if i'll be able to judge or not based on what the staff thinks) i figured i'd post what i'm thinking about doing now. i've been juggling an idea of a game for awhile, a sort of demo though poor in quality was shown a while back. i don't even remember the idea i had for that game in the first place, so i'm going to try and start over. so far, all i have for a game i want to do is Open World, Side Quests, and the main story split up into missions similar to Red Dead Redemption. but that's all i have. i don't have a story, i don't have characters, i don't have anything. so you might be asking what do i need help with? Well, i'm looking at a possible theme being Survival. Can you survive in an open world where supplies are limited, money is scarce, and opportunities to save your game are low. but i dont' have much else to go on.
  19. I guess that's best at the moment. I don't know how many members trust me now after the posts i've made over the last week or so. And yes i did see your decision to take over. and that comes after i told you i couldn't be involved. and now that i think about it, taking the burden off me, someone who's never run one of these things before, to someone who has, is probably a good idea since i could potentially do something stupid and not even know it.
  20. i doubt you could call me a new member since i registered over a year ago. I did say initially i wanted to judge this contest, but after the changes, that might not work so well. Since i might misjudge someone by accident. i've been watching this thread in silence, and stating i couldn't be a part of it or involved in some way might've been premature. I've been thinking about this over the last few days and pondering what i've said to everyone. As being the original poster and the one with the idea in the first place, i feel i have some things to say. first and foremost, I'm really sorry to everyone for my behavior. I never intended on bringing on a negative mood towards this contest, which looks like it could be a success. I apologize for not listening and thinking some of your ideas wouldn't work (in silence whoever said i wasn't paying attention was true) I did mention to Marked, that i might not be able to be involved because of my schedule. that too i think was premature because after looking at my schedule again, i do have some time to have some involvement in this contest. Whether it be a judge or something else, i would like to reinsert myself into this contest and have some involvement if that's ok with the Admins, and the rest of the community. If i had a reputation, i now feel i unintentionally damaged it, and i would like the opportunity to repair it.
  21. And i do accept it, if i didn't make that clear before. Now the question is, where do we go from here?
  22. i don't know what to say. i really don't i tried to come on as being positive, and it's still seems to be negative to you guys. i don't know what to do. i was about to post a really colorful post that would most likely get me banned and send out a large flamewar that isn't nessesary in a place like this. the only reason i didn't is i want to try and salvage the mess i made. but i don't know if i can.
  23. I hope this contest goes well, even without me involved. @Saltome I don't know how you behave with other members or new members, but you've effectively scared me away from this place with your attitude. try to look at it from my perspective, i'm a member who vanished for awhile because of real life. i tried this contest before and it didn't go well. this forum moved to this new domain and it was recommened i try again when we made the move. so i did, and you respond with your big attitude with "nonono you can't do that" and other stuff to bascially tell me you are not thinking and this was a terrible idea. maybe no maybe yes. since apparently the overall consensus is this could work, Since i've already pulled myself out of this contest despite coming up with the idea in the first place, i can't come back in, unless my schedule opens up (not going to happen anytime soon) or if anyone thinks it might be a benefit if i judged the contest like i originally planned it. but since many changes have been made since i stopped following this thread, it might not be appropriate. Thank you Saltome thank you for ruining my return experience here and effectively making me disappear from this place. I hope your happy.
  24. <sigh> oh how this community has changed. I didn't expect resistence this time around, but i guess that's expected from someone who's come back after a year absence and then posts a contest right away. maybe i should've tried presenting a game first before reposting this, then maybe resistence would have been lower. Yes teams are allowed. There is no limit to how many people are on a team, but please use common sense about it. just because you can have a team of let's say 12 members, doesn't mean you should. You might not be able to delegate enough work to all of them, and some would be left in the dark. @Marked: You're the admin. You don't need my permission to modify my posts. If you feel you need to fix it to make it better, go ahead and do so. you don't need to wait for me to say something. I feel bad now that i tried to make a contest i think a lot of people would enjoy, and instead i'm getting backlash because of a few lines i left in that have apparently offended users already. as for prizes, my original thought was the feeling of completing a game in one month start to finish i thought was reward enough, but considering how this community is taking my attempt at a contest idea, that's definitly out of the question, unless you guys decide that's a good idea (unlikely with the current attitude) if this contest ends up being forgotten again, i won't try to ressurect it a third time since if we can't get it going a second time, then it's not worth it, and a horrible idea. the choice is yours regarding the direction this will go, but i don't see myself having a large influence in this, despite me being the original poster, my idea, and horrid backlash for one line that offended a couple of you already. (Saltome)
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