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Everything posted by kellessdee

  1. I think maybe, the arm with the armor (or whatever it's called, tbh I haven't played legend of dragoon before) looks like it should be further away from his body than his other arm, as the shoulder pad should be a little bit wider. Otherwise, it's looking good! They were very subtle changes, but it definitely looks better. Keep up the good work :)
  2. @zeriab: yea, it's bloody well about time they upgraded their ruby interpreter! I'm assuming you know that Ruby 1.9.x offers the new Fiber class (or maybe that's what you are talking about)? Green threading ftw! I wish Enterbrain would maintain updates for their system, to keep up with Ruby...but considering ruby's free + opensource vs. RPG Maker being not-free and closed source, I can see why this won't happen and just be a wild dream of mine........drifts away.......
  3. To display an animation you need 2 things: An object that either is a RPG::Sprite or a subclass of RPG::Sprite and the animation's ID. Once you have an object that is of the RPG::Sprite type, you can call sprite_object.animation( id, hit ) id is the Animation ID hit is either true or false, and represents whether the "hit" or "miss" animation is displayed. true will be handled as a hit. if you set the id to nil, the animation will stop. Also, there is: sprite_object.loop_animation( id ) This will cause the animation to continuously loop, until stopped RPG::Sprite#update will update any existing animations set to the sprite. Hope this is what you were looking for :)

    1. Bigace360


      The thread disappeared?

    2. Polraudio
    3. Bigace360


      because he doesn't want anyone to post but to just view it.

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  5. I am creating this topic in an attempt to keep general discussion separate from the RPG Maker VX Ace master info topic. I will be using that topic to add more info about RPG Maker VX Ace as time goes. Currently working on: - Full Database overview (with pictures) - Full event command change log (with pictures) - Full RGSS 3 change log You can find a link to the info topic here: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/8102-rpg-maker-vx-ace/ Use this topic for any general RPG Maker VX Ace discussion/comments.
    1. Bigace360


      Can't you just lock the thread and then unlock it when you plan to update it?

    2. Bigace360


      So noobs won't post.

    3. kellessdee


      because that would be the logical and obvious thing to do. (aka. why didn't i think of that xD)

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  6. As you may or may not know, RPG Maker VX Ace is the newest edition to the RPG Maker series by Enterbrain. VX Ace plans to take what was in RPG Maker VX, and expand upon the functionality and improve the engine/editor overall. System Requirements: OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP / Vista / 7 Japanese Edition (Compatible with both 32 and 64 bit OS) CPU: Intel® Pentium®4 2.0GHz or Better Memory: 512MB or More Display: Resolution of 1024x768 or More HDD Space: 400MB or More Disk Drive: CD-ROM or Supporting Devices VX Ace has been released in Japan as of December 15, 2011Download links to the Trial and English Trial Patch are listed at the bottom of this topic. I will use this thread to post more changes/features to VX Ace, so if you wish to discuss the new make, please start a new topic. (from translated version of RPG Maker VX Ace product page) New Main Features Expanded Mapping Capabilities RPG Maker VX Ace now has the capability of specifying multiple tilesets, like in RPG Maker XP which was left out in RPG Maker VX. Expanded Database Control RPG Maker VX Ace gives the user much greater control from within the database. You can now do things such as specify battle formulas, have reserve party members gain exp, specify window color, troop-by-troop battle backgrounds, etc. Without the need of custom scripts (Will go over the new database in more detail) Built-In Character Generator RPG Maker VX Ace now features a Character Generator (similar to the ones everyone has grown to love) - Select specific features, and put together a character set to be exported to your project. It also generates a faceset to match the character. RGSS3 Of course, RPG Maker VX Ace includes an updated version of the RGSS library. The most notable feature here is the inclusion of the Ruby 1.9.2 interpreter. The major overhaul in 1.9.2 was the upgrading of the ruby virtual machine to be more optimized/efficient, meaning RPG Maker will now be able to support more complex scripts. (There are a few other important changes to RGSS, which will be mentioned in the RGSS 2 > 3 changelog, when added) Other Features Built-in caterpillar (party member following) support (can be turned off)New TP parameter for use of finishing moves, ala Limit Breaks, etc. (can be turned off)Built-in video playback! (must be Ogg Theora format) Links! English RPG Maker VX Ace Website http://www.rpgmakervxace.com/ RPG Maker VX Ace Product Page http://tkool.jp/prod...xace/index.html (japanese) http://rpgmakervxace...ce/feature.html (english) Enterbrain's English Website http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/ RPG Maker VX Ace Trial http://download2.tko...VXAce_Trial.exe Trial Translation Patch (You will need to sign up to the website to download) http://www.rpgmakerv...fan-translation
  7. I was listening to radio show (online), and one of the guests mentioned something that speaks true to this: "Code rots. If code is left unmaintained/unattended; over time it will stop working" It's probably not your fault, just updates in libraries/web browsers etc. Hard to keep up with (though I know you know this, all too well lol, web development is the hardest to stay on top of, than any other form of development IMO) I don't think it has been fixed yet, unfortunately.
  8. Welcome to RMXP Unlimited! I hope you enjoy your time here. You'll find there are a lot of places here to get support, discuss game design or even just leisure fun discussions. So, if you have any questions, just ask :)
  9. I think, the best way (well for me anyways) is to attempt to fully design the level from an abstract point. So, flesh out how the player will progress through the level and things such as puzzles or other key mechanics of the level. Once you have an idea of how the level will play out, then decide on the aesthetics of the level, and flesh out how it will be presented to the player. Then, I think, when this is complete you can go and actually work on making the level -- while of course, ironing out any snags you run into. Of course, it's different for everyone, but if planned correctly, it will make the process much less painful, and just better designed overall. Also, it helps to make a design that has room for expansion/compression, that way little changes are easy to implement without breaking the original level design. EDIT: so, I don't think plonking tiles together is the easiest/best approach. Although, if it works better for you, you should do it. Everyone's brain is funny, and works better under certain conditions than others...so it's personal preference. I hope my thoughts might help with your process though.
  10. Unfortunately, I am not sure where one would get a character set like this, so I cannot help you there. However, the way I see it, is that a Wind Elemental would be the same thing as a thunder elemental. Now, it's your game, so whatever rules you have set on your game would apply, but I find thunder/lightning/etc. all fall under the wind(or air, or sky) type elemental; and by using the wind elemental (you could even still call it the "thunder elemental") you would still get the same effect, and I do not think players would even notice. Just some food for thought.
  11. Ah, the woes of game (or any kind for that matter) development. Well, I applied. I do have experience in programming outside of RPG Maker, so I hope I can be helpful to you. Also, if you want help with ideas; I might be able to aid you with that as well, without stepping on your toes of course :)
  12. I call shenanigans, this contest is rigged. Oh wait, that's me! Ignore what I said, this is legit... I guess I'd better keep up with my activity huh? Thankfully exams are done for now, so I'll be around more (and active, not lurkmode lol)
  13. Nostalgia goggles :3 or just a better imagination. Honestly, other than being a little outdated, there is nothing wrong with the default system; and without even touching scripting there is still a lot you can do with it, to make it interesting and unique. People give the default systems too much hate IMO Ah yes, that reminds me, I forgot to add this: If someone steals your idea, theres a good chance 1. they won't get it even CLOSE to your vision 2. They won't do it NEARLY as well. Afterall, it is your idea, and only YOU REALLY know what it is, what it should be, etc. Also, if you just generalize your ideas, you can share what you came up with, without revealing the specifics that someone could use to recreate your idea. And what marked said. Although no one likes having their work stolen, you have to admit, that would be one hell of a compliment (as it would have to be good enough for someone to be like "I WISH I MADE THAT UP", and it would have to be even better for them to go to the effort to try and steal/recreate your idea) Just some thoughts...but, I digress. I think personally, if you are choosing between VX/VX Ace; once Ace is released; to go with that. It's only a matter of time before people start making scripts for ace. Ruby 1.9.2 is much faster than 1.8.4, which would mean Ace has the ability to do more, scripting side, before getting frameskips/lag.
  14. Out of curiosity, do you have a clear idea of what the gameplay will be like? (Sorry, if you have stated this) Also, do you need any programmers? I notice there doesn't appear to be any, but you haven't requested any (maybe you don't need any yet?) and talk about a custom engine.... WELL what I am trying to say, is I'd love to help with this, in case you need a programmer...I can send you an application for formality if you'd like.
  15. Hmm, I was panning having a tutorial about RGSS/RGSS2/RGSS3 after these sets of lessons, however I can see why anyone would want a tutorial on converting between libraries. What I could do, is write a separate tutorial on conversions on the side. I want to keep RGSS out of my ruby lessons, to avoid confusion. Converting scripts in this way, is probably a lot more ambiguous, however I think I could write up a basic tutorial to get you/anyone else started. I'm gonna look for this book myself to pick up. If I cannot find it however, I may be dropping you a PM. (I need to add more nerd books to my collection, PM if you want any, I think I have a few ruby already, plus countless others)
  16. LUMIS YES, I remember this, I am glad to see you are still working on this! Can't wait to see more :D
  17. Thank you! Another great tune to add to my collection :)
  18. Amazing! This makes me wish I stuck with my piano lesons as a child. I wouldn't mind a direct link if that's okay :3
  19. AWESOME. I'm with mark on this one...ARE YOU SURE this is your first attempt? I wish I could be more constructive, but this looks really good! I would say the armor seems a little too "pillowy" but, considering it's based on dart, his armor IS kinda pillowy :/ Really nice, hope to see some more in the future :)
  20. Whoa, looks really good for a first attempt! Is the sprite scaled? The pixels look a little stretched in some areas.. other than that, good job! And keep it up :)
  21. Thanks for the feedback guys :) I hope to get this into a full-blown discussion, so as to help those starting off in ruby. I hope this helps, and ANY feedback you have, let me know. @bigace: That sounds like a nice book, I will have to check it out. Here's some links, for anyone who wishes to look outside of the current lessons (or even, look deeper into things I have mentioned) Ruby Home Page http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/ Ruby Tutorials, etc. http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/ Ruby API http://ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.3/ Cool Interactive tutorial (Marked posted this a little while back): http://rubymonk.com/ Advanced Ruby Concepts http://blog.rubybestpractices.com/ Personally, I think, while starting out in any programming language, to find a tutorial that works for you best and stick with that tutorial. Learning from too many different sources can cause confusion, as everyone has a different view on how a programming language should be taught, and of course everyone has a different methods to teaching, and different target audiences. For example, If you have a background in Programming, my tutorial may be a little slow to start for you (0 previous knowledge is assumed). So, I am going to try and share as many places for anyone who wishes to learn, and I suggest even taking a look around at what's available. Find which tutorial best suits your learning style, and go from there.
  22. You should try sending Tomo a PM, and request for the file to be reuploaded (if it still exists xD) Or if you are lucky, someone else may have it and reupload it.
  23. With scripting, there isn't really much you CAN'T do. The scripting language used may be slow (making heavier mechanics more difficult to produce), but it doesn't have much in terms of what it CAN'T do. Have you tried this resolution script? http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/6913-goldaryn-multiple-resolution-kit/page__hl__resolution__fromsearch__1 Also, if you plan to go with developing a game, I would advise choosing either the most common resolution (1024x768), or the smallest resolution you plan to allow. Making a game to support various resolutions can be tough. The difficulty mostly lies in the various interfaces the user has. scaling an interface isn't always the best idea, and you would need to make the interface dynamic (based on resolution) and look clean in all resolutions... When it comes to RPG Maker, i think 640x480 is good enough. Since you need to hack at it a bit to get custom resolutions, I don't really think they are worth it IMO. If you decide with different resolutions, I wish you luck.
  24. This. RGSS3 is a huge change-up from RGSS1/2. It is *POSSIBLE* that some simplistic scripts (ones that do not interact with the actual existing rpg maker engine, ala default scripts) may work, however, it is unlikely. You could request to have it converted. When requesting scripts, I suggest following these guidelines: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/7166-script-request-guidlines/
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