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Everything posted by kellessdee

  1. I thought we were all aboot to get spanked (not saying i wouldn't enjoy it) But yes, it is aboot time i get back to my roots, eh?
  2. lol, by default it's hidden, but you can make it show up. Either way, +1'd ALSO MADANCHI IS ABOOT TO GET ITT BOOT
  3. That sir, was awesome. +1 I almost thought that's what I originally wrote (and you almost lead me to believe I am insane)!
  4. Aw joey, I think you're the most awesomest :3
  5. Joey, you are fired. J/k, but it doesn't mean I am not going to mess with this thread :alright: AND THUS THE THREAD WAS UNLOCKED inb4 JOEY

    1. Kiriashi


      That sounds sexy..

    2. Joey


      I still want a black Wiimote Plus. xD

    3. kellessdee


      *cue zelda chest theme*




      I am so stoked for this. also, I used the last 5 dollars to my name for this xD

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  7. >.<

    Now that you know about this, I may have to kill you (yes I do have one)

    (ffffu I can't believe I forgot that episode hahahahha TOOF DECAY)

  8. Sorry 'Nigma. I was trying to read this and my eyeballs felt like they were melting out of my skull...painfully. Otherwise: This is awesome.
  9. I couldn't find a built-in event command but here is the ruby command (put it in a call script) $data_system.gameover_name = "filename" EDIT: KIRI are you learning to script :D I am in the process of creating proper RGSS/Rpg maker xp default script documentation. It is not necessary to write a script for this. It's built-in RPG MAKER
  10. What's a box of faith? :-D

  12. Hahhaah, I was just throwing it out there. I can wait (and will wait) however long it may be necessary! And you are done uni in november? As in, for a break or for good? @joey: Every so often I clear my own cache...and when that happens, I look at the top right corner of the forums, click the sign in, and then sign in. Actually, tbh, I didn't even know there was ANOTHER way to sign in the on the forums (well I knew about main page log-in) until now.
  13. To each their own, But I 1000% agree with chief here. I miss when Cawadoody was a WWII shooter :( Mind you, I hate pretty much all current gen FPS series (Nintendo fanboy....although even then only certain Nintendo games REALLY intrigue me) I have become a negative nancy on the Game industry lately. [not ALL upcoming games, but I am starting to get really off-topic here and am going to stop, after all this is a CoD thread]
  14. Please no one take this the wrong way, I don't want to be rude or seem like a dick but.... Also, I never sign out. [x] Remember me Why? Because I am the laziest of the lazy, and even typing my name and password is a step too many! Just saying.......................I would rather Marked work on GDU rather than fix silly non-issues ALSO, yes: Marked is no longer an administrator. He has a very busy life :nono4: I would attempt to fix these things, but I for one, AM NOT THAT GOOD AT WEB TECHZ but more importantly do not have that kind of power around here (HINT HINT *COUGH*kiri+pol*COUGH*) they are gonna kill me hahah :sweatdrop:
  15. What error message did it give you? If there was an error (in most cases, unless it is a logical error) rpg maker should have given you a somewhat cryptic message and a line number. To be honest, there are still a few errors I see in your code, and unfortunately I am only on a short lunch for work right now; so I won't be able to give you a detailed run through at the moment; but in a couple of hours I will be home for good and can help you a bit more. As for time control tutorial, what do you mean by time control? Do you mean like controlling how long for something to happen etc? Let me know what you mean exactly by time control, and I will help explain what you can do :) Anyways, sorry but I gotta run for now. Either send me a PM or even post here if you want.
  16. Hey again, Glad to help where I can :alright: For the return statement, here is a link about ruby methods (return is a part of ruby methods, so naturally information about return statements is always coupled with method information) http://www.tutorialspoint.com/ruby/ruby_methods.htm It's hard to find actual documentation/info for the rand() function in ruby, this was the best I could find: http://rubylearning.com/satishtalim/ruby_random_numbers.html As for the HUD, and windows; The problem with RPG Maker scripting (window is part of RGSS, rpg maker's game class library, NOT part of ruby) is that most info about the RGSS classes are just made by users rather than those who made the software. The best place to learn about windows would be the RPG Maker XP help manual. Just search "Window" and it will give you detailed information on each method + attribute. As for tutorials on them, it is hard to find quality tutorials, but these might help: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/100-ultimate-rgss-tutorials-collection/ For HUDs, it will be HARD to find tutorials on making one as to create a hud, its a combination of using windows or sprites, drawing information on them and refreshing/updating when necessary. The best way to learn how to make a HUD would probably be to look over HUD scripts made by other scripters and to see how they did it for your own inspiration. If you'd like I could make up a simple HUD script for you to look over. To give the player an item $game_party.gain_item(item_id, n) item_id being the id # of the item in the database n being the quantity to give the player. As for what you are trying to do now, if @logs_ID is the ID of an item in the database, after setting a random number to @logs_number just call this: $game_party.gain_item(@logs_ID, @log_number)
  17. So glad my best friend is an amazing writer who shares the same passion for making games as I do >:P

    1. kellessdee



      *waits for inappropriate comment*


      (no, it's actually a guy; feel free to make inappropriate comments anyways haha)

    2. kellessdee


      LOL "it's actually a guy"

    3. kellessdee


      @bob: yea I just realized how lucky I was; Not that I am a BAD writer per se (well maybe I am haha) but he is just WORLDS ahead of me, and his control of the english language is quite profound IMO.

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  18. Lol, you didn't need to post the entire script, but right away i see what you are TRYING to do exactly so it helps. (Don't worry, I won't take your idea/mess with your script/etc.) Anyways, I'll see if I can help you and give you some pointers. Firstly, I see you use alot of global variables (ex. $variable_name) I would HIGHLY suggest you avoid using global variables as MUCH as possible. Global variables are accessible from anywhere in the game, and use up sometimes unnecessary memory. as a rule of thumb, if you do not need to access a variable outside an object, make an instance variable (ex. @variable_name) Here is some reading on ruby variables to help you out: http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Ruby_Variable_Scope Next, I would like to touch on some logical errors in your code. In all your if statements that check if something is equal to something, you use the assignment operator (=) when you should be using the equality comparison operator (==) ex. if energie_rem = 0 can_cut = false end should be if energie_rem == 0 can_cut = false end Currently, your if statement assigns 0 to energie_rem (which will always return "true" thus, the next line of code WILL ALWAYS execute, making can_cut false) Also, if checking if a variable is equal to true or false, you do not need to use the equality operator ex. if variable == true # Code end can be if variable # Code end to check for false you can use the not (!) logical operator ex. if !variable #code end Also, you should use double sided if statements over stacked if statements when possible, this will use much less computing power (for the most part) Also, any method that should return a value should return a value. If there is no return statement, then 'nil' is returned (I might be wrong, but I am pretty sure). ex. ( I will use your can_cut method as an example, I have changed it to return a value as well as changed it to multi-sided if statement as opposed to stacked if statements and simplified some of the logic) def can_cut if $data_actors[weapon_id] == NUKA::WOODCUTTING_WPN_ID && $job_learn can_cut = true else return false # If the $job_learn is false or they do not have the right weapon, then they cannot cut end #----If you are out of energie, you can't cut----------------------------------# if energie_rem == 0 return false elsif energie_rem < 0 energie_rem = 0 return false elsif energie_rem > 100 energie_rem = 100 end return can_cut # Return whether the player can cut or not end #end of define "can_cut" You could actually simplify this even moreso: def can_cut # returns the result of the weapon equal to the correct id AND job_learn AND energie_rem greater than 0 # if ALL of these are TRUE, the result is TRUE, and therefore the player can_cut. return ($data_actors[weapon_id] == NUKA::WOODCUTTING_WPN_ID && $job_learn && energie_rem > 0) end #end of define "can_cut" Also, I would like to mention that $data_actors[weapon_id] doesn't make any sense. This is using weapon_id (a local variable which has not been initialized, and thus "nil") within the $data_actors global hash variable, which contains all the actor data from the database. $data_actors[nil] is always going to be a nil value. what you are probably looking for is the party leader's current weapon, to get this use: $game_party.actors[0].weapon_id Also, be careful when trying to assign a literal to a variable: @logs_type = A this will look for the constant variable named A, which does not exist, so therefore @logs_type will be nil in this statement. If you want to set it to the letter A use: @logs_type = "A" The last thing I want to touch on, is your use of the "case" statement. case statments, can be merged: ex: case $woodcutting_level when 1 #do this when 2 # do this when 3 # do this end also, what you have at the end there will not work when 1 [1...9] i am assuming you are checking for the level from 1-9? use: case $woodcutting_level when 1..9 # 1 - 9 inclusive # Do this when 10..19 # 10-19 inclusive # Do this end etc. Also, be careful when using ranges (number...number or number..number) ... is range EXCLUSIVE ex. (1...5 is 1, 2, 3, 4) .. is range INCLUSIVE ex. (1..5 is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Ruby Ranges: http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Ruby_Ranges also, you may find these useful: Ruby if statements : http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/programming/ruby/ruby-if-else-if-command-syntax/ ruby case statements : http://www.skorks.com/2009/08/how-a-ruby-case-statement-works-and-what-you-can-do-with-it/ Sorry for the novel, but I hope this helps. Learning to script can be a VERY daunting task, especially if you are learning it on your own and have no experience in programming. Good luck, if you need any further clarification/help, let me know. EDIT: I forgot to mention, that last bit you have: $Woodcutting.new is an invalid statement. $ is the global variable indicator, and .new is ONLY used when initializing a class/object. $variable = Woodcutting.new makes sense, but what you have now will produce errors.
  19. Well I looked through it, It's definitely because of blizzABS... mainly because of the way it works, he uses various extra classes to control the Player/actors on map... I will see if I can look through this and get it to work, but it may take a bit; essentially I will have to learn how he handles the player control EXACTLY so I can write a working script. I will let you know if I figure it out.
  20. Thanks, totally didn't notice. Moved to Game Making Support. @Nuka_Bubble: I am not too sure what exactly you are trying to achieve here. One thing I will say, is that shorter code does not necessarily mean better code. It can, in some cases, but in others sometimes a certain number of lines is the shortest you can write a script. As for your code, what are you trying to achieve EXACTLY? maybe I can help you out a bit. As for calling the method, you would need to call it manually whenever you need the method...but as it stands you would not be able to call that method from that Module. You declared it as a mix-in method, and that module would need to be included by another class/script: include RANDOM which will cause the class to include any instance methods, such as the one you have there. if you want to call the method directly, it would need to be declared as module method/function, def RANDOM.random_logs # Code end #or def self.random_logs # Code end and then, from anywhere in your game you could call the method as: RANDOM.random_logs As for the rest of it, I am not sure exactly what you want to do, so I dunno if it could be optimized/reduced much... It might be able to, but I would need to know what you are trying to do first. @ Zeriab: *HUGZ* Thank you for this idea, I never would have thought of something like that. I really need to pay more attention to my Ruby docs! I keep forgetting about those other obscure but useful built-in class methods :)
  21. Yup definitely! I set up in a way so it wouldn't be too much of a pain to add/remove for the NAME constant, just add a new stat like: NAME = ['Courage', 'Intellect', 'Charm', 'New Stat'] Then for each of the ACTOR variable ID hashes, add the new stat: ACTOR[1] = { NAME[0] => 1, NAME[1] => 2, NAME[2] => 3, NAME[3] => 4 } Then the portion of the code that draws the other stats: 3.times { |i| draw_actor_other(96, 348 + i * 24, NAME[i]) } Change it to: (I should have done this in the first place D: I didn't think about it) NAME.each_index { |i| draw_actor_other(96, 348 + i * 24, NAME[i]) } That will iterate through each stat, no matter how many are in there (so it will be easier to add more) Then, to mess around with the positioning, you will mainly want to look at the y value: 348 + i * 24 348 is the starting pixel location (348 pixels DOWN from the top of the screen), and 24 is how much height to give each line. So the first stat would be at 348 + (0) * 24 = 348; the next is at 348 + (1) * 24 = 372; etc. If you need any help rearranging anything, let me know.
  22. Ctrl-shift-f class Game_Player find EVERY non-default class Game_Player script and post them here, so I can see which script is causing incompatibility. If you are too lazy to do that, then just upload your Scripts.rxdata and I WILL look through it.
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