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Everything posted by kellessdee

  1. I didn't know you played guitar, nor did I know you played guitar well! this is awesome. So you gan gi back into maeking vidya gaems ? (excuse the incorrect speaking)
  2. @bigace: I think the landscape is still too square. The more natural the environment looks, the better map it will be. You can make jagged/non-straight landscapes with the RTP default autotiles: MAP BY KIRIASHI: the mapping god Ignore the "underwater" tiles, those are editted tiles, not in the default set, but the rest is all default. The key to using autotiles correctly, is to use them not as "autotiles" (weird, i know, but autotiles make things look square and unnatural) if you double click on an autotile in the editor, this will come up. As you can see, you now can use specific pieces of the autotile, to make it non-autotile. Also, the use of SHIFT-click is good, as it will add a tile; without disrupting neighbouring autotiles (using SHIFT-right click, will select a piece of an autotile, similar to the autotile expansion, grabbing the state of the autotile as it appears exactly on the map) also, using the layers you can bunch / layer different tiles that the final outcome will look like a nice blended map. For example, putting mushrooms right under trees, etc. Which, i would like to mention: the mushroom growing out of the water looks odd, as in real life mushrooms do not grow in water like that. (well technically, there are some species that grow UNDER water, but they don't grow up and out of it like that) Hope this helps :3
  3. HUlloh there, I think I joined after you: so I can't say we've met; nonetheless, welcome back good sir :) Congratulations on making it through the first year! I wish you luck in all the rest. I am assuming you are enjoying it thus far?
  4. I was going to make the august voting topic, until I realized no one has been nominated. I will leave this open for a bit longer, to get some nominations in. GOGOGOGOGO.
  5. I am pretty sure Zeriab's caterpillar script was actually made for standard rmxp default scripts. Zeriab's Caterpillar Here is Zenith's Tactical Battle System: Zenith's TBS (japanese) Zenith's TBS (google translation) Also, I personally would avoid using SDK / SDK based scripts if possible. SDK ruined compatibility. Also, using SDK can slow down your game's initial start time. What RPG Maker does, is it evaluates all the scripts in Scripts.rxdata with the eval() command, which is a pretty slow process to begin with; with SDK you load up all the default scripts, then it loads up ALL the SDK scripts (which for the most part completely overwrite the default scripts), then loads up all of you custom scripts. Also, The whole thing where "script goes above main" just means exactly like kiri said, above main, not necessarily directly above it, but more in between main and the last script; this is due to the fact that most scripts alias/override/add to different classes and methods, and need to be evaluated after the original class. Good luck!
  6. Wow, that looks really nice! What exactly did you do to get it to look like that? Also, a little off but, do you play in a band or anything at all? (if you do, or ever play live, you will probably have the coolest looking kit out of any band)
  7. ohhh I just realized, what I have there is 960px, It's just my laptop is a 1366x768 resolution, so in my screen shot there is a lot of extra space. the resolution totally slipped my mind. I read somewhere that 960 is best for 1024x resolution; which is why I made it 960px; however I forgot to test it in other resolutions.
  8. First off, I have no issues with any kind of criticism. Even if non-constructive, everything helps. Especially with website building, it is for the users not for me. If I just wanted something that I thought would look nice, I would make a desktop wallpaper (which i do often LOL), so I appreciate any criticism (one thing I have learned in design, is just because I think my design is awesome, does not equate to it actually being awesome). Anyways: I was thinking the banner was a little much. I have a bad habit of going overboard with photoshop (now that I am learning how to use it properly) I'm glad you think the logo itself is neat :) Would it be better to do away with a graphical banner (background) and just have a logo (on a plain colored background)? or make say, a smaller banner to set the logo on? I appreciate that link, I think I will be able to get ALOT of inspiration in general for a more professional feel (despite being clearly amateur and not really even a company, I still want a professional presentation) And, perhaps instead of a sidebar, would it be better to just design the website and layout to fill the browser width; instead of specifying set widths? @marked: I meant just notepad..... :sweatdrop: the funny thing, is I have soo many IDE's, my excuse was laziness...although I can access any of my IDE's just as easily as notepad :o I have: Programmers Notepad (very similar to Notepad++ I just like it better for some reason, I had one once upon a time, but long forgot why), NetBeans, Eclipse, SharpDevelop, EditPlus (which I REALLY need to get rid of, I only have it because my school made me get it in TERM 1) Actually I could/should probably do away with a few of them... Thank you :) I thought so too. @noob: HTML kit? I will have to check that out... (and I guess this is WHY I have so many IDE's I hear about one and feel it necessary to check it out lol) Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments! I will have to do a little redesigning and post again; but if anyone has anymore feedback, feel free to post, I welcome it all :D
  9. No I do not, otherwise I wouldn't make it. Whats wrong, the pros cons list part or lack of major differences? If it's the lack of major differences, look at my and big ace's post. There really isn't that much different between the two engines. The major differences are PURELY visual, which I refuse to see as major differences anyways, considering most of the visuals used in either program can be achieved in the other, quite easily. Unless you are referring to the "default scripts." Yes, they have changed a lot between engines; but the essential concept to HOW they work has remained the same. The only differences that cannot EASILY be overcome are the differences between RGSS1 and RGSS2; but you can actually use RGSS2 in Rpg Maker xp...you just have to rewrite a few default scripts. EDIT: also...
  10. Good ol' notepad. (only cuz I was too lazy to right-click >open with > programmer's notepad lol) And you are right, it is verdana itself. Verdana seems to be a larger-than normal font. The original image is verdana, 12pt. I just can't not use verdana, I <3 verdana xD anyways, I mucked around with it a bit. The colors are still primarily blue, However I messed with the contrasts/saturation so it wasn't so much of the SAME blue. I still need to mess with getting a simple background that stands out(without, of course, detracting from the content), but even with black alone i think the background is WORLD's better. I dunno why I didn't just keep it black in the first place; I thought I didn't like it cuz it was boring, but it still looks better than that gradient :/ This is verdana 10pt. Notice how it is still slightly larger (almost the same though I think) than times new roman 12pt. IMO, it looks better; but I am sure there is still many improvements I can make. Is the color scheme nicer? or do you think there should still be more variation? I am deciding on changing the header font colors (well, deciding WHAT colors)
  11. OH YEA. good point. I guess the real technicality is that it IS easier than RGSS1. Not much, but alas it is easier. I guess I nerd failed myself
  12. :3 Thanks marked. Yea, I knew it was too blue. haha, I got a little carried away. I orginally (before actually working on site graphics in photoshop, etc.) had a darker grayish/purplish theme going on. I dunno why I strayed away from using online color schemers lol. *goes to work on new scheme* As for the links/etc., that's a good point; I have yet to get that far into those aspects of the styling. forgetful me. And yea, I think the main text is a bit too large; I went with the default size as I thought users may not like my site if the text was too small (I generally prefer smaller text myself, it looks nicer) If you don't mind sharing some backgrounds, I would really appreciate that! That was what I was REALLY having difficulty deciding on. I didn't like plain black, and didn't have enough inspiration for a simple, good background. Thanks for the feedback! I think I got an idea for a new color scheme :)
  13. Wow, very good Pros/Cons list. I didn't realize a lot of these differences existed :/ only one thing (just because I am super nerd :o) It's not any more or less forgiving than RGSS1 (although Ruby is a REALLY forgiving programming language in general). It's not any easier to script with, it just has some cool additions. I guess some things are easier, like fading in/out, waiting (the Graphics module comes with a wait method...but that is kinda moot as: Graphics.wait(number_of_frames) is the same as number_of_frames.times { Graphics.update } ) *stops being an annoying nerd, with all his technicalities* edit: Really? REALLY? Man, it must be near impossible to event custom systems in VX. That's brutal.
  14. Not necessarily. If one isn't into the whole "popular"/mainstream/mtv music scene, then there is actually a VERY good chance one has never heard of them. I only know about them because I used to be into that scene (and a certain south park episode featuring kanye west LOL) JayZ and Kanye West are not very influential artists, and thus not as well-known as one may think. It's more artists like The Beatles that everyone knows/knows about (I bet even people that don't listen to music know, and probably even love the beatles)
  15. Wait what? What is the world coming to when strategy guides lack information about a game...they are supposed to give you ALL the information about the game, no? :( I haven't touched a strategy guide in ages though; I can barely afford the games, let alone a book about it. I just stick with GameFAQs if I REALLY need it.
  16. Hey there everyone! I have been slowly working on a website that one day (in the far future probably) will be for my indie game development group (right now there is only two of us..and I should more say "our" group, I don't like to take ownership of what more will be a collaborative art group than a company) ANYWAYS, enough of that babbling. I just put together a template for the website (styles are complete, however I do not have a domain nor a host yet...nor is the website anywhere NEAR complete); and basically I want any feedback you may have (negative, positive, constructive whatever. Hate it/love it? I want to know xD). Here is a screen cap of the home page: nothing too fancy, kinda generic (and very blue) :/ Probably, my biggest question is: is the blue TOO much? (too much blue?) Otherwise, I appreciate any other feedback you'd like to provide; and even more so if you have any suggestions/tips/advice. This is most likely not going to be the final design (especially since I am mostly just practicing my web dev techniques xD) however, I do like the direction this is going and would really like some external input on the matter.
  17. Well, considering there aren't too many differences between the engines...it's hard to make a useful PROs/CONs list. Really, what it comes down to are: -Mapping -Graphics Style -RGSS1 vs. RGSS2 Mapping is very limited in VX, however through the use of "Parallax Mapping" (i think that's what they call it) this can be overcome (and actually make much nicer maps..also parallax mapping is possible in XP) Graphics Style: This is kind of a moot point, as ANY style can be used in either makers; however, based on resources available, VX tends to lean to a more chibi style Really, what it all comes down to is (wow I just contradicted myself lol) the difference in class Libraries used between the 2 makers. Overall, RGSS2 is a much better library, however, the differences are not necessarily a necessity. RGSS2, if available through the player's video hardware (and only in fullscreen) uses double buffering; resulting in smoother animations. Also, RGSS2 no longer crashes when a script lags too hard (unlike RGSS1) (although useful for debugging, any script that lags that hard, should not be used or fixed before using) RGSS2 has added methods to a few classes/modules=> Fadein/Fadeout - Easily Fade the screen in/out (without actually transitioning) Snap to bitmap - Can capture the entire screen into a bitmap Bitmap blurring - You can do simple box blurs OR radial blurs Gradient Fills - You can draw gradient rectangles onto bitmaps without having to write a script (therefore, MUCH faster)[/li] Sprite Wave Effects - You can create a Raster Scroll Wave effect with sprites Font Shadows - You can draw text with shadows, without need of a script Multiple Default Fonts - You can specify multiple default fonts, the first font that is installed on the player's PC will be used Font Folder - You can use fonts directly from a folder, so the player doesn't HAVE to install custom fonts Viewport Association - Sprites/Windows/Etc. can be moved between multiple viewports Windows Open/Close - You can make windows have an open/close effect There may be more, however those are the main RGSS differences Also: VX has vehicles (without need of script), and VX can use 2 different battle animation files for one animation. So, overall it seems VX is a bit better than XP. The one crippling feature is the limited mapping, but like I said; all you need is a bit of effort and with parallax mapping maps can be beautiful. In fact, it may generally be easier to parallax map, the only difficulty is trying to keep the maps lined up with the 32x32 grid. And if you don't like the chibi styles (I really don't...although I dislike both maker's default graphics for the most part) any character graphics can be used, they just need to be formatted to work in RPG Maker. However, though, when it comes down to it, won't the engine have to be whatever engine those working on this project have? I mean, I doubt anyone is going to go out and buy one of the engines JUST to work on this project. Just a thought though (I know not everyone is going to be eventing/mapping/databasing/scripting; but those who will be, will need the engine this project is being made in). EDIT: Pretty much all of the differences can be overcome in either engine; even without scripting knowledge. With scripting knowledge, even better. The only things that probably can't be overcome would be things like blurring/other graphics heavy things added in VX...well they could, but then we are talking about knowing C, and how to extend the ruby libraries with it.
  18. Supposedly, Missingno. was error handling implemented by the programmers of the game. When the game tries to access non-existant pokemon; it creates missingno instead. Does this help? The reason is, there really is no reason. Missingno was not intended to be visible to the player, ever.
  19. Music? I love music. Although, I never liked rap, and most definitely never liked Kanye West or JayZ... As for the industry, well, it's the same as always really. The top <insert arbitrary value here> still sounds the same; And the "up and coming" artists are just non-talented musicians made popular by the producers. That's how I feel about it anyways
  20. Very nice pol. But on topic, I actually think this is a neat idea for a contest. I would love to learn how to mess around with windows. I know how easy it is with linux; but I always assumed anything like that would bring windows to it's knees LOL Plus, it's a competition that for one, anyone could easily join. It's not like it takes months and loads of effort to customize your desktop, right? Also; I could definitely pitch some points to the prize pool. I don't have much use for them anyways haha. As for how the contest works, would it be say, a bunch of people enter; post their desktop then the community votes for the best? Would the winner be right then and there or would it be say, the top x amount of people, which move on, etc? (I guess that would depend on how many people would want to join :/) EDIT: If no one else is interested I'd still like some tutorials on how to mess with windows :3
  21. go ahead and add me if you like :3 I need more friends :(
  22. Have you upgraded from Windows XP to windows 7? or did the laptop come with Windows 7? If so, that could be the issue. Apparently there are some compatibility issues with older audio hardware in windows 7/Vista; and upgrading from XP to 7 could kill the stereo mix. If this is the case, there is not much you can do; other than replace the sound card
  23. B U S T E D lol. It's cool though. Sorry I haven't responded to PM just yet: I wanted to know who sent you first ;) (ps. I have always said before, that if people have any scripting issues/questions/etc. to PM me, so it's cool) But I can help you implement it; but alas I have been quite busy lately xD so if you can be patient. Or are you just looking for direction in implementing it? I don't know python myself, but I have looked at it before and it seems very similar to ruby, seeing as you also know some programming it shouldn't be too hard for you to learn (you would mainly need to learn RGSS classes, I learned the basics within a week easy, and I come from a Java background) I am slowly in the process of writing a ruby/RGSS/rmxp scripting tutorial, which when I finally finish it, you may find useful. Until then I could help or even probably write this script for ye :) (but like I said, if you have patience D:)
  25. kellessdee

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