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Everything posted by kellessdee

  1. the mother unit is off to montreal for the week >:-) muahahaha

    1. kellessdee


      wassup kevin wher u beeen

    2. Polraudio


      Party at Keller house. All rmxpu members invited: p

    3. kellessdee


      A week long party too!! everyone PM once you are in the GTA

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  2. Hehehe in Ruby Scripting (used in Rpg Maker) nil is the keyword for no value (like null in other languages). The nerd in me thinks its clever xD. But if you ever run into problems you are having difficulty with, just ask. This is a great place to learn :)
  3. Gary :( You knew i would keep clicking the spoilers YOU KNEW I WOULD QQ lost the game once again, and mini-rick rolled xD
  4. I really find these issues with the Project Cards odd...For me, sometimes it works then sometimes it doesn't. Doesn't seem to matter which browser I use; sometimes it works perfect, sometimes it doesn't work at all, sometimes I get really strange errors (well, I tried once to see what would happen, instead of the app returning the default card appearance, which is what I tried to generate, I got linked to a random already made card LOL) I guess it is broken...but sometimes it isn't? (for me anyways) PROOF: WELL apparently I am a huge liar, and cannot get it to work with anything EXCEPT Google Chrome. Google Chrome just earned more bonus points with me, it somehow makes broken apps work! (I SWEAR i had it working the other day in IE and FireFox though :/ but like i said it seems at times it works at other times it doesn't so who knows) So for anyone who REALLY REALLY needs this app, I just suggest downloading Google Chrome and using it to generate your project cards. (ps. I am not saying switch browser's completely; just get it for this)
  5. I'm not 100% sure how Netplay works exactly...but in some way, it basically allows your PC to function as a server; normal PCs are not designed to act as servers with large amounts of other computers connecting to it, hence the low player capacity, so I dunno if you can do this. Now, I hate to be a negative nancy, but I don't think running out of room on the your "server" would be an issue. When you look at the shear number of MMORPGs (2d and 3d) available, it would be VERY difficult to gather a large enough player base that you would run out of capacity. Another difficulty in keeping players, is server down time. In order for people to connect, your PC needs to be on, connected to the internet and running the server. People are less likely to play if they can only play when you are hosting (so you would need to keep the server running at all times) Also, I think RMXP is a TERRIBLE platform for any kind of MMO. The idea of say, making a RMXP game that players can connect directly to each other and play together or something simple like that; I think would be a great idea. But in terms of Massive Multiplayer Online Games, would be better off running on actual dedicated server computers; and built in a different engine. You also have to think of security and hackers, I am not sure if Netplay has any built-in security features, but by the looks of it, it doesn't look very secure and probably wouldn't take much for someone who knows how NetPlay/Networking in general works, to cause some damage to either your or other player's PCs. BUT, don't let me get in the way of any plans you have, that's just my opinion on the matter (and in actuality, I wouldn't play ANY MMO that wasn't made by a team of professional game developers anyways) and if you still choose to go with this, I wish you all the luck.
  6. Hate to step in here; although this method works just as well, RPG Maker actually has a built-in function for this. In the States tab in the database, there is a "Release Conditions" section, which is for control of how natural state removal is handled. Just make sure "Release at the end of battle" is checked:
  7. Hello and welcome to RMXP Unlimited :) We aren't the most active, but we are definitely still alive! I hope you enjoy your time here, and don't be afraid to ask any questions you like!
  8. Yes, I agree with this 1000% (extra 0 is not a typo.) Not to mention 3D is complete misnomer; The CORRECT TERM(s) would be Anaglyphics or Stereoscopics. I always laugh when I hear 3D gaming...haven't we had 3d gaming since the playstation one? (and if you wanna get technical, 3D gaming has been around even longer, if you count the old doom/wolfenstein 3d games/etc...) And WTH about the 4D are you sure? 4D either refers to abstract mathematical concepts, which is derived from the generalization of 3D space; or 4D could refer to Spacetime (a concept for the dimension we supposedly exist in) which is based upon X, Y, Depth (or Z) and the 4th dimension being time, which acts differently than the other 3 dimensions.... ---While typing that I googled this 4D you were talking about... the nerd in me is getting furious, the theatres are including external special effects (like within the theater; water spray, smoke, scents (like you said), etc..) and are apparently being called as different Dimensions (some 4D, some 5D, and even 6D and 7D apparently) RAGE. they should just call all of it "XD" and trash the concepts. I'd rather see research being poured into virtual reality or something cool. WHOA. Just realized HOW off-topic i just got there. Sorry everyone :( Anyways, this is awesome, I REALLY REALLY want a 3DS. Like UrHappy said, there are ALOT of cool features to make it worth while; although 3D was supposed to be the selling point (since suddenly 3D is popular again, despite everyone in the past thinking it was just silly kids stuff) there are a lot of sweet things that make it an awesome handheld. Plus, if you leave it in standby, and walk around with the 3ds you gather points for every certain amount of steps; which you can use to purchase stuff from nintendo.
  9. So good and gary, you just made me lose the game <_<
  10. c'mon i wanna hear your potentially HI-larious response
  11. @joey: why yes...yes it was :shifty: hehehe did i scare you joey?
  12. Yes there is a vast difference, but like I said THE ONLY differences are Hardware, peripherals, games, name, perhaps brand (and obviously how it looks) WHICH is the EXACT differences between Gameboy and DS. In fact, the ONLY similarities between gameboy and ds are that they are by nintendo and are portable. The technology INSIDE is different, the format of games is different, it has a touch screen, a microphone (which was NOT implemented as a chat device, it was MEANT for gameplay. Has nothing to do with you and your friends being next to each other; you can only communicate to friend's DS' via the internet or pictochat which does not include MIC chat) New DS' also have a camera. They also have a OS/dashboard (whatever you wanna call it) DS is NOT a gameboy, "Gameboy" was a line of handheld gaming consoles by nintendo, "DS" is the new line of Dual-Screen handheld gaming consoles by nintendo. I will quote nintendo for this one: from: http://www.nintendo.com/ds/systems
  13. Joey, I agree with you there. Although I get bored of most games these days pretty fast regardless... And that's the main reason I really enjoy this game are the similarities between this an Monster Hunter, although Dragon Nest is a LOT more RPG-ish (if that makes any sense, I guess I mean STANDARD MMORPG style...cool downs, skills, etc.) I am mainly excited for the PVP (WHY oh WHY do MMOs put min. levels for PVPing ;__;). Looks like some intense all out brawls.
  14. Yea, it's opinion...Although up until version 9 was released, it was actual fact (that Google + Firefox were, specs wise: more secure, more reliable and faster) Microsoft FINALLY picked it up a notch. ANYWAYS, that's another topic. However, I am not sure what is wrong with the project cards on your end; They work fine for me on Chrome, Firefox AND IE 9 (I have all browsers). DO you get an error or do they just not work? Do you have flash installed, javascript enabled, etc. etc.? (I am not sure what Marked made the Project Card generator in) Why not just TRY it with Chrome or Firefox? Sorry, but there is only so much help I can provide; as I am not the creator of this application. Marked is currently busy with other things, so if you want an answer from him try asking here: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/forum/3-feedback-bug-report-and-forum-help/ and all I can say is be patient. Otherwise in the meantime, the only suggestion I can make is to try with other browsers.
  15. Just downloaded the newest MMO produced by Nexon NA (developed by EYEdentity Games). DRAGON NEST OFFICIAL WEBSITE http://dragonnest.nexon.net Open beta has just started as of yesterday, and so far this game seems great! Dragon Nest is a F2P (Free to Play) MMORPG; boasted as the fastest action-oriented MMO out there (I agree with this statement, it is awesome!) In Dragon Nest, you have a choice between 4 different classes (unfortunately gender-locked) Archer, Warrior, Cleric and Sorceress. Like most MMORPGS, it offers class advancement, and each class branches into 2 new classes: Swordsman Warrior < Mercenary Acrobat Archer < Sharpshooter Paladin Cleric < Priest Elementalist Sorceress < Mystic Class Details * This information is directly from the Nexon website * Gameplay The gameplay is much like your standard MMORPG: quests, skill trees, crafting, etc. The main downside to Dragon Nest, is that rather than an open world MMORPG it is instanced, every dungeon and field exists as an instance where you can party up and bring your friends. Not that large of a downside, just IMO open world is more immersive. A neat feature, that I liked, is their variation of the reputation system (I forget what they call it specifically). It basically works as a means to build reputation with NPCs, and also as a Story mechanic. You basically can delve deeper into the story by talking with NPCs; and the better your relationship is with them, the more options you have to speak about. The main thing I like about this, is that they give the players that want more story the option to find it; and for those who don't give a hoot about stories in MMORPGS (like ME) can just enjoy the game for it's gameplay. However, the combat is where the real fun of this game lies: Dragon Nest features a completely, non-targetting real-time action combat system. However the best way to describe this of course, is through a video (or few). NOTE: Unfortunately, it seems that all the videos I can find are of the Korean/Japanese Version... But it's the same game so: NOTE2: SORRY For any annoying audio. Everyone seems to want to upload their Dragon Nest Vids with dumb external music or them talking :( PVP (this is the part of the game I am most excited for :3) PVP 8v8 Abyss Mode (hardest mode of a dungeon i think) for Crypt Dungeon p1 p2 Download! http://dragonnest.nexon.net/support/game-download Unfortunately, as Nexon games always seem to, this game uses an external downloader, and no Direct DL. Anyways, if anyone wants to start playing go now!! ITS FUN :3 I am on Gerrant(east) Server if you play Gerrant as well add me: Elysid Otherwise, if anyone starts playing; they should put their character/server here and we can all play together <3 I may switch servers if a bunch of people play on a different server. NOTE: I was going to put a story section (I personally never play an MMORPG for it's story; mainly because I have yet to see a good MMORPG story...and other reasons that may be better for another topic) but when I went to the website; there was no story info...even though prior to beta they had the story info on the website xD
  16. @madanchi: it's dragon nest! I am probably gonna make a topic for it soon but in case that takes a while (i am lazy): http://dragonnest.nexon.net/ @joey: lol if i do it again it will be more creative than that :3
  17. It probably would have been better to ask this in the Feedback / Bug report forum http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/forum/3-feedback-bug-report-and-forum-help/ However, since it is relevant: Which version of Internet Explorer are you using? I just opened the Project Cards App with IE, and it seemed to work fine. (I have the newest version, Version 9) If you don't have version 9, try updating and trying again. I would also HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY suggest switching browsers. Google Chrome or Firefox are probably your best bets (but anything is better than Internet Explorer really..) NOTE: if you switch browsers, but don't have the newest version of Internet Explorer, you should update it anyways. Unfortunately, internet explorer is an integral part of Windows, and updating it would do you good regardless...but for some reason, Microsoft didn't add the new IE as an automatic update. INTERNET EXPLORER 9: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/internet-explorer/products/ie/home [JUST REALIZED THAT Internet Explorer 9 doesn't work with XP; perhaps try version 8 if you are running Win XP] http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=43
  18. There are a few ways to "change" your IP address...if you don't mind me asking what are the issues with your current IP? I can't really see a reason in wanting to change your IP address, except perhaps for anonymity; in which that case, a proxy ip address should suffice. [EDIT: I know that 100% anonymity on the internet is almost impossible...but proxies should be good enough for most anonymity purposes] Your internet service provider provides your IP address so perhaps speaking with them might do something (i am not sure), but here is some information on possible solutions: http://whatismyipaddress.com/change-ip EDIT2: I am going to move this topic to Computer/Internet/Tech forums, as it would be better suited there :)
  20. @aerogames: It's probably best to not ask in topic whether it is dead or not. There is a lot of gray area as to what makes a topic dead, but generally if it has been more than a few weeks to a month since the last reply, like Noob Saibot said, it would be best to make a new topic (unless perhaps the topic is still near the top of the page or if you have something of value to add to the topic). It looks like this topic has been revived however :3 @Bigace, you are right that it's no big deal; but the Nintendo DS line is a lot different than the Game Boy line; touch screen, dual screen, microphone, wifi, etc. Sure you could say it's the same as a gameboy except different hardware and specs; but that's pretty much the only thing that differentiates any system (hardware, games, peripherals, brand and name) In that sense, you could say a wii is pretty much the same thing as an X-Box, just it has different games, different controller and different specs. But alas, it is all just semantics. Ahem, anyways: I miss the era of gaming when the SNES was still alive...although I cannot deny that there are many great games that have come out in more recent years. I guess what I would love is for 2D gaming in general to be revived. Terraria was my huge realization that I love 2D gaming and I miss it greatly. *cries infinitely into the void*
  21. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/3919-minimum-requirement-for-a-project-topic/ Please put together some more information on your game before making a topic about it.
  22. No, this is not where you request resources. You are looking for the resource request forum: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/forum/71-resource-requests/ Also, please do not necropost. More information on necroposting: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/rules-and-policies#necroposting
  23. Hehehe, old but golden. Creating the set of tutorials, is the probably one of the best things that could happen to those who are beginning to learn RPG Maker Scripting. In fact, you deserve mad dapz (my ver. of props/fistbumps) for that. So mad, that I repped your old post :3 ALSO, I forgot to mention, when beginning to learn RGSS USE THE RPG MAKER HELP MANUAL. the help manual doubles as documentation for RGSS and is THE ABSOLUTE best place to learn RGSS. And when you first start writing scripts for RPG Maker XP/VX you'll find it EXTREMELY useful to have the manual open while you script (helps in deciding what the best methods to use are, and in case you forgot the syntax of a certain method or class) just find the .chm file in your program's directory, so you can use the script editor and the manual at the same time. Even though I have most of the RGSS classes and modules memorized (luckily there aren't very many; which also makes it easier to learn) I still script with the manual open. I forget things from time to time, and sometimes I find methods or properties that I didn't realize existed. The manual also actually has a lot of Ruby Script documentation as well, however it would be hard to teach yourself from this before knowing enough programming beforehand...it is strictly technical documentation - no examples, tutorials, etc. But it could come in hand in the future as well :3
  24. As I always say, the first step in learning how to use RGSS is to learn Ruby Script. RGSS is simply a Game Class Library written as an extension to Ruby's existing Class library. Once you get the syntax and basic concepts of Ruby down, then I would suggest becoming familiar with RGSS and all it's classes. It would also be beneficial to learn RPG Maker XP's default scripts, as this will help immensely when creating additions/modifications to the default engine. RUBY TUTORIALS: http://www.troubleshooters.com/codecorn/ruby/basictutorial.htm http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/quickstart/ RGSS TUTORIALS: GOOD INTRODUCTION TO RGSS > http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/forum/91-leons-scripting-class/ WHACKLOAD OF RGSS TUTORIALS > http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/100-ultimate-rgss-tutorials-collection/
  25. Please do not necro post, just to say "cool script." Sometimes there is a fine line between what is considered a necro post or not, but the general rule of thumb: for more information: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/rules-and-policies#necroposting Thank you.
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