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w00t Galaga update! I had a chance to work on Galaga a bit and I got collision detection working :) VIDEO I still have to program the enemies properly but just testing out the collision detection + death animation
No problemo, I'm glad I could be of help
Very Strange... Are you using my script? Because It should work fine...when I copy your Title script into my editor, it runs the way you want it.. here, I have updated the script anyways, my script wouldn't disable the item correctly (I forgot to erase the item, then redraw it disabled) #=============================================================================== # ** Window_Horizontal_Command #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A command window that it is horizontal #=============================================================================== class Window_Horizontal_Command < Window_Selectable #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization # x, y : coordinates to display window # rows : number of rows in command window # commands: commands displayed in window #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(x, y, rows, commands) super(x, y, 640, rows * 32 + 32) self.contents = Bitmap.new(self.width - 32, self.height - 32) # Set number of columns @column_max = commands.size / rows # If the number of commands is odd, increase the number of rows by 1) @column_max += 1 if commands.size % 2 > 0 && rows > 1 # Set number of items @item_max = commands.size @commands = commands # Set index at 0 self.index = 0 refresh end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Refresh contents #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh @commands.each_index {|i| draw_command(i, normal_color) } end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Draw Command # index : which command to draw # color : what color to draw command in #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_command(index, color) # Set font color self.contents.font.color = color # Draw Item w = self.width / @column_max x = index % @column_max * w + 4 y = index / @column_max * 32 rect = Rect.new(x, y, w, 32) self.contents.fill_rect(rect, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 0)) self.contents.draw_text(x, y, w, 32, @commands[index]) end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Disable Item # index : index of item being disabled #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def disable_item(index) draw_command(index, disabled_color) end end did you modify my script at all? Because I can't see why it would draw the commands like that, you set it up correctly...
Hmm interesting...do you mine sending me your Scene_Title script? I can't seem to replicate what you have there...so I am not sure why it is being displayed like that.
Nice! It's pretty impressive. Looks like a real castle (well as far as a block castle would look :P)
Yea that was the error I made in the original script. Did you do this? ^ that should fix it. EDIT: actually that doesn't sound like that's what is causing the error :/ would you mind sending me the Scene_Title script, but just the initialize method? I need to see what you did and let you know whats up mmkay
Oops! Sorry, I never even thought about that XD haha, I forgot that the arrows will still be displayed to select character, lemme fix that up! just put this above main! Its kinda a cheap quick fix (the arrow is still drawn...only drawn invisible and a cursor is placed over the selected player) tell me how that works
Wow that was really cool! good job man!
Like if you want to add more commands (say 8), and create a window that fits all the commands properly? Just create the window with more rows. @window = Window_Horizontal_Command(x, y, 2(this is the number of rows), [command1, command2, command3, command4, command5, command6, command7, command8]) is that what you mean? how to make the window larger? it is all dependant on the number of rows.
oohhhhh! What you'll have to do is create a variable that holds the information of the "currently" selected pokemon, and changes everytime a new pokemon is selected. Then when you if atklevel==thispoke.level && thispoke == current_pokemon # Learned a new move pbLearnMove(j,move) end or something like that, just check if thispoke is equal to the currently selected pokemon (which would end up being the last selected pokemon before the battle ended
Okay I *may* know what the issue is. first I have a question... does for k in @battlers.participants ispartic=1 if k==j end ispartic mean they pokemon was in the battle? and another question, are all the pokemon learning skills? or just the ones outside of battle? because (if I am correct) if atklevel==thispoke.level && ispartic == 1 # Learned a new move pbLearnMove(j,move) end HOWEVER, i am not sure if the original statement will work... because the original for loop is: for j in 0..@party1.length-1 so j iterates from 0..1..2...3..@party1.length-1 (or however many pokemon are in the party i guess) then you have for k in @battlers.participants ispartic=1 if k==j end which iterates through every @battlers.participants, so each time k == @battlers.participants[0...@battlers.participants.size] so if you compare a fixednumber to an object, it will always return false. you would probably need to have: ispartic=1 if k==@party1[j] so ispartic actually becomes 1 if one of the party members were participating. I could have read the code wrong, but that's what I got out of it, i hope this helps
I got it! The only thing I would suggest is to let the player open the chest before they speak to everyone. It is noticeable and I don't know how i missed i, i was checking behind each wall. But if the player notices it before he reads all the dialogue it may trick him/her into thinking it is nothing, so maybe have the cheast able to be opened prior to speaking with everyone? Also, I need to play it again. I got my ass kicked by obstinate...then realized you said I should check out the draw points before fighting obstinate. Maybe you should make that A little more clear in the game somehow? Otherwise people may think it's impossible and give up playing.
I have a question, is this for a platformer or rpg? Can you fall off? Or do you just step on the platformer, it moves you, then you get off? Because if it's the latter than its just a matter, when you step on it, make a move event command for the event (move event along the path you set) then one that is the same except for its the player, then after both commands use "wait for movement" that will cause both the event and player move in parallel except the player can't do anything until it reaches the end. EDIT: Make sure the player and platform have the same move speed, otherwise one will get to the end faster than the other If it's a platformer game where you can jump and fall of things...that's another story.
Well first off I'd like to mention that I made an error! @column_max += 1 if commands.size % 2 > 0 should be @column_max += 1 if commands.size % 2 > 0 && rows > 1 that way if there is only one row, it doesn't add an extra column, because in the case of 1 row, there is no need for taking in account the odd row out. as for the error, what it means is At line 41, there was a method used that doesn't exist. The undefined method was "back_opacity" for Nil class. What nil class means, is the object you tried to call the method "back_opacity" from, was nil and did not exist. Make sure that line is AFTER you call @command_window = Window_Horizontal_Command.new(....) it needs to be created before methods can be used
WOW its HUGE!!! How long did that take? so far it looks awesome, but I haven't finished watching the video yet haha, also, did you die falling at all in the making of this?
Normally I don't test out games too often, but since you asked me nicely and it's a short demo I tried it out. The dialogue seems good so far, 1 spelling error: you have allegance, and it should be allegiance. Its when the man asks "Do you accept my allegiance...." Nextly, I actually got stuck after the battle, I could not find the chest that has the pick axe so I cannot tell you much further. I would suggest perhaps to make the first battle a LITTLE bit easier. It wasn't really difficult, but I finish the combat with 300 some odd hp and 5 mp, which is pretty low for being about to move onto a dungeon (and no healing items) and it took me a bit to realize I had to speak to each npc in order after trying everything they told me. I dunno if there is a better way to do this, but maybe a little more direction, or at least make the other npcs speak all the time, maybe just change the dialogue after you have tried what the previous one said. And I couldn't do anything else because as i said i couldn't find the pick-axe
No problem :) Glad I could help! Everything works the way you want it to?
It's not too difficult. I'll give you the script to reference and explain it SCRIPT: What I did was create a new type of window, that inherits it's properties from Window_Selectable (which is designed to handle multiple columns as well) So I made the initialize method to take the x coordinate, y coordinate the number of rows, and the commands. It then passes them to Window_Selectable (notice rows is passed as rows * 32 + 32, this is to calculate the number of rows into pixels) I then create the window's bitmap to draw_contents. To get the number of columns, I need to divide the number of commands, by the number of rows. This works perfectly for an even number of commands. However, if you tried to make an odd number of commands (ex. 7 commands, 2 rows: 7 / 2 = 3.5, but unless specified ruby chops off of the decimal, as a fixnum or integer in other languages as opposed to a float) so since it will always round down, then if the number of commands is odd (if a number is even, itself % (modulus) 2 will make 0, if it is 1, then the number is odd) add an extra column (if first rows will have the larger number of items) then you need to draw the commands. So for each index of commands, we call draw command. This method needs an index and a color. so we pass each index and set the color to normal_color (inherited from Window_Base) this will draw each method. to calculate WHERE to draw each item, we have to find out the width of each column (windows width/number of columns) then the x coordinate is the remainder of the index divided by number of columns times the width plus 4 (the plus 4 is simply to shift each item 4 pixels down, so it looks nicer in the cursor_rect) then the y coordinate is the index divided by the number of columns, times 32 (the size of each row) Then to disable an item, you simply call the index of an item, and it will call draw_command(index, disabled_color) disabled_color is also inherited from Window_Base.
The transition looks nice, nothing too flashy but definitely is a good transition to a battle! Anywho for making the title screen like that, you would have to write you're own window class that inherits from Window_Selectable, so you can disable continue if there are no save files? I know you are learning scripting so are you requesting a script or would you rather be pointed in the right direction? EDIT: Sorry I mean window_selectable
Aw really? that's a nuisance! I would like to see the finished product however. I have really gotten into minecraft lately waaay too addictive. XD
No problem man :P I knew there had to be a way to fix this, as i've never had issue with color selection! I really love gimp, its kinda like a open-source free photoshop. It's not as stable as photoshop, but it works really well nonetheless!
Okay fixed her up Insert this above the main as a new script: What I did here, was overwrote the Sprite_Battler Update method (which handles displaying the actual actor sprite) to not create a bitmap (which holds the actual graphic), and I made it so that it doesn't display animations unless it is an enemy. I changed the screen_x, screen_y of the game_actor class to position the sprites by their corresponding hps. This way damage is displayed near the hp rather than behind it. I also had to overwrite the spriteset_battle initialize method (which handles bringing all the sprites together in battle) to place the player's sprites in a viewport (think of it like a "layer" in rpgmaker, they are actually used in displaying the map to make it possible make certain sprites above or below each other) I had to do this in order for the damage to display ABOVE the hp bar, rather than behind it. Finally, replace your ParaDog's ATB V 2.6.1 (Completely erase and replace with this) I modified the script to display the selection rectangle to indicate which character is selected, And fixed a bug with the character switching. When ever you pressed L or R to switch active character, it wasn't cycling through in order. I fixed that (I am pretty sure, everything appears to be in order) (selecting the characters goes in order of who was ready first. But that *may* involve editing the way turns are handled.) EDIT: All scripts go above main, and as always, if you have any issues let me know :)
Hey no problem it's a simple edit :) Also, can you send me the scripts without the side-view battle? It would make editing worlds easier. EDIT: Nvm, I just realized if I remove the side-view script it works properly haha XD Also, does it matter to you where the damage is displayed for each character? Or is there somewhere specific?
Oh apparently (which I never knew about) is that there are different modes in gimp. Are you not in RGB mode? YOu have to select Image > Mode > RGB I did a google translate and it should be Beeld > Modus > RGB (i dunno how well the translator worked :P) I hope that helps