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Everything posted by ForeverZer0

  1. Renderable objects cannot be Marshalled. This includes Bitmaps, Sprites, Planes, Windows, etc. This is the very reason the all the Sprite_Character and Game_Character classes are separated. It would be easier to handle things together, but then you could not save the characters. A simple solution is to not set the window instance to a variable that will be saved (I didn't look if you are doing it intentionally, or just setting it to a variable in one of the existing classes that get dumped) There is no reason you should need to save a window instance anyway.
  2. Also remember that the eval() method for script calls is processed in the event class, so you can use instance variables from it normally without them being public. If you are using the code within the event that is corresponds to and don't want to keep track of the ID, or need to copy-paste the event around, you can do this (after adding the attr_reader mentioned above): Conditional Branch: Script : $game_map.events[@event_id].through
  3. In the "Hourly Tints" section, it looks like all the values for "climate_id" are 0. ex. when 0 # Outdoor when 0 # Snow when 0 # Desert when 0 # Underground They should be different. I wouldn't be surprised if that was a bug in the config program. It was my very first C# project I ever made, so I'm sure there is a lot of room for improvement. Either way, try manually changing the values there to what they should be.
  4. Somethings messed up with the config, and that line doesn't really explain a lot. I imagine something is messed up with the weather probabilities. Hard to say without seeing the configuration.
  5. Don't use 0. Its a length of time between weather changes, and 0 has no length.
  6. I don't understand quite what you mean by the "the poor pay tax while the large corporations get away with it". You are comparing individuals with business as if they are somehow equal entities. I believe this is where so much information gets all fumbled up, and people believe somehow all rich individuals are not paying tax. BUSINESSES do not pay taxes, their (usually) wealthy owners, etc., who are INDIVIDUALS, DO pay tax, more than anyone for that matter. My point is, you are comparing apples to oranges. You can't compare the poor single mother of 2 having to pay tax on diapers and the large corporation Acme, Inc. not having to pay, and say that it is "unfair". If you told me that everyone who makes over $100,000 a year didn't have to pay, I would totally agree, and be in an outrage myself, but that is the opposite of how it actually is. I don't see where I did say this... So the plan is to have the government regulate them more? Something doesn't sound right about that... Don't get me wrong, I totally agree our financial system needs run differently, I am just saying more regulation and control by people/governments who are unqualified is not the answer.
  7. I don't really know where you are coming up with your information, but it grossly inaccurate. http://ntu.org/tax-basics/who-pays-income-taxes.html This information can be verified at the IRS website. The reason businesses don't pay tax is so that items are not to be taxed twice, which we should all be thankful for. It is so that tax is payed only once, and that is by the end-consumer. The idea to "march on Wall-Street" is silly, at best. Is it seriously being proposed that the way to get out of a financial mess is to hurt the income of the largest job providers and sources of revenue to the country? That doesn't even work in theory. I agree that our financial institution does need some crooks weeded out of it, but I personally thinks its kinda stupid and childish to suggest that we all scream "Revolution!" and go harass Wall-Street.
  8. I decided to open-source Gemini. If you are interested, check out the original post for the links.
  9. In the "Climates" tab, you need to have a climate selected to edit, which are listed in the listbox in the top-left corner on that panel. As for the error, it is kinda self-explanatory, the minimum needs to be less than the maximum.
  10. [shameless self-advertising] Complete Climate & Time System [/shameless self-advertising]
  11. Two-liner, stick it anywhere in the editor outside of a class: win32 = Win32API.new('user32', 'keybd_event', 'llll', '') [[18,0,0,0], [13,0,0,0], [13,0,2,0], [18,0,2,0]].each {|c| win32.call(*c) }
  12. The problem with the Auto-Install Font is that the game has to be run as an Admin to make it work. On top of that, I don't think new fonts are registered with RMXP after they install, so the game needs restarted. It will probably just be better to provide the fonts with the game, and instruct the player to install them before playing if they would like to see the game as it was supposed to be seen. I haven't played it yet, but I downloaded it, and probably will get a chance to try it out a little later, so I can't really make a comment on the actual game at the moment. Looks good from the screenies, though. ;)
  13. This. That is a very disturbing video. I don't even know what to say. I am seriously upset.
  14. Its just a little snippet, you don't have to, I'll leave it up to you if you feel credit is necessary. If you decide to, my username will suffice. Glad I could help.
  15. Found the problem. Its "draw_currency_gold", which has the party gold, as an integer, passed to the draw_text. Unlike RMXP, RMVX automatically applies .to_s to non-string values, which my aliased method is executing before it gets a chance to convert. Here is an updated, fail-proof method: class Bitmap alias variable_sub draw_text def draw_text(*args) index = args[0].is_a?(Rect) ? 1 : 4 unless args[index].is_a?(String) args[index] = args[index].to_s end args[index].gsub!(/\\[Vv]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] } variable_sub(*args) end end
  16. Ah, ok, I'm stupid. I was thinking XP. Give me one sec, I'll make you a VX version, and I apologize. :P @Keven.ds: Thanks for pointing that. EDIT: Err, the methods are the same in both RGSS and RGSS2. I tested it in RMVX, and it still works just fine...
  17. It doesn't do that for me. I just re-tested it, and it works fines. From the sounds of the error, you have a script calling Bitmap#draw_text with the arguments out of order, or a script that modifies that method. I can't seem to create that error in a new game or a loaded game, using both the "bitmap.draw_text(x, y, width, height, str)" and "bitmap.draw_text(rect, str)" way of drawing text. The only possible way I could see this crashing is if Game_Variables was not initialized yet, but then you would get a different error. If you like, upload me your Scripts.rxdata, and I will find whats causing the error.
  18. class Bitmap alias variable_sub draw_text def draw_text(*args) index = args[0].is_a?(Rect) ? 1 : 4 args[index].gsub!(/\\[Vv]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] } variable_sub(*args) end end Put that code anywhere in your game above "Main". It will allow you to use the "\v[VARIABLE_ID]" command anywhere in your game, including all windows, item/weapon/armor descriptions and names, actor names, etc.
  19. Here's the fix. http://pastebin.com/RsNr4E7W You were missing a closing parenthesis, and had a double if statement ( "if if" ). As for the attr_accessors in the RPG module, they allow instance variables to be accessed from outside the class. For example, say we had this code: class Person def initialize(name) @name = name end end person = Person.new('Jim Bob') print person.name # This will throw an error, since @name is private Now, if we add an attr_reader, like so... class Person attr_reader :name def initialize(name) @name = name end end person = Person.new('Jim Bob') print person.name # Works just fine person.name = 'Billy-Bob' # Throws an error The reason it throws an error is that we only used a "attr_reader", which allows reading, but not changing the value. If we added "attr_accessor :name", we can safely read and write to the "@name" variable. There is also attr_writer, but it is rarely used. It allows for changing values, but not reading them. You will most often see attr_reader and attr_accessor.
  20. You only need to update it if you plan on using a flash effect on it, which I imagine in this case you will not be, so you will be safe in omitting "notebook.update" as Kell was saying.
  21. The way its coded, you don't need all the "$game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se)" in each statement, just the one at the bottom. The way it is now, the SE will be attempted to be played twice in the same update.
  22. This is especially true in Ruby. Some other languages you can be a bit more confined in your methods, but Ruby is about as dynamic as it gets, which makes it so popular as a first "learning-to-program" language. You can learn a lot of universal programming techniques that you can then apply to more powerful languages after you discern the different syntax between the two. Ruby was my first language, and I'll always have a little spot in my heart just for it, even though I rarely use it anymore. :)
  23. Just define it right in the Interpreter class and you won't need to make your own class. All script calls are processed there anyways. Or you could just shorten the variable names in a script call: g = $game_actors name = g[1].name g[2].name = name g[3].name = name g[4].name = name Stuff like that works fine. You can also just break the lines after the '=', like this: $game_actors[2].name = $game_actors[1].name $game_actors[3].name = $game_actors[1].name $game_actors[4].name = $game_actors[1].name
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