STG and Mandanchi, do you have any currently conflicts?
Conflicts your lives is what will tie everyone together in this story.
I have Tomo2000 Part I and Wyzrd Part I story down.
Franklin, Hooded Man, Polraudio is halfway done.
I'd like to make a note that I'd love everyone to keep updating their posts with anything they'd think would help. Things important to you, things you are experiencing lately. The more pieces to this puzzle you give me, the better. Be sure to point your own flaws. This game will be comedy/serious business stuff. I want to include every aspect of each individuals personality.
Oh, and your sibling can make an appearance in the game if you can provide me their name and age.
If you edit your post, please help your post stand out by have a colored EDITED on June XX or something.
You don't have to, but I really wanna make this the best game possible for all of you to enjoy. :alright:
P.S. Happy Birthday Formlesstree4!