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Everything posted by RageMage

  1. I'd love to help out, sadly I'm still working on my concept and likely not going to have anything to show for it for quite a long time. Hopefully I can have a demo ready by the time you start actually getting projects together for the games section, not really likely though there is a lot of work between now and then.
  2. I tried for the military before, I ended up with a medical discharge when I messed up my back, but its better now only took 7 years. I'm thinking I'll try again since I can't find a job, just waiting for the recruiter to grow a pair and give me a call, I think he's avoiding me. Though if I was ever forced to join the military I would go willingly and freely but only if they were to pay me enough. Kinda the same way I think about voting, one of the candidates scares the hell out of me and the only way I vote for him is if he pays me enough, though I doubt that will ever happen.
  3. Made a mistake of cgoing outside today, way to freaking cold out there. Wind just knocked my to the ground so I had to crawl back in litterally. This storm off the coast has them evacuated and me sitting in weird weather, gonna snow tonight apparently, weather says 110% chance of snow and rain, how odd.

    1. Bob423


      im surprised they have internet there.

    2. Marked


      Goodluck and stay safe

    3. ShinGamix


      It was 80 yesterday and 30 today

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  4. Sadly enough I see it as much the child's responsibility to check the rating as much as the parents. It really doesn't come down to age as much as maturity, if a child is mature enough to handle the content of a game that's rated 18+ when they are 12 then by all means, the problem that lies with the parents is that they do not understand the ratings as they should, on top of that rather than buying a game for a child and giving it to them right off the bat a parent should take oh 5 or 10 minutes to try the game themselves, many of the games get weird ratings anyways like a game that was developed with the 6-8 age group in mind getting a 14+ rating (I've seen this many times). While I do care about the ESRB rating on games I do take the time to try games before I let a 8 year old play it, even if it is rated 18+, M, or 14+. This is what I like about renting games or free downloaded trials, gives the parent a chance to try a game and decide if their child is mature enough for it. Though really this will rarely matter as while one parent will actually do the responsible thing another will ignore it and its a likely chance that a child whom wasn't allowed to play the game will get to at a friends house. Making it free for digital-only and apps is a nice thing for developers, I just wish that it would be more likely to have a more appropriate rating for games.
  5. I got a lot of death I got a lot of death I got a lot of death Angus is still hidin or I'm gonna chart it up I'm gonna chart it up I'm gonna chart it up Pancake is beside me
  6. Yeah I think the graphics look pretty nice, most of the time you wont be much of the assets that comes with Unity and be creating your own in what ever 3D program you choose, I don't much care for the rocks and boulders that come in Unity if they set on an elevation you can see up into them, back face culling so you can see right through them. Unity is among the only game engine that I've see that was designed to be useful in development of any game genre, most engines are built for 1 genre like the Unreal Engine was designed with FPS in mind, without editing the engine itself Unreal would be a bad choice for an RPG or RTS. So yeah Unity is very much not limited, as far as getting the most pristine graphics that really depends on the 3D designer and the production settings you set within a project, you can get some very pretty graphics if you have the PC that can handle it. If you're looking for a bunch of plug and play scripts made for Unity to make a game in minutes, you're out of luck. You'll have to make them yourself or find someone else that will, programming is part of game development. Without scripting all you will have is a pretty landscape. That's a start, but it's far from the next best seller game of the year. I'm sorry if I'm just beating a dead horse here but I have talked to many people that want to use Unity and do everything themselves but don't want to do any scripting, they end up with an outstanding landscape and the little 1st person camera object, that comes with unity, running around jumping off cliffs and they think that they have a game, call it "Safari Tour - Wheres the Animals". To have a game you will have to script.
  7. AlfiCube welcome to GDU glad to have ya here, now get into the chat XD. We're all petty friendly here and hope you have come to stay. A lot of the same people are still active from when I had first joined some 2000 years ago back in the RMXPU days.
  8. I have a jar of dirt. Anyways welcome Bassfire nice to meet ya, hope that you'll be a regular in the chat on here, it's pretty lonely in there for now.
  9. GDUs Engine Catalog for game development That's my 2 cents worth hope that helps.
  10. From a designers stand point, no. That being said if you intend to work on anything by yourself and actually get a good game completed you will have to have some programming knowledge, be it Java script or C#. If you are serious about game development then you should be ready, willing, and excited to learn to program; many designers and artist in game development have at least a basic understanding of programming, not that it's required but it is helpful. I highly recommend C# for use with Unity, that's just my opinion as I'm biased to dislike, loathe, and hate Java. The reasons I recommend C# over Java is that if you feel you'd like to try game programming away from a heavily graphic based design interface and rather work on some small games as a programmer you have the option to use XNA, which in all honestly is what I would use while learning C# anyways. If you are die hard serious about game development and intend to work in professional game development studios programming is almost definitely a must, not really required but a skill that is helpful to have. So if you just intend to do only the design and graphics for the game then no you don't have to know how to program, but if you are planning to do everything required of the game such as implementing combat, character classes, targeting, and anything else required of a your game then yes you will need to know on of the languages mentioned before. There is also a multitude of resources out there for Unity including some scripts that you can import in and use as needed, though using them is a lot different that putting a script in with RMXP. A little off topic, I would like to start putting up tutorials but I think I may do it a bit differently than your standard tutorial post, instead I'd like to hear what others would like for me to cover and I'll do my best to cover it as fully as possible. I'd rather not cover scripting for awhile since that will be a bit more advanced that the basics of setting up a scene. Send me a PM on what I should cover in my first Unity tutorial, if you have to use scripts to do it I'll let you know in PM and cover it later on, lets keep it simple and basic.
  11. I use it, I would recommend sticking with the free license, at least until you get comfortable with it. There's very little extra that you actually get with the pro license you can check on the site and compare license's to see what all there is, most of which is things you'll likely not use. If you're looking to do console game development then you'll need more than just the pro license, you'll actually need the console license from unity to port your game to which ever console you want to develop for. Even with a free license you can create and release commercial games using it that you can legally sell, and since it's likely that you'll end up creating most of your assets yourself the pro version wouldn't be as big of a deal for you. I was planning to post some tutorials for it later on if you're interested in that. Someone actually bought me a pro license for it yesterday so I'll be using that, yay for friends with money. I'm still likely going to stick with the standard assets and the free downloadable assets from the unity site, for the tutorials I do anyways. I really like this engine and would strongly recommend everyone who wants to do game development get it at the very least the free license. If more people show an interest in it I may look to start a group project using Unity just to see what we can come up with.
  12. Well now I'm hungry. Going to start working on another game, letting my point and click project set on the back burner and ferment for awhile. Working on an RPG for now, torn between 3rd person or 1st person, what do you think?

  13. I may do that. Yeah lighting in Blender doesn't seem to like me, I might import it into Maya and do a fresh render that should make things look a lot better. On that note I probably won't start on that till tomorrow since I'm to hungry to even concentrate right now. Thanks for the feedback.
  14. Not really a drawing, it's actually 3D, I'm going to guess that you already knew that though. I'll work on the lighting some more thanks. I had a little trouble with the lighting on the inside when I first set it up anyways, the light object had way to much intensity at first didn't have much luck finding a proper medium when I lowered it. I may separate it into three lights instead, may try changing it to a spot light too. I'll post both when I get that done, probably later today. Anything else that could be fixed on it? I can take requests, and for that matter any challenges that come my way.
  15. I would suggest getting in and messing with the scripts already available in RMXP or whatever RM you are using. RGSS is pretty simple, you can easily learn the simple stuff just messing with the scripts that are built in and seeing what your 'tweaks' do in game. That's how most of us learned. Other than that go through the help file on RGSS to make sure you know proper syntax and use of functions available, after you get comfortable with that maybe ask for ideas on how to go about achieving a goal you have in mind for a particular script. On a slightly off topic side note, didn't Kellessdee have a tutorial blog on RGSS while we were RMXPU? Then again my memory may be shot.
  16. Worked on this for about 30 minutes in Blender. The back light is a bit dim, more Halloween coming in the next few weeks. Let me know what you think, any and all critique is wanted.
  17. I'm sorry Dave I can't do that, okay finally got that out of my system. Welcome glad to have you aboard, now take this mop and swab the deck, wait wrong movie.
  18. I stay in chat as long as I'm online, which is usually a few hours at a time while I work.
  19. I voted for 4 but I was torn between 4 and 6. If the text in 6 was laid out the same as 4 I would have went with it in an instant.
  20. Since I'm back if I'm online I'm in chat end of story. Same way I did back during the days of RMXPU.
  21. I have tried Action Game Maker. I wasn't impressed with it at all, I thought the whole thing had potential but in all honesty you would be just as well off if not more so just to use Game Maker. Here is why, Game Maker is much easier to use and has the same capabilities as Action Game Maker and then even more. I will also suggest another option, Visual C# and XNA. This is the option I would go with honestly, more flexibility than with Game Maker or AG Maker, tools can be downloaded from Microsoft's website freely, and would be a great learning experience. C# is pretty easy to learn and using XNA just makes things even easier, if you have any programming experience at all learning C# and XNA should be a breeze, even with no programming experience it would be simple enough. These might not be right for you but I would suggest not bothering with AG maker and going another route.
  22. Glad to see people actually remember me, I feel so loved. I may start working on some basic tutorials soon to get that started. It may be awhile yet though trying to figure out the best way to present it, probably either in a video or lots and lots of pictures, though I will most likely not step into scripting for a long time if at all since it is C# or Java.
  23. Yeah sure I'm still learning a lot using it myself, but from what I've done with it so far it's unbelievable powerful as far a engine goes. I'll definitely try to post some tutorials as soon as I get more comfortable with it myself. Though if anyone wants to try it, I would recommend working with XNA first, it's well documented and easy to use, and using it is how I learned C#.
  24. Hey who remembers me, yep I came back after taking a break. Well less of a break and more of a being to broke to afford internet and having nobody nearby with unsecured wireless that I trusted enough to leech off of. I've finished a few very small games in RMXP during my time away, went on to bigger and more complicated things Using C# and XNA for awhile before I finally got myself introduced to Unity3D. Now I am working on a project in Unity that is coming along very nicely, even though I do only have the free liscense which give a lot to work with anyways. Well you'll all see much more of me now and Ill try to do my part as a loal member of the comunity once again.
  25. Okay, so I know I've been a bit inactive for a few weeks with surgery, work, and being completely obsessed with Fairy Tail seeing as how it was only a few weeks since I first learned of it's existence all by mistake. I've been reading the manga, watching the anime, listening to all 3 OST, and even playing the PSP games. I must say this is the first anime I've every enjoyed enough to watch it over and over so much. To those who haven't heard of Fairy Tail before, well go watch it. Fairy Tail is about the adventures held by members of the Fairy Tail guild, in particular Natsu and the new member Lucy, they are joined by Gray and Elza most of the time, sometimes others will join them as well. Just saw the new episode 122, it made me so mad horrible ending I don't like being left hanging like that, doesn't help I'm not that far into the manga yet. So was anyone else disappointed in the ending?
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