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Everything posted by RageMage

  1. Under SOPA the penalty for uploading Michael Jackson music illegally online is 5 yearsin prison, the penalty for KILLING Michael Jackson is 4 years in prison. All I have to say is, WHAT? In what universe is that even close to justifiable? 5 years for uploading but if you kill him oh that's so not near as bad.
  2. Holy necroposting batman. I might be able to help, which maker are you using and can you post your code or send it to me in a PM and I'll take a look.
  3. I can help judge. I'm not planning on joining the competition, I have to much I need to do with my game. I'm not even planning to have a demo out untill August anyways.
  4. Kellessdee for always being there to answer questions and helping out whenever needed.
  5. Finally some time to myself, going to curl up with a good book and learn something yay learning.

  6. I like this idea, though I think it would also be nice to have a chat for each "shop" to be able to talk to 'customers' and possibly giving them quick previews of what they are getting. I know a lot of people are like me and don't like using MSN or yahoo messengers and prefer chat like is on the site, could just be as simple as a seperate chat channel.
  7. There's such a small chance of this happening it's not worth worrying about, and even if it did happen it will never last. Pirating is already illegal and it hasn't stopped anyone yet, the internet is to vast for the government to control completely and honestly taking down one site is just going to result in hundreds more popping up for the same purpose. Take the internet rules: Internet rule 137: Most men are little girls, most women are men, all little girls are FBI agents. Internet rule 138: If it has made an appearnace on the internet at any time it will always be on the internet somewhere. Internet rule 139: If you get a virus you watch to much porn. I think rule 138 applies here, there is no stopping internet users from doing what they want to do, period.
  8. Nice looks kind of rusty which gives it a good antique feel.
  9. Just gotta go with the flow, that and always beat the crap out of the biggest guy in the yard, cause if they in my yard I'm gonna beat them anyways.

  10. Absolutely beautiful, looking foward to the change over. Looks like it's well on it's way and a nice step in the right direction.
  11. I don't do much of any art anymore unless it's for my 3D, I can't do pixel art anymore anyways.
  12. Hey Kange welcome to RMXP Unlimited. I can event practically anything if you need help, I'm no good with the art stuff anymore though. So if you need help with events I can probably help.
  13. Oh Graphics Gale, I remember this program it was very useful when I had used it but I still use GIMP personally.
  14. Pretty good day today, 100% chance of me not being killed by a random alien attack as they inslave humanity.

    1. Bob423


      joey, you're fired

    2. Bigace360


      Really? I swear it was 23. Well not really an issue just making a joke.

    3. Bob423


      you to, bigace

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  15. Boredoom - bored to the bring of death or doom | Let's use it in a sentance - I am at the brink of boredoom, crap and theres the reaper.

  16. Hey, glad you could join us, standard welcome to RMXPU. This definately is the place to come if you need help, I don't think I've been part of a friendlier community online. Just remember pineapples do not make good ammunition when aiming for Marked. XD
  17. In chat a bit bored someone talk to meh?

  18. Just finished cooking and yum does it smell good.

  19. I'm sure you'll figure it out, I would offer to help out if only my net was better so I can't download or upload to well.
  20. Honestly i think of setting the tilesets up properly is one of the easiest things you can do, it is time consuming and monotonus but still very simple. There is also no "wrong" way to use a tileset as long as you use comon sense. There should be no reason not to do this yourself, I'm not saying this to be a jerk just trying to motivate you to doing this for yourself. I say this from experience I've used tilesets set up in a demo by someone else before and 90% of the time I'll find something that I would rather use another way than orriginally intended so just to save you a lot of stress trying to find that one tile you can walk on that you shouldn't be able to walk on break down with a drink a sandwich and maybe even a pillow till you can do it. I also appologize if I came off as being a jerk t'was not my intent.
  21. I never compared myself to them if it seemed as though I was then I'm sorry that I worded it that way, They really should be glad that they have work and get paid anything sure it's not enough but atleast they are making something even if it is only a few cents it's more than a lot of people are making and the same time substantially less than others are making. Scratch this they don't make enough period even what they make wouldn't be enough to cover living expenses. Excuse me. I might not know exactly how things are for them I don't live there or work with them so I wouldn't, I only really know what my situation is like, sure I'm "better off" being unemployed here or would be if I took advantage of food banks and such, I was raised to work for what I get. Yes things in America are so much better but just because one part of America is in such a good shape that you can find another job and no big deal doesn't mean it's like that in all other parts of the US. I'm not saying that my situation is the same as theirs my big point was that anyone who can seriously threaten suicide has deep personal issues, what ever pushes them over the edge is a totally different story be it working conditions or anything else. A job is never worth killing yourself over and there are other options that they could resort to instead. I don't like the way things are but just because we're here discussing it doesn't mean it's going to change.
  22. Honestly, I really don't see how this could affect your average consumer anyways, me personally no it doesn't affect my purchasing choices I might not agree with the way things are done but in reality anyone who can seriously threaten suicide has other issues that are a lot deeper than problems with their job. To tell the truth I think they should be counting their lucky stars that they have a job at all, I've been unemployeed for way to long and everytime I get a job they only hire me long enough to train some half wit kid just because they think in the long run it will lead to them making an extra profit. Companies have low ethics in general it's just the way it is, they treat their employees like crap and then just to make themselves look "better' they donate a portion of their profits to charities, all because it can be noted as a tax write off at least for American companies. This is just a matter of checks and balances to keep the poor, poor and make the rich richer. Other than that I don't have much more to say on the matter.
  23. Finished everything I had to do today early, thinking about doing some work on my game for a change, may just continue my programming instead, might look into getting the title screen art done instead.

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