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Everything posted by RageMage

  1. During a conversation I had just a moment ago one of us had mentioned Napoleon, from this I had made the remark "If Napoleon was alive today, he would be rolling over in his grave begging for someone to let him out", on a side note I still get an error when I try to make a blog on here.

    1. kellessdee


      You could always use blogger, and then just link us your entries :)

    2. Marked


      Haha.. I'll look into the error and see if i can fix it. This software is pretty frustrating sometimes.. random errors here and there for no good reason.

    3. RageMage


      Thanks Marked, I'll migrate my blog when the error is fixed.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  2. RageMage

    Possible CMS

    I started thinking about the menu system I would use in my game and I decided on something similar to the Secret of Mana style menu using a ring around the character, however my plan was to "lay it down" to look more along the lines of a halo that fades behind the lead character. Any thoughts on this or advice on the steps I could take to do this, all help is appreciated. Edit: I should have taken the time to mention that I'm doing this in RMXP and not RMVX. (I don't really like VX because it limits the size of sprites unlike XP, I would probably change how I feel about VX if I knew how to fix this problem as it is the only thing that bothers me.) Got a sketch of the planned rings: Will look something like this when it's completed and working.
  3. Oooh, welcome. Glad you could join us here. I'm happy there is a new scripter among the community now. Perhaps I could learn a few things from you, as I'm learning Ruby (as well as C++) at the moment and having a lot of fun doing so (important to have fun while learning keeps things exciting doesn't it).
  4. RageMage

    Event Issues

    I'm guessing you added an erase event to the end of your event, if you instead create a self switch and then have a new blank page added to the event that would activate when the self switch was activated it will stay "deleted". Erase event only erases the event until you refresh the map which you do when you leave and return.
  5. Anything you need feel free to ask. Anyhow welcome to the community.
  6. Thanks that worked like a charm, I really don't know why I installed them anyways other than the fact that it irks me when something doesn't do just exactly like it's supposed to. I'm not sure if you've posted a link for YARD yet, I'm sure that would be useful. Well I guess there is always Google which I can always rely on. Well never mind. I guess you can always do: gem install yard If that's the same YARD you was referring to.
  7. I installed gosu but for some reason it comes up with: Successfully installed gosu-0.7.41-x86-mingw32 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for gosu-0.7.41-x86-mingw32... file 'reference/gosu.rb' not found file 'reference/*.rdoc' not found Installing RDoc documentation for gosu-0.7.41-x86-mingw... file 'reference/gosu.rb' not found file 'reference/*.rdoc' not found I'm just curious as to what that would mean towards being able to use it in the future, I wouldn't thing I would actually need the documentation for it and when I would need to see it I could find it online right?
  8. Honestly I would suggest keeping to doing it with event's as a transfer event is really the simplest that you can do and considering that events can be copy and pasted makes eventing a much simpler choice. If however you have no kind of barrier around the edge of your map stopping a player from trying to walk to the next map there a script designed to do this would probably be a good idea. Tip for mapping: Though its good mapping practice to try to set up some sort of barrier possibly with crates barrels trees and fences as well as water to guide a player from one map to the next, this can sometimes be difficult if when trying to make a map seem more natural as often you will find yourself having placed lines or groups of triangles of trees and rocks which can make a great natural looking map look not so great.
  9. Haha C++ is C but C is not C++ kind of like a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square. I do agree that the fact that C# and .Net is nearly completely proprietary is a major nuisance, but seeing as how most of the computer users in the world use windows, C# and the .Net framework can and have been proving to be quite profitable tools for software developers, the downside to this is that more and more developers are working with them writing more software for windows PC's while those of us who use Linux distributions are left with well sub-par programmers in general but then again it's more than you pay for in open source.
  10. @kellessdee wow now that is a lot to take in at once, I agree about Microsoft, I honestly can't stand Microsoft either I really only use windows dual booted on my desktop so I can get newer games like Skyrim running (I usually use ubuntu 11.10), I will say that I'm somewhat fond of Visual Studio 2010 for programming, I actually do like the .Net framework at times though I have only really messed with while taking the C# class in college or just the past few days learning C++. I really don't see C and C++ as actually the same language there are plenty of aspects that C++ introduced that wasn't actually in C, like OOP. Which is probably the most notable difference between the two. Calling them the same thing is like hamburgers and steak sure they're both beef but they are still two different foods. I'm like you though I can't really get into web development unless I really have a need for it which hasn't been the case for some time now. As you mentioned with learning several different languages, that is the plan. I'm hoping that while I'm going the insanely large collection of C/C++ books that I have I can also be taking the time to learn Ruby on here as well as a from a few other sources. I have noticed that it seems to be easier to understand an object oriented programming language as it simply is like with real life we deal with objects every day these objects have different specifications like size, color, shape, smell, and even fuse length which to me makes object oriented languages easier to understand and even easier to use. The reason I'm working so hard at learning C++ is that it is the main standard for game development while yes many companies do have their own languages they are for the most part based on C/C++, now however some companies are switching to using C# primarily because of it's deep integration with .Net.
  11. I'm wondering if I should make a blog of the things I'm learning in C++, or if I even have the ability to set up a blog. Not important though back to my book.

    1. kellessdee



      no ability necessary... NOW GET BACK TO YOUR BOOK


    2. kellessdee


      herp derp. I totally forgot, you could also set up an RMXPU blog: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/blogs/

    3. RageMage


      Yeah I tried setting up a RMXPU blog but it gave me an error I'm guessing I need to meet a certain post count or something? As I said it's not really that important, I need to find another book finished 3 yesterday.

  12. While I was taking a break from my book and eating I stumbled across a link to a very very funny story, The Gazebo. I actually found it so funny I fell out of my chair laughing, this also inspired me to create two new monsters in my game as "bosses" that really don't have any point other than humor. I figured I would link it as I thought someone else might find it entertaining as well.
  13. No problem that's what I'm here for. Never know I might need your help sometime.
  14. If you haven't created any events on the map yet then that wouldn't be the problem and in that case it is most likely the keyboard. You could try the standard troubleshooting procedure and try rebooting the computer and try again, and if all else fails try another computer or another keyboard. If you have created an event on the map that has a "set move route" you should try checking if it is set to move the player, if it is then you would have to edit it to be set to move either "this event" or another event of your choosing. Possibly a quick way to check if it was an event doing it or if it was just a problem in your keyboard would be to try a clean new project with nothing done to it at all. If you've already done that then I haven't a clue what else to do. You may want to think about doing a reinstall, it is usually a good idea to reboot after installing new software anyways.
  15. Do you have an event in auto-start or parallel process that is made to move possibly it's set to move the actor instead of itself. Other than that the only thing I could think of is possibly a stuck key?
  16. Now I'm annoyed, I can't remember the method to change a int to a float in C++ saddly I do remember how to in C#, apparently not the same. Anyone know?

    1. RageMage


      Never mind just took a round about way to fix it.

    2. kellessdee


      Can't you just cast them, like any c-like language?

      float x = (float) someInt;

  17. @Polraudio That makes perfect sense. I started looking into ruby when I first joined and I still enjoying trying new things with it and learning more about it just for RGSS sake but I feel like I could accomplish so much more using C++.
  18. The title says it all, which programming language do you prefer and why? As some of you may know I started learning C++ on New Years, I seem to understand it fairly well perhaps that is because I have previous knowledge of C# (even though I've forgotten most of it). While I do have a preference to C++ at the moment I find it to be somewhat messy and for a large part unorganized. I feel that C# was much cleaner and neater code and thus was easier to read, of course this is just my own personal opinion. To any more experienced in C++ than myself any tips on how to organize my code to make it easier to read and find things. I prefer C++ just because it's what I'm currently learning.
  19. Sitting down to watch tv for the first time in about 9 years I realize that the more channels you have the less there is to watch. I found nothing worth watching for the next week and will probably not even look again for a few years, TV sucks.

    1. madanchi


      thats why i never watch it, it's always got shows that never interest me

    2. Polraudio


      Thats why we dropped TV and went with Netflix instead. Netflix is much better and cheeper.

  20. @madanchi Hey most of my goals this year have to do with a career in game development too. What are you planning on going into? I'm hoping to get into programming but I've got a lot of work to do before I can get there.
  21. I haven't played since I ran out of things to do on my second play through had to re-map a lot of the controls since I was so used to playing Oblivion. It still is a great game but until Skyrim's Creation Kit is released I still prefer Oblivion, hurray for mods. Oh, anyone know anything about release date for creation kit soonest I heard was February even though it's practically finished.
  22. The year started off right so far. I still have four arms two legs and three eyes so I'm well now I'm worried did someone dip me in toxic waste?

  23. So it's the new year and I was feeling a bit bored so I thought it would be an interesting time to see how this goes. The title pretty much says it all, where were you this time last year what were your plans for the year and how well did those pan out? Just to finish up what are your goals and plans for this year? I honestly was right here at my computer this time last year, trying to find a job. Sadly the only big plan I had for 2011 didn't pan out, here I am 365 day's later and still unemployed. Other than my big plan I did succeed at a few of my smaller goals but they really aren't even noteworthy enough to mention. As far as my goals for this year go I still have the big one, find a job, but this year I also plan to learn to program as I'm currently studying C++, I also plan to get my game's storyline completed enough to the point that I would feel it is ready to start actually developing. Happy New Year~~ ~~good riddance 2011
  24. Well the past year is finally over. Here is hoping that 2012 will be better. In celebration I plan to focus my attention to learning to program most likely in C++ which I learning right now anyways. Let us hope that by this time next year I will actually be programming something useful.

  25. Well the past year is finally over.

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