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Everything posted by RageMage

  1. Very nice, I see some real potential here. I've just played through twice and can't wait to see it finished, very well done. let me know if you need someone to do bug tests.
  2. Bookmarked. Well I'll be looking into that much deeper as I get more comfortable programming. I'd love to see an opensource project like that because I feel if I ever have the know how and experience to do anything like that myself it would be more beneficial to join a project like that than to start from scratch myself not only for educational reasons but also to assist with the project.
  3. I think personally I like having everything planned out as much as I can just to avoid a lot of mess, and then tweak my plan as needed when working. While in college for game design (that hasn't panned out yet) we had assignments to complete a game on paper to a point of actually being able to play it out with pen and paper like DnD before we could ever actually start working on any other aspect of a game. I'm however guilty of the square peg and round hole when I don't sully plan things out, but when something doesn't fit I make it fit even if I have to get a knife and a hammer to force it. I think as things go though we all have our own way of doing things. As far as this goes I agree, you learn twice as much from mistakes than success. Not sure if you meant to make that point but it still stands clear.
  4. Since I messed with RMVXAce trial for the past week I will probably get it once I get a better understanding and can actually work with Ruby and RGSS. There are a few things that irked me about Ace but they aren't really big issues. Just how some of the "new features" have made appearances in previous RM's at some point in time.
  5. Decided to take some time to actually learn C++ for a change instead of saying I'm going to but never get around to it like usually, I even actually opened up visual studio.

    1. kellessdee


      Yay! I personally would learn C first, but all the power too ya if you want to jump straight into c++ PM me if you want some really good C/C++ e-books

  6. This is the most interesting and creative thing I believe I've ever heard of, I will probably try this sometime soon. Although like you had said the more common way of dealing with writers block is to take a step back and take a break to get a new perspective which is probably why it's taken so long for me to get this far with my story as it is. I've also tried this way but I feel as though things get messy this way, but whatever works. Different strokes for different folks.
  7. Writers block is getting to be a hassle, taking a hiatus from my current project to refresh. I may work on a new project for the time while I get a fresh perspective on what I have on my primary project.

  8. I was working on the story for my game earlier and ended up getting stuck. I got to thinking about what methods I could use to get through this block, and then started wondering about the many other ways we could go about writing a story for a game from beginning to end. I like to get the story almost completely finished before I even start working on anything else. Usually when I'm writing I like to get a rough idea usually about a paragraph. I then look at detailing important characters (usually finishing a sketch of each character) and finally elaborating on the story and setting up a basic flow of events (I usually even get a basic sketch of various maps finished also). Though I get writers block so often it's ridiculous and eventually end up getting off track of the main story or end up adding in another character. So my question to you is what is your preferred method to plan and write and in what ways would you recommend getting through writers block?
  9. Hit a road block, should have a break through soon.

    1. Dragon324


      If u need help dont be afraid 2 ask other than that good luck!

  10. This is by far the friendliest site I've joined really makes you feel comfortable.
  11. Thanks, I'm going through the lessons now they are proving to be very helpful.
  12. Hello everyone, I just joined here and thought it would be polite to introduce myself. As you can all see you will know me as RageMage, or just Rage for you lazies out there. I've got a bit of experience with RMXP and RMVX and looking forward to the English release of RMVX Ace. The majority of my experience is in mapping and events but, I'm hoping to start learning Ruby and RGSS fo that I might add something extra to the RM community. Since I've finished that much maybe I should mention my current project, I've worked on it off and on for a few years developing the story to what it is now. I'm planning to focus most of my free time to completing it. I would love to start a topic on it once the story is at least 80% of the way done. During that time I've also completed a few small non-noteworthy games that really don't take more than 20 minutes to completely play through. In a nutshell I'm here more to be a student in Ruby and maybe I can give something back to the community in return. Glad to be here and hope I get to stick around.
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