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Everything posted by RageMage

  1. It look like an upgraded version of VX on the surface, but you'll never know if the book is any good if you don't take a look at the pages. There are a lot of good new features as well as bringing some of the older features back. I'll admit that there has been very few new features and changes made with the RM series that have been truly noteworthy. Me, I'll probably not be getting it anytime soon since I'm content using the trial, and I'm taking some steps away from the RM series and working with C++ lately.
  2. Ahh distractions are a pain, I got addicted to the Fairy Tail manga and now started watching the anime. Oh well at least it's something to do.

    1. RageMage


      Ahhh episode 122 made me so mad. I should definitely catch up in the manga this week since this latest episode ended like that.

    2. Calvinchun


      I really agreed with you....

    3. Calvinchun


      I really agreed with you....

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  3. It sucks not having internet still, my ISP is really dropping the ball here way to much down.

  4. Not been online much lately, been usy with other things and my net went out completely for about a week there.

  5. RageMage

    just a question~

    The only other version, other than the official Enterbrain release, that I know of was an illegal, buggy, and unstable version that never worked as expected and left a lot untranslated. I don't intend to name it as it is a waste of time when you have the official version already. Don't worry this version didn't have any special features or anything other than the fact it was incompatable, I do not know if you can find it anywhere anymore. There was still RPG Maker VX which changed some things, but it can hardly be called an improvement over XP. If it turns out that VX is the one you was searching for you may want to wait until the English version of RPG Maker VX Ace is released, which I think the expected release date for it is sometime in March.
  6. Hey welcome to RMXPU. Glad you could join us, this way to your room, have a nice stay.
  7. - How about having everything in moduals so that the layout for each profile could be customized for each of us. - Challenge box. - Video integration to show demo videos of upcoming projects. - Quick link downloads for games or demos released.
  8. I wouldn't mind taking a shot to help with this, it would take all the help possible to make this a success. I also have a lot of experience with online RPG's, from working with a dev team (the project never saw release) to being a GM. Send me a PM if you'd like some help with working on this.
  9. Holy, I never knew so much for Willow existed. This is awesome, great collection for a great movie. Kudos for this collection, I have been awestruck. I think I like the figures most out of this collection as they are still in pack which shows a great dedication to it. Any clue as to it's value today?
  10. I get a dead link strangely enough.
  11. Most of them will display a false positive, usually recognised by anti virus as a trojan but it's most likely not, just have to learn to reconize the difference. Theres another option and doing a reg-edit instead, but unless you know exactly what you are doing it's best not to mess with registry as it can completely booger up your system. Theres all kinds of tutorials online for learning how to do this just have to google it. Best option as a last resort would be to run my other suggestion in a virtual box and then killing the box afterwards. This way you will make it harder for you to actually get any virus, even if it is only a false positive. This is what I do whenever I'm running newer software that I don't nessicarially trust or newer software that I haven't ever used before.
  12. I had this same problem when I was activating RMXP, even compatability mode didn't work so if it comes right down to it could do what I had to do keygen, only reason I would use this method is if you have already paid for it which was my case. I'm also not going to post a link.
  13. Wow, that sounds pretty cool, yeah I think that it would be worth it. No point in giving up on a dream and living with that feeling of "what if", I hate that feeling. I think it would be better to try and fail atleast then you could say you gave it you're best shot. On the other hand running a business like this would be expensive to start up, it would also mean failure would hurt, it is a business of course, no breaking even isn't success (it's not failure either). So if it were me I would go for it, I've got nothing to lose other than pride (wait I already lost that, might have dropped it in the yard). Only one question for you... Taking investors?
  14. This sounds like it could be a good idea, but there is a problem that maintaining a game like this would mean a lot of work for for GDU staff. There is the question as to what the intention of an Online RPG for GDU would be, would it be simply a way to use the points earned in the forums, or would it be a way to balance(or unbalance) the site economy? Would there be more to do in said RPG than battling each other or would there be quests in which we could do to earn more points, and experience? Would experience only be affected in the game or would actions taken on the main site(like posting) also affect experience points? Last question I have is who would work on and set up such a game, would only one person set up, maintain, monitor, and update it, or would there be a select 'staff' of members who would do this? I only ask because these would have to be things to take into consideration. Personally if the system is just going to be members battling members then I don't think it would work to well, may start off being a big thing but after awhile it would lose hype quickly, that is the big thing about online games, without newer content being released every so often, they quickly have a loss of use and are eventually reitred to being scrap code until they die never to be heard from again.
  15. Inquisitor released an extra add-on to the tilesets I believe, you might want to check on RPG-palace which is where he had intiailly uploaded them in the first place. The world map tileset actually had numerous mountains, infact one of them I believe was an autotile which had the red-brown color to it. Like I said before check where it was uploaded to begin with. Off topic silightly, anyone know if RPG-palace still has an active community? I know the downloads pages still work as I still find myself browsing them on a rare occasion.
  16. Went to get eye surgery today, gonna be fun since I can't look down for about a week till it heals.

    1. Joey


      ....Oh, lens? Thought it was-...ah well, never had eye surgery. xD

    2. RageMage


      The lens is part of your eye mine was bruised and tore and hasn't gotten better.

    3. Joey


      ...Oh...thinking of contact lenses. xD

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  17. I like the mid age era if it's done right, otherwise I prefer classics. There was a few good games that we're semi-action/semi-turnbased not long ago that was pretty fun, a good example of this I guess would be Eternal Sonata. I like the way games like this mix, giving a set ammount of time to attack before switching to the next character, when done right it makes every battle different like an Action RPG while still making it turnbased. I had to mention Eternal Sonata because it did do this right, if you've never played it before then you should or atleast watch videos of the battle system. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy many ARPG's today, but theres something about turnbased that makes things more strategic. The only time I think the modern style with an active battle system only really works in MMO's. I guess we have yet to see a modern ARPG be done right so there is still hope for it, until then it's Mid-age and Classic styles for me.
  18. The banner I posted is just a layout of something in mind. I actually redid it a bit, I moved the award title and resized the "Award" Notification, also changed it from a trophy to... something, not sure what to call it actually. I actually think this one looks better than the other one, obviously I changed it from Achievement Unlocked to Award just because it could be whatever we wanted, I have just realized I never included a space to show what was done to get the award, may repossistion things again to include that. This could be used as a banner to pop up when reaching an award, and/or it could be used when you hover over the awards in your profile to show what they are and how you got them; the second of which would probably be the faster of the two uses. I'd like to hear some of the creative names for the possible awards too to go along with each of the goals. - Code Monkey for scripts (5), award icon could be an ape head. - Gone postal for the posts (100). - Join the herd for signing up. I'm not sure about the 16x16 icons because that is very very small, barely able to tell what it was if at all, with the 32x32 the icons could be put into a scrolling box to take up less space and have more detail as well as able to see more than a tiny dot, also able to reuse the icons when showing the award "pop-up" and on the award list page, which I'm sure you'd like to have full sized icons with some nice quality. Maybe an example & comparison would be nice.
  19. I think 20 would be a nice place to cut it, could call the achievement "Code Monkey!" I may have another one to add: Time spent as an active member: - signed up - 1 week - 1 month - 2 months - 4 months - 6 months - 1 year - ect... This may be difficult to do but if it can check for the ammount of time actually spent logged on then have it be acumilated time online, starting with having just signed up. Fooling around with Paint for some unknown reason I drew up a mock of a message that could pop up when you reach an achievement, yes I know the art is horrible. A message like the one above could pop up as soon as you unlock an achievement, the image above is 180x32 so pretty small. I know Marked had mentioned to me 16x16 for the trophy size but I think that would be to small the trophy I think should atleast be 32x32 maybe 64x64 at largest, the gray square and tiny "WELCOME" under it fit into 32x32.
  20. That may be possible, much like the annoying beep in the chat now, I think a lot of people would like to ba able to disable it though, I'm one of the ones who likes quiet achievements.
  21. GDUnlimited may have an awards system, similar to that found on console games now. This system as discussed between Marked and myself will be a series of trophies that would be unlocked under meeting the requirements for achievments. The achievments would mostly be simple things suchs as reaching certain post counts. There would also be exclusive trophies for contests and voted events, like MOTM (in which each month would have a different trophy). Awards would pop up displaying messages like if you had hit 100 posts, showing a message saying something like "Achievment Unlocked!: Gone Postal 100posts!". The trophys would be small icons that would appear in the profiles, in what I haven been calling the "trophy case". As well as this but there would be a page listing each of the different trophies possible to unlock, this page would not however show exclusive trophies that would be contest awards. To make things even more worth while there may be a reward of a amount of points as well to go with each award. This idea has been endoresed by Marked. Lets see some feedback, and some ideas to make this even better.
  22. Busy today, will be working with C++ all day, hope to have a new blog post up soon.

  23. Onward to sleep, then I'm gonna get edumacated in sum fancey book lernin.

  24. I've never had trouble with autorun event's, I could sugest a paralle process instead if the problem is not being able to move when it's over. The problem with paralle process though is that you can move during the event unless you halt player movement for the duration of the event.
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