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Everything posted by RageMage

  1. Its's hard for me to say what my opinion of piracy is, for the most part I'm against it as software is outrageously overpriced as it is, but at the same time there are normally very nice useful open source substitutions that work do everything the paid software does and sometimes more so theres most of the time not a reason to pirate anyways. If we were just talking about torrents in general since they are the 99% used standard for piracy I'm not against torrents as there is some much needed stability in downloading using a torrent versus a regular download manager which can cause corupt files if you have internet issues. If I use a torrent it is usually for a piece of software I have already paid for. I'm not against piracy exactly but I'm not for it either. On a side note while sure someone has to pay for the software somewhere along the way for it to be pirated, that one piece of software will be downloaded by thousands of people so the software companies do actually lose out on some of their profit though this is insignificant compared to how much they actually make off a single piece of software released too.
  2. Got a lot to do today probably wont be on much today, I know I'm a little late on my blog entry but the next one will come sometime this week I think I've been distracted.

  3. Got a lot to do probably wont be on much this week.

  4. Lets just sum up my day, Western Digital drives are crap, my neighbors dad is moving in with them and he will kill me, oh and a job I was supposed to start tomorrow was filled last minute by some high school punk who doesn't know the first thing about computers.

    1. RageMage


      Argh, I give up. This dumb ring menu is getting best of me and if I can't even handle this then I honestly should just give up on programming at all. -Gets all depressed-

    2. Polraudio


      Ring menu is a very hard thing to do. Always start off small. Never go for something big when starting out. It will just drive you crazy and make you quit like you are now. If you would have started small you wouldnt be having the problems you are now with the menu.

    3. RageMage


      Ah I'm not quitting I'm just been having a rough day. The ring menu isn't to much of the problem at the moment though I am rolling back to the basics now. Still working on the ring menu just got to step away from it and get a fresh perspective before diving back in.

  5. RageMage


    1: No, what is not always in the above paragraph 2: The man was bald 3: Romeo and Juliet are fish 4: The man wrote the words "your exact weight" on the piece of paper.
  6. What in the heck my cat has gone crazy, for 3 years he never acted like this and now he is being all, affectionate like, so weird.

    1. CrimsonInferno


      Maybe he feels lonely now. :(

    2. Calvinchun


      What is stockholm syndrome?

    3. Calvinchun


      What is stockholm syndrome?

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  7. Hey Marked I think have found a small bug that just started showing up today, when you get a notification to a reply to status it will send the notification message several times, it didn't do this before the maintenance and it really isn't more than just something I've noticed.
  8. Dang, that sounds horrible, did anything good come of it at least?
  9. Best of luck to you. Let us know if you need anymore help.
  10. You would have to do a slight edit to the sprites for them to work, VX uses 3 steps in it's moving animation so you would have to create the 4th step yourself the first step and 3rd step in XP is always the same so you would have to take the 2nd step and copy it to the left of the current first row. VX has set sprite dimensions to allow for multi-sprite sprite sheets while XP uses a formula to do sprite sizes. VX also uses a smaller sprite style which in my opinion is kinda ugly and doesn't look near as good as the XP sprites.
  11. RageMage now with added pineapple, yum. Working on the ring menu not getting far I broke the code I wrote before and everything I fix creates a new break, starting fresh hoping to get the kinks out.

  12. For the weapon customization script I'm not sure what you mean exactly, are you looking to be able to improve weapons like +1 +2 ect, while also adding magic effects to it? As far as the stat scripts go there was a good script I know of that used stat assignment in 4 areas to adjust the 6 main stats if I can find it I'll post a link. VXAce has 8 stats HP/MP/Attack/Defense/MagicAttack/MagicDefense/Agility/Luck if that helps. I'm not sure about the icons if you was to tell what icons you needed perhaps I could scrounge some up for you or possibly make some, I personally would try my hand at creating my own icons though as they are small and easy to make so not a big problem.
  13. RageMage

    Possible CMS

    To tell the truth I had gotten the idea from watching some of the videos on your youtube channel. Can't remember which video it was.
  14. Turns out that the math in my ring menu was simpler than I was making it out to be.

  15. Yeah, VX limits the size of character sprites to allow for multiple sprites on the same sprite sheet. I'm sure you could use a script to allow you to change VX sprite sizes like you would with XP.
  16. You can do that in XP but VX has a set standard for the character sizes.
  17. I don't know the eyes looked good as red, but then again they look good in blue. I guess I would say the red looked better in my opinion but I'm not sure why.
  18. RageMage

    Possible CMS

    Thanks kellessdee that helps a lot, I'm really looking forward to working on this since it will be my first actual "elaborate" RGSS script. Thanks for actually taking the time to explain it. Minor update: I have decided to take the idea to essentially the next level and set it up as a dual ring menu system, one ring to choose a group of options like bag -- character -- skills -- settings and under each of these have a new ring crossing the main ring containing the options in each category. I've pretty much figured out how to make that work now I just have to do it.
  19. I'm glad someone will be finding this useful. Sadly I probably wont have another entry up until Monday, Sunday at the earliest. I've gotten a bit distracted trying to finish coding my ring menu for my game, so I haven't really looked at to much on C++ in 2 or 3 days other than setting up the blog.
  20. Working out the kinks in setting up my CMS for my project. should be simple enough.

  21. Thanks Marked, I've just migrated my blog over. Glad to see that it's back up and running as it's meant to be.
  22. Well I guess I'm now here to share my process from a know nothing to a master Jedi, what wrong movie oh, sorry I meant from a beginner to a decent programmer and beyond. Lets start off by saying I am by no means an expert nor am I here to teach, if by some miracle someone learns something from me then great, if someone is inspired to learn a programming language by this then fantastic, if someone wishes to hunt me down and punch me in the face for this then wonderful just as long as you let me know your coming first. This would be a good time to note, computers are smart but at the same time computers are stupid, a computer can do anything you want it to do, if you want a computer to wipe your rear then you design and build a robot arm and then write a program to execute and make the robot arm do so, this would of course be uncomfortable and pointless but still possible. I'd also like to add that I am using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate edition. I guess now is a good a time to start as any, I'll start off by introducing the new concepts and then add some code making use of said concepts, the majority of these will be console applications so no fancy GUI for anyone yet. New concepts: Comments | something every programmer needs doesn't do anything other than make the code easier to understand and read, not really a new concept but still worth mentioning. Comments are made using // or long comments can be placed between /* and */ #include | using the #include directive I can specify to use one of the libraries. One specific and common example would be #include <iostream> which includes the standard library used for I/O or input/output. using | using allows me to specify which namespace or even just commands within the namespace to use. For example using namespace std; would allow me access to the standard namespace where the <iostream> resides, I could also specify using std::cin; or using std::cout; to specify using cin and cout input and output commands found in <iostream>. functions | functions like the int main() are blocks of code within which I can preform different tasks and usually return a value. cin | cout | I feel it to be appropriate to mention these two together cin is the standard input command used to get input from the user, where as cout is the standard output command used to display output such as text. variables | I'm sure you saw that one coming, yes variables. A variable is data stored in memory that the computer can access at a later time, there are different kinds of variables such as constants, local variables, and global variables, I'm sure I'm forgetting something. There are also different "types" of variables variables can be any kind of data so it is necessary to specify the data type, be it integers, floats, strings, or bool (I'll say more on these another time just to save time. Well I think that is enough new concepts for this time it's now time to write some code, the code written on here will be done using italics as you may have noticed to set it apart from the rest. The program that I will be writing will be a simple console program that will ask for a user's name store it in a variable and then display "Hello" and the name stored in the variable. 1 // Hello User a first look into programming 2 // 3 4 #include <iostream> 5 6 using std::cin; 7 using std::cout; 8 using std::endl; 9 10 int main() 11 { 12 const int MAX (20); 13 char name [MAX]; 14 15 cout << "Please enter a name: "; 16 cin.getline (name, MAX, '\n'); 17 18 cout << "Hello " << name << endl; 19 20 return 0; 21 } That's all there is to it I will go through it line by line however. The first two lines are comment lines where you can really put anything you want. The fourth line specifies to use the <iostream> library. The sixth, seventh, and eighth lines specify commands that I intend to use from the standard namespace. The 10th line declares the main function and the 11th and 21th lines are the opening and closing brackets of the main function, all code between then is part of the main function. The 12th line declares a constant with the integer type named MAX and is set to 20 The 13th line declares a char using the name name that hold the value of MAX. This method of calling strings uses arrays and is more advanced than this introduction covers. The 15th line is an output statement that displays the text "Please enter a name: " to prompt the user for input. The 16th line is an input statement that takes input from the user and stores it in name. The 18th line outputs the text "Hello " and then the data stored in name, then moves to the end line statement endl. The 20th line returns the value of 0 to the function main and closes the program. Please to anyone who knows more about this stuff than me please share if you have a better way of doing something that I've shown here or if I made a mistake anywhere.
  23. Very nice yeah, this sounds like it would be a smash. I can hardly wait for this project to take off. I think the only tower defense game that can even come close to being animal based that I've seen would be bloons tower defense only because it uses monkeys in towers or as towers. It would have been a horrible double entendre if he was only protecting his nuts I guess. Looking forward to it with full anticipation.
  24. This blog will be on what I learn in C++ and will most likely be updated every 2 to 3 days. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/blog/90-ragemages-blog/ I'm hoping that not only will it keep me interested in learning but might also be useful to others that are interested in learning C++. I'm also hoping that anyone who might happen upon it that knows more about it than myself may pour some of that knowledge my way. I'll update this page with links to newer posts as they become available. First post: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/blog/90/entry-279-introductions-and-greetings/ Thanks for any feed back.
  25. Sounds very fun I love tower defense games and this is a interesting take on it, what will the towers be using to stop the oncoming squirrels? I would think it would be nuts, but then again that is what is to be protected right so I'm curious would be an interesting idea to have to spend nuts to protect nuts.
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