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Everything posted by Saltome

  1. Let me try to create an updated summary: Problems: -Mark is developing the website alone. -Lack of organization and quality control. -Low retainability of new members. -We offer no unique services. - I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Tried and tested is a simple and effective strategy. -Insufficient PR. -Supporting outdated software. - I've held on to RMXP for a long time, I still use it. But it gets harder and harder to find help, support and information for it. And the demand for such decreases as well. I think it's time to rethink which engines to support. I also think that it's best we focus on one initially. This engine has to be modern, but also accessible. Unity is fine, but a lotta good it does me when I can't even run the piece of crap on my pc. Well, my pc IS a piece of crap, but that's another story. Seems to be a common trend, though. -Work delegation. - Well, someone has to sit around all day long and make sure the forums are clean. But giving more people more responsibility will improve the site efficiency. Decisions: -"Our purpose is to do anything that helps people develop games." -Rather vast imo, but it's a specific direction. Damn Mark, that was profound as hell. Didn't know you had it in you. x) The next point I want to clear up is: How do we serve our purpose? We could just build up a vast library of resources, but really, that's hard to manage, and generally you want to use unique resources. And people will only come here for the resources, if they couldn't find anyone to help. Hence encouraging low quality developlent. I think a better idea would be actually educating people in the art of creating resources. Another option is simply helping people who already have those skills get in touch with the people who need those skills. This one should yield the best results.
  2. Okay, so far the points that will need our attention are: That Mark is developing the website alone. The lack of organization and quality control. The low retainability of new members. I think Mage is hitting pretty close to the mark. Before we do anything, we need to take a step back, and think about what we are doing. Why are we here? Where are we going? Generally, what is the purpose of this site? To help developers develop? To be a place where developers gather to hang out? To help with publishing and advertisment? Something else completely? Life has it's ups and downs. Maybe now we can make another "up" happen. A little flare can ignite fire anew. So let it burn. *grumble grumble* Nobody ever pulls their punches when I'm trying to join their group, why should I treat them any differently. If you can't take the fire stay out of the kitchen. *squint*
  3. Well, this has been evident to me ever since I joined. While the site seems to have a positive reputation, for whatever reason. it is not running efficiently. In fact, most of the custom posters don't have time to do anything productive. I know how dedicated Mark is to this site, he even kept it despite having the opportunity to take it down and move on with his life, when the domain was expiring. Unfortunately, Mark does not have the leadership to lead this website to it's full potential. And neither do I, so we will have to settle for the next best thing, democracy. So I'll take this slowly, one step at a time. Let's start at the beginning. Do you think this website has unfulfilled potential?
  4. Nope. This thing is not on. We are a defunct league of wannabes, hipsters, and mad raving hermits. Only activity this forum registers is random one man projects, and help requests for said projects. And whatever it is people do in the other sections of the forum. Hmm... This place really could use a little more PR. *is hit by a dawning inspiration* Yup, a big city, too bad nobody inhabits it. A channel like that will probably never run out of material... Btw, feel free to check out the games in my signature and feature them. *chuckle* Anyway, as your friendly neighbourhood cynic I can tell you, it's not so bad to have a bad reputation, as long as you can take the heat. x)
  5. I guess you could say... "Salt" is in my blood! x) Hmm..? Well, unless you know web game development, and/or are interested in making a d&d mmo/platform... Then no, you can't help. ;/
  6. It's important to me. :heart: Of course it's pretty much irrelevant if you can't bother to look at it. >_>
  7. The part that hurts is I talked to him on Skype, he TOLD me to send him a pm, and never even bothered to check it out. *sigh* *rofl* my point exactly! I just hope I'm fast enough to dodge the retributional smiting. :D I think it's time we enslaved him and made him work for us... Sure you do. I tried to move y'alls' asses from the comfy rut they are in. I mean heck. I'd hate me too if I did that to myself. x)
  8. Lol! Sorry! I just couldn't resist. x) Here's the thing. This is the second time I've sent a PM to Marked, Neither one of them was even viewed. At least not from the GDUUCP. Of course seeing them in the notification email is an option. Come to think of it, He isn't the only one I have failed to get in contact with. Of course, that wouldn't really be surprising, on account of my infamous popularity. x) In any case, I'm just wondering, Is there some sort of problem with the PM system, or is the problem between me and Mark? *leer*
  9. Well it's actually all thanks to Marked for having auto subscription to topics enabled by default. This one happens to be one of the few topics I've been in outside the introduction place and the rmxp help section. Now I don't mind having a free conversation in forum. I always found the concept of a forum or email subject. But on most serious forums that is just gonna get your topic locked. And with good reasons.
  10. Well... Maybe I just like to haunt this place. x) *Boooo* And spook the new guys. lol :D PS: Going off topic isn't condoned by the rules either. ;) Such an awful owner.
  11. Oh, was anything I said wrong? I know you are lenient about necro posting. But I don't see a particular reason for this topic to be reactivated. Yeah, well I don't plan to stick around. Us 'real' ghosts can't stay in this world for long after all. ps: It's funny how it took a "ghost" to drag me out of the shadow.
  12. ... Well, that was a sudden outburst on a topic that's been dead for 3 years. Not to mention pointless to begin with. Are you really that bored?
  13. I fully support the idea, I even think it's a bit humble. Why village, why not the world? ;) I do wonder however, do you have any idea how much system resources would such a game require? Granted I'm not all that skilled, I've come to the personal conclusion that it's impossible to make a particularly realistic game. Not with the currently existing hardware, or at least not by stuffing the entire load on a single machine. So on that remark I'd urge you, especially now that you are still early in development, to go multiplayer oriented. Oh, yeah. Please keep the graphic quality down. "Fantastic"? What are you trying to do, retire my 10 years old pc? No performance issues so far though. In any case, you may wanna know that there's something wrong with the rendering of the information panels. ... I mean you are probably gonna remove them completely eventually. But for some reason when you look at them from the left, under just the proper angle they go blank. But they aren't disappearing, they get that strange effect when two surfaces overlap, and the program renders them clipping trough one another at random. I don't know why it only happens at that angle though.
  14. ... Finally someone who understands that, the player being the only one in the entire game who does anything of consequence is a stupid idea. But why are you limiting the concept so much? Why not a generic management script, where you can start any form of organization for any sort of purpose?
  15. Hmm... I'm gonna have to give up on this request. My pc has suddenly decided that being a computer is not good enough for it, and it would rather be a tow truck going backwards. I'm gonna have to sit with it and have a little talk about responsibility and priorities. In reality it may be about time I give it that long overdue clean up, or maybe one piece or another has died completely and I'm gonna need to replace it.
  16. Actually I'm more than willing to step down if you are confident in your ability. I mean do you want the character to be shown all the way from the head to the waist, chest height, shoulder height, neck height, that kind of thing. That's what I wanted to clear up. This is something I can work with, but you are leaving me a lot of leniency, that means I can draw them in a way that doesn't suit them. And you are the only one who can tell me how they should look and behave. Infact, if you don't mind my rambling, professional artists draw characters based on the voice actors to capture their personality and mannerism. Anyway, here are a couple of characteristics I'm interested in: Hair style.(Not that I can do anything fancy.) Body frame. Habits. Boobs. ('Cause let's face it, most players are quite interested in the female anatomy, for "research purposes".) Any other unique or specific traits.
  17. Then what dimensions do the pictures need to be, how far down do you want the picture to show, who are the characters that need to be drawn, what can you tell me about their appearance..
  18. Well, then. What do you need drawn? A bust of each character? Including different emotions perhaps?
  19. Hmm... then why can't you use it again, for your game?
  20. Your english leaves a lot to be desired, I'd advice you to get a proofreader as well. I'm curious where are you actually from. In any case, I don't like doing digital drawing but I may give it a try. But why don't you just get the person who made your title screen and your profile picture? They are certainly better than what I can do.
  21. You can't. The script is built in such a way that as long as each item is in the party inventory it will affect the stats of all party members. If the default rmxp ability to add stats to equipment isn't enough you are gonna need to look for a different script.
  22. Lol! Now now, don't get your feathers ruffled. That's no way to make friends or get help. :u Also, not a descriptive title on that topic. Oddly enough I couldn't find instructions either. However the script looks pretty simple, so try the following. First install it like any other script, add a new empty script to the script editor, just before the "main" script then paste the code in the script page. Second, the configuration, for items it's line 17, for weapons line 25, for armors line 28. You go at the bottom of the list(line 20, 26 or 29), copy the previous line, press enter, paste it on the new line, then change the id to the item you want to have the effect and all the stats you want that item to have, using line 18 as reference.
  23. The idea sounds interesting, just skip the gore, kay? Anyway, are you going to get a team together and what kind of help are you looking for?
  24. Glancing over the tutorial I see that the icons in the attributes tutorial are in the wrong place, I think you have an icon missing. In the main menu the initial transition takes too long, until you can actually input an action. It would be nice if you make it so the player can input commands while the menu is fading in. However a simpler alternative would be to make the fade in shorter. And a thing to consider is that my pc is rather slow, it's possible that this problem wouldn't exist on a faster machine. Still can't cancel out of the turn select, and possibly the board select as well. Hmm, found a little clipping issue. There might be something wrong with the pathing, the AI seems to keep going backwards when reaching this intersection. And I found another crash, might be related to the pathing issue, either that or the AI tried to use one of it's items.
  25. Hmm I'm getting a "stack level too deep" error on line 81 in Screenshots script when I press the F12. That is also happens to be the soft restart key for rpg maker games, so you seem to have multiple features bound to the same key. And before getting any further into the game, I have to object to it being in brazilian only... Also I seem to be unable to cancel my choices during the new game set up sequence, that's something you might want to change. ...And with a missing audio file crash on the second turn, I think I'm gonna stop playing. Screenshot. Anyway a board game in rpg maker doesn't seem like a bad idea, I've thought about it myself. But I'm not sure I approve the direction you are taking.
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