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Everything posted by Saltome

  1. Mark, I think this should work is like a martial arts class. As you learn you gain new ranks and then you can teach people who are of the lower ranks and to participate in projects that need someone not above your rank. Moonpearl, i don't completely agree. There is absolutely no need for a designer to learn scripting, but they can still be taught how to design good games. People who request scripts are people who have ideas but cant realize them, and people who make scripts are people who can make code, but don't know how to make it interesting. Of course at some point you can learn both things, but you need someone that knows what you don't until you can get there.
  2. Hmm, best way to teach is by giving people a task they cant complete by themselves, tell them how to solve the problem, and let them figure out how to apply the solution by themselves, giving them hints to nudge them in the right direction as needed. This is also good because they can participate in a creation process while still learning. Though I dont think there is anything wrong with having a set tutorial so you can learn what's what. Personally I prefer learning the building blocks from a tutorial, and figure out how to put them together by myself. Infact the very first thing i do when i teach someone something about making games is, "go read this tutorial". Then I give them a task and advice on how they can improve their execution and why it works. Its important to know what kind of tasks to give and when, to keep a balance in the number of students each class has, build a teaching plan, grades and stuff, in general making an effective school is kind of a hasstle. Which explains why nobody has ever done it right in the past :D
  3. Saltome

    common event help

    Yes he could, infact he can use a single common event to increment the phase and update the graphics, two variables to keep track of the current phase and time. Unless he wants to have an actual clock like you suggest, but such detail isn't really needed if all he uses it for is to change the screen color. Um didn't see you there Albertibay, how about i just go and make you a new common event. Unless you want to send me your project to see the exact conditions i cant think of anything else. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?5kkqdd17laeuoi5 Here, just copy the common event and the map event. Its set up so it goes to next phase of the day every 60 frames, which means once every second. Change the conditional branch that checks Time>60 to however many frames you want each phase to take. And don't forget to change the color every phase uses.
  4. Now i like your attitude, you are going places, not just keeping the site up for the sake of having it up. As far as adds go i agree with Wyzrd i usually don't even notice them, and even if i do. who cares? They don't really prevent me from doing what I'm doing. Wyz, its not the site that has potential its the community, I've been on quite a few online comunities, some of them better than others. But I've never seen one with so much ardor and collective consciousness. It seems things are hectic right now, but when they calm down I'd suggest becoming a video game publisher, to make a profit off all the original games that are made here, while helping people make their games. And while we are on the subject of adds. I'd suggest using them more openly, and you can have an option in the user CP to disable\enable them. That way you will make more profit off guests, and the users who dont mind having adds in the background for their own community, while not irritating the people who (for some ungodly reason) think that adds are such a huge problem.
  5. 9$ a year? Im sold! :D It's certainly more than i make right now.
  6. Saltome

    common event help

    Ok first of all, you have no waiting times in your morning stage, so it completely skips over it. Other than that it works fine, the only problem you might have is when you go back to the map where you start the game it messes up the clock since it starts it again. To fix that go in the event where you first activate the Morning switch. Add a conditional branch, with self-switch A is OFF. Then inside the branch put the switch that starts your clock, also put a Control self-switch event, and set A to ON
  7. Saltome

    common event help

    Hmm you missed the morning picture and copied the afternoon twice. And i kinda need it too.
  8. Saltome

    common event help

    Well im not sure, it would help if i see the events you are using in order. Edit: Maybe when the day passes you dont set the phase of day back to 1?
  9. Saltome

    common event help

    Hmm, they shouldnt do that unless you are telling them to. What exactly is reseting, the actual time of day or just the lighting?
  10. Every obstacle i face makes me more determined not to let anything stand my way.

  11. Did Did you possibly put it at the wrong place? You are supposed to put scripts at the bottom, just above Main script.
  12. Well the script itself seems to be great, havent seen a bestiary that has been worked on so much. But you have to wonder about all those issues with download, compatibility and instalation...
  13. Unfortunately i didn't find a way to disable recipes without cutting into his code. Thats why I am only giving you a temporary solution, until he handles the problem himself, or allows me to do what needs to be done. For simplicity's sake I am giving you an addon script, just put it in a new script under his, but keep in mind that you should delete my script if you want to use any future versions of his script. All this does is enable/disable recipe items. To disable recipes set @recipe_mode = false, and back to true to enable them again. I could make an actual recipe book if you really want, but I'd rather talk to him before doing something so dependant on his script.
  14. Saltome

    Mail System

    Lmao! I'd just like to say, that her signature honestly filled my heart with joy. Anyway if you are still having problems running the script I dont mind looking into it.
  15. Saltome

    simple DBS help

    Yep its possible. The question is, what exactly do you want to do with it?
  16. Eventing class The line "Status" is in between the line that indicates the beginning of the teacher's list, and the list itself. Graphics class Says "Scripting teachers", not "Graphics teachers".
  17. Hmm, if you have a bug ill sniff it out, and fix it. I can add on existing scripts, but im not too confident about making scripts from scratch.
  18. Actually that bug occurs when the script tries to add interest that equals zero to your account. Basically there is no failsafe to prevent the code from passing an empty variable to the function that crashes. To solve it go to "NUKA - Adv Inventory System" script, and replace lines 3597, 3598 and 3599 with these: $game_party.store_inbank_copper(@copper_interrest) if @copper_interrest!=nil $game_party.store_inbank_silver(@silver_interrest) if @silver_interrest!=nil $game_party.store_inbank_gold(@gold_interrest) if @gold_interrest!=nil
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