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Everything posted by Ardaceus

  1. There is no possible way I'm fairly certain that you can make an animated battler in RPG Maker without the use of scripts. The only way to have somewhat of an animation for battlers is to change the battler to a different battler with the same stats, but a different picture being used to represent the battler. If you really badly need to achieve what it is you asked for, there are two ways I know to do this, depending on what kind of battle system your game is. For Side Viewing: Most side view scripts use animated battlers, as that's like, the big part of side viewing. I see that you use XP, and since that program does not include side view battles, you'll need to import a script. There are many out there for use, but I can't really say which one is the best because I don't use XP. Or, MV has a side view battler option, which is pretty sweet considering it gives a full explanation on how to animate battlers. So for that, you won't have to import scripts, but you will need to buy MV and also convert your project to that format which is a real pain in the *Bark*. These are some side view scripts for XP http://moonpearl-gm.blogspot.ca/2012/11/monnpearls-animated-battlers.html http://www.gdunlimited.net/scripts/rpg-maker-xp/custom-battle-scripts/minkoff-s-animated-battlers-enhanced http://www.hbgames.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=62914 For Front View: You would definitely need a script for that. I don't know any scripts actually for front view, so you'd have to search yourself around the internet, or learn yourself on how to make them by learning RGSS1. So that's all I got. Hope it helped.
  2. Name: Whatever you want Aliases: Ardi, Ardaceus, RDCS, Ardacassa, R-D Sex: Smeh Skin: Pale White Birth Date: January 2nd 1999 Height: 6' exactly Weight: Slender. I don't know besides that. Shoe Size: Big Eye Color: Pale Green Hair Color: Like a molasses chocolate. Favorite Color: Silver/white with red and black lining. Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings: Nada. Glasses/Contacts: Glasses, I can't do contacts because my eyes would push the contacts behind the eye. Dating/Marital Status: Broke up a few months ago :/ Sexual Orientation: Demisexually Straight Religion: None. I never talk about religion to people. Family: Mom, Dad, Step-Mom, Step-Dad, Sister, 4 Step-Sisters, 2 Cousins, and 4 uncles. And my favourite Grandma and Grandpa :) Pets: 1 year old Dark Choclate/Vanilla Havanese named Kato Occupation: Highschool Student, looking for a part time job. Schoolin': Public Secondary Favorite Music Genre: I have a few favourites, VGM, EDM, Electronic, Techno, Classical, Steampunk and everything that is Daft Punk. Favorite Video Game: Undertale, then Okami, then Dark Souls 2. Favorite Book: And Then There Were None. Favorite Food: Spaghetti, Sushi, and Enchiladas. Favorite Drink: Root Beer Favorite TV Series: I don't watch TV, only Netflix Favorite Anime: Kaichou Wa Maid Sama... yeah, I like it a lot. Favorite Live Action TV Series: SHERLOCK! Favorite Cartoon/Western Animation TV series: Batman, the Animated Series Favorite Currently Running TV series: Steven Universe Favorite Movie: Spaceballs. Or The Dark Knight... Favorite Actor: Johnny Depp. Favorite Voice Actor: I have no clue who any voice actors are, or many actors in general. Preferred Web Browser: Chrome Preferred Email Service: G-mail Website?: It's a combination of Soundcloud, DeviantArt, YouTube, GDU, Cookie Clicker, and G-mail, all at the same time. Vegetarian?: Green is my 2nd least favourite colour. Location: Ontario Canada. Farthest away from home you've traveled: St. Petersburg Russia Likes: Drawing, Animating, Spriting, Composing, Anything with computers, Lego stuff, Video Games, Eating Enchiladas, pasta, or sushi. Also I like creating and looking at Fandom Trash. Dislikes: People in Real Life, Jeopardy, Anything to do with talk about celebrities. Photo of Me: I don't remember the last time I was in a photo. Do you drink?: I'd be under aged, and I hate the smell and taste of alcohol. Do you smoke?: I sometimes smoke hotdogs. Did you, or do you ever skip classes?: When I was in Grade School. Do you get enough sleep daily? I think so, though I don't need much sleep cause I take breaks throughout the day. Have you ever flown in an airplane: YUS!!! SUGOI SUGOI O MAI TSUNDERPLANE!!! Have you ever broken a bone?: I've broke more muscles than bones, and I've only broken one muscle. Life Goals: To eat Pasta, Sushi, and Enchiladas every day. Who do you admire?: Toby Fox and Andrew Hussie. Are you into sports?: What is this... Sports? I think it's evil! What is your dream job?: It would be great if I got into Game Design, but good if I got into computer programming. Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous? Right is Love, Right is Life. Consoles/PC?: XBox 360, PS2 and 3, PC, Mac, and a lonley Wii Mac or PC?: PC for social use and creating my game, Mac for composing and photo manips. Other information or useless facts: I'm a ghost
  3. Finally, this website is back online, I've felt lonely not being able to haunt the chat.
  4. Huh, it's been a while since I looked at this. Please Darkness, cometh back to us!
  5. It's alright, that version had a loooooootta problems with it, I would like to define as many problems as possible with that game version.
  6. I laughed when I saw you didn't understand how the save crystal worked. The reason why it looks the way it does is it just lagged whenever it brought the screen up because of the heavy eventing and the script that made 1 save file, so I took the whole screen out. [spoiler=And now I" mma be frank...] (Title Soundtrack) No it is not. Though I like the resemblance though. I wouldn't know for I am not an American, I'm Canadian. Actually, the name of the main title theme is called "Castle in the Sky" by Murray Atkinson, he's one of the main composers in my game. (VX Ace Maps) Thank you, I made them better in the new version I'm working on. (Char. Icons) Yeah... I completely took those out and switched them for something wayyyyyyyyyy better. I agree with you. (Movement) Thanks. (Sudden Title Screen) I can't fix the title screen, RPG Maker being how it is :/ (Organized Eventing?) I'll need some examples. I think you are referring to the city scene and the forest scene with the witch and wizard. (Animated Chibi Sprites) Animations and the art style is why I don't like the Mac sprites. I also added in a lot more sprites and animations for the next alpha. (A Tale of x) It was more meant to introduce you to the main characters... I can't change that without taking away something later in the story that is very important to the plot of the whole game. Sorry if you don't like it :/ (Loud Volume) Good point, I'll see about tuning down the volume a bit, I did it for the sound effects already because I found them way too loud. (Text Stops) Dangit, I thought I got all of it. (Crystal Caves) That is just a prototype for now, I'll be building that area myself and animate and draw in all the crystals when I get to that part of the game, then I'll change that whole layout in the scene, BECAUSE THE CRYSTAL CAVES IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST AREAS IN THE GAME! (Unskippable Cutscenes?) :P Never will happen. Sorry. (Switching Perspectives) Yeah, those are two totally different perspectives. But those perspectives are people that know eachother. And yes, the narrator of the second part does know what's about to happen, the narrator did experience it firsthand and knows it as fact. And actually, Enigmatic is the perfect word to describe the narrator, this sounds more like a positive to me to be honest. :| (Star Wars) I personally love star wars to be honest, and put a secret eggs to Star Wars in the game if you notice them... but yes, the long text is gone. I removed it because even I agreed with many people who told me it that it sucked. (Scrolling Text) I agree. It's gone forever, but not the map you saw in the background, that can stay. (Changed Perspectives? Once Upon a Time?) I didn't change perspectives, still same narrator, but a long time later after that first narration happened. And about the 'Once upon a day, from once upon a time', I like this cliche a lot to be honest. So my apologies if you don't like what I like. (But I guess it doesn't matter anyway because that stuff is out of here) (Maps become more organized) Let me tell you a story... that tower and the inside of the tower... and that bit of forest that the main protagonist runs through... are the first maps I made in RPG Maker... I haven't touched them for a long time... about 9 months I haven't touched a single tile, and I'm going to change them for the next alpha. (Demon King Typo)It was splendor, wasn't it? I've already been told that 50 times. My father, my sister, my mother, my brother, my best friend, Bob, some others... even my dog would likely tell me that. (Wait did you call him demon king?) That's kinda funny. (My age is showing) So yeah... I made that scene like a year ago... I took it out. (YOU STOLE EVALICE) ........................... Umm, I didn't know what Ivalice was until today. I can't believe I'm the biggest Final Fantasy Otaku on this website and I didn't know that. And if you want to know where I got inspiration for the name Evalice, I didn't steal it from Final Fantasy, I just spent a whole day while in Edmonton, Alberta just writing a bunch of names on a sheet of paper, like Hinetsu, Bejebave, and Constallos... But Evalice beat all of them... but I liked Hinetsu and Rendric out of all the names on the list and made those into smaller cities. I'm actually rather surprised because I thought somebody would say that Damsca = Damasca. But hey, that's just me. (Long Cutscene) I took out the long scrolling text, and the scene with, 'The Demon King', and improved the text to be a little faster... hope you like. (The Main Character) The first narrator is the main character. I improved her text a little bit, but she is still annoying. (Dragon) THANK YOU! I've always wanted someone to say that the dragon is cool. And in this new alpha, he looks even better. (Save Crystal) It works just fine... Like I said, just touch it and it automatically saves to a single file. I actually changed the sound it makes, and put in a text that says "Recorded Story". (Battle System) The 1.3 version is rather crap to what I now have, but let me go through the changes. (0.1.3) It's using the aetelier rgss battle screen. But hell I don't like the faces. Most of the graphics used came with the script. Victory screen looks too generic. (0.2.1) It's using the aetelier rgss battle screen. But man do I love the face sprites. All graphics are custom. Victory screen looks awesome. (Random Encounters) I warned that the encounter rate either loves or hates you. But in the new version, I've increased the amount of steps it takes in every area... so they are less likely to occur. Though this makes grinding a pain. (Annoying Accents) HAHAHAHAHAHA you didn't get far enough in the game to know how much truth is in that statement. (Game Over Screen) The graphic actually changes depending on some circumstances... and also, I changed the theme that plays in the background to something rather cool. Afterthoughts​ -1. I prefer to not follow the norm when I creatively write. I prefer to have people not understand what I'm writing at first, then completely destroy all their funny thoughts of my work when they see just how much work I put into something. -2. About my sense of humour, you'll find that I put more jokes into areas that are not a part of the main story. While I can't help myself if I'm a joker, I do put a lot of thought and serious devotion into my work. I just do what I want to do. But yes, maybe I should tone down a little bit... Or maybe not. -3. ._. I don't know how to reply to that because I agree with it. -4. You need to get to the city to understand how much work I put into the mapping. ... or just wait until the new alpha comes out. So thank you for the critisismasimum. It gave me a few things to think about.
  7. Sound effects are a really cool idea, I certainly could use some in my video game :cute: Cause I don't have access to many sound effects for ones I find online are too expensive, too crappy, or not meant for commercial use, to which I've had to do some Foley SFX of my own. And I was just going through your music and I realized "Disturbed Soundscape" sounds a lot like "System Failure on Europa" and it just blew my mind.
  8. I personally like to look at what level the player should be at, then I look at the surroundings, and what kind of enemies are in the area. I tend to make their difficulty based on what they are, but at a fair level I intend it to be at. Like for example, in the first forest of my game, I put small critters as weak things which aren't really powerful. You can take them out easily, but the foxes which are the odd one out, as they are not critters, are more powerful, since they are a canine, and they also have magical properties to make them a bit more stronger. But then when you get to a camp, I purposefully make the soldiers in the camp stronger because you wouldn't train a soldier for 5 years to be as stronger as this thing. Like seriously? If I'm going to make you fight a soldier who has the same abilities as you, he is damn well going to kick your ass! But if the player has more skill, they can beat the soldier, it's more of just relying on the skills of the player. But of course a difficulty curve is good, but think of it as a linear scatter plot. It really should be pretty logical, or if you want to get funky: Just try to make sense with your battle system. Or you could just make all of your battles less needy of power and more on thought, like in Undertale's Pacifist route where you can beat the game just fine without needing to level up, but still has a good difficulty curve as the attacks don't get stronger, but become more difficult to dodge, and have new mechanics. Or in stealth/shooter games where you don't have to change to different equipment, and just use what you got to beat any foe, no matter how strong they are. It's up to you.
  9. Ardaceus

    Merry Easter

    You do know that New Years is different in different places rite m8?
  10. Ardaceus

    Merry Easter

    Happy Easterweentinemas everybody! So what's everybody been upto? Well... cause I have had a rather meh day today. Had diner, got candy, saw pics online of scary easter bunnies that shouldn't exist, it's great.
  11. Ardaceus

    Cut scene help

    Good to hear you got it to work. I've never heard of any glitch like that in Ace. And for tutorials, there is a whole tutorial section here on GDU covering a lot of cool things and to give tips and tricks which can be found in the header of this website, or go to the link here. http://www.gdunlimited.net/tutorials Good YouTube channels I know of that give good tutorials are listed below. https://www.youtube.com/user/VenthrosD https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPkLr0ujNt1jXTAof-zkUTQ https://www.youtube.com/show/rpgmakervxacetutorials Also, another option is to read the instruction manual that comes with the program that can be found in the help menu at the top of the screen. It covers things from as simple as drawing in tiles, to hacking the program itself using scripts in the engine. And if you need any live help, I'm almost always in chat. I'm in chat right now if you ever just want to talk or need help with something that anyone who is in chat can help you with right away as long as somebody is in chat.
  12. Ardaceus

    Cut scene help

    Yep Scripts? Scripts are the greatest thing ever in RPG Maker! You can go to places like http://galvs-scripts.com/ http://yanfly.moe/yep/ http://himeworks.com/ https://cphouseset.wordpress.com/ or whatever, and make your game look more beautiful or add in extra features like crafting, stealing, gambling, or whatever you want! You can find them on the dashboard. Just search a tutorial on scripts, they are super great! So I guess then that scripts aren't the problem. Try to copy exactly what I did here. Hope it will work.
  13. Ardaceus

    Cut scene help

    Huh, weird. I got a few more ideas. Turn off the custom move route/change it to fixed. Make sure that there is an animation for the one you selected, and that you have the necessary files in order to have the animation play. Check the scripts you are using, maybe one of them does something funny to your animations. The conditional branch is unnecessary, as you have no reason for there to be something else played in that moment. Maybe post a screenshot of the animation itself, maybe I can spot something wrong there. This is a weird glitch I've never seen before.
  14. Ardaceus

    Cut scene help

    Three possible things to take into consideration. (The 3rd one is actually a huge issue) 1. The Dark All animation is a screen-wide effect, so it's huge and may not aim directly at Lucy, or may go very far. Also, there might be nothing showing/appearing in the frames of the animation... for some reason. I doubt this is the problem though. 2. I see you are using a custom move route... BUT DON'T USE THAT FEATURE DURING A MAIN CUTSCENE! The reason is why because when you have the scene set to autorun, it will not run the custom move route because 1. The event will only appear for interaction and execution if the conditions are met, which I see are. But there is a difference when you use triggers. The trigger "Action Button" will only run the event's contents if the player uses the action button on the event's box. But while the trigger isn't reached, it will do whatever the custom move route tells it to do, for the trigger is not being activated to run the contents. So if auto run is used, it won't look at the custom move route, for the trigger is automatic to play the contents over and over again until the event is destroyed or set off. 2. If you want the custom move route to appear in a scene like this, you'll have to use the "Set Move Route" command in the contents of the event so that Lucy will move around. 3. I bet this is the issue... The scene is complete, and you aren't making use of the wait option, so it's making an infinite loop of instant animations. If you take computer science, you'll know this is the one thing you do not want to do when using a 'while' or 'for' loop or whatever language you are using. So let me run down what's going on in this scene you have. You have it set to autorun if the condition is met, so it will automatically play the scene as long as the condition is met, which is the 001:lucy switch. You forgot to turn it off at the end of the event, or use the option "Self Switch (A,B,C, or D) ON". So since the game sees nothing else to do, it will constantly run that same event forever, without letting the player move again, or anything else to move besides events that have their own custom move route, and are not affected by the current running events. Then you didn't use the wait feature between both of your animations to play on Lucy and Craig, so since there is no wait time between activating both of your events, it will play each animation at the same time... millions of times in a second... and here's the problem. Only one animation can be played at a single time on a screen, so it will play frame 0 of each animation without the delay in between the 'Dark All 2' and 'Hit Fire'... so nothing will appear on your screen. If you want to fix this, read this carefully: An animation is run at 15fps, or 15 frames in a single second of an animation. The game is run at 60fps, or 60 frames in a single second of gameplay. So 1 frame of animation is equal to 4 frames of gameplay. The wait command in an event works for the game's fps, which is 60fps. So when you use the wait command, put it at 4 times the amount of frames in the animation's total frame count. So do something like this: ... ... ...Or I just realized you could just go into the animation selection menu to an event or to the player and put on the wait function... that would work too. So yeah... all of this was pointless when I could of just told you that last bit of info... Hope it helped.
  15. Hopefully you didn't punch your computer when you found out about this Marked... or else you would need... Tech Knuckle Support...
  16. I really like the looping versions a lot, though I have to make them ogg in audacity to get the perfect looping timing, it still is super awesome!
  17. When I get the new alpha ready, I'll release it and do a post on it. But tell me in the poll up above what you think of the current version available.
  18. If you haven't played the actual game yet, I would appreciate if you did and gave me your thoughts on it. Choose all the answers above you like most, and would like to see in the next Alpha... which is going to be 10x better. I'm adding in for the next Alpha: The School Fixes to the Battle System New Graphics (Such as trees and decorations) New Character Skins Dialogue Fixes 2% Smaller Intro Less Scrolling Text Like Way Better Dialogue I Spent 29 Hours reviewing all the dialogue okay More Items Few More Abilities Balanced Weapons and Armours More Money Foreshadowing Events... Fixed the Bugs Below Bugs in Alpha 0.13 Some Fences Can Clip the Character Dialogue Cut Offs The Script Screwed Around Some Parts of the Battle System and Variables The Lock On Ability Crashes the Game The Music in the Sewer gets Weird at some parts Lag Birds Fly too slow Other Ghosty Stuff Behind the Scenes I'm proud with what I've done so far... and I want to get out Alpha 0.2 out soon :) And I promise it won't be the same as the first time I tried to get out the game.
  19. I tried it a while ago, and I just wanted to use the screen recording part of it... but sadly, it doesn't record screen audio with the recording -_-
  20. Judging by your signature, you seem like a pretty fun dude XD But yo welcome back to the GDU Hotel, we hope yo enjoy yo stay.
  21. Please I wanted to try Tenebris. And I really don't see any problem with continuing a project as long as you have permission. I think that's happened a few times on this site already.
  22. I was so confused by the title of your post then I realized XD Anyway, welcome to GDU! :D
  23. If you have some spare cash on hand, and if you have the Steam version of RPG Maker, you can buy some resource packs off of Steam that provide you with cool looking resources that I'm pretty sure can help with what you want. And also you can look around on the web for people who can provide you with resources as long as you credit them properly for what they ask. Like RedPandaMaru, or Sithjester. Hope this helps :)
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