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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. This is interesting, but I't be better if the character disappeared! And polraudio, how would someone go about doing that?
  2. *looks for differences* I see a cliff thingy at the top next to the dirt but.. Also please put it in spoilers!
  3. Ah, I see. Yes, we all do things out own way, but arguing and having good conversation is necessary in a project. And nope, I don't even know what Soul Eater is.
  4. Well you can use image shack! Go here. Click browse. Find your image and click okay. Select click on the bar that says "320x240 (for websites and email)" and select "optimize without resizing". Click "start upload!". Copy the "Direct link". Click this button when making your post: Paste the link in the little text box. This will automattically place [ img ] tags around the picture. You could skip this step and just write [im g]www.imagelinkhere.com/myimage/34[/im g] without the spaces.
  5. I like the idea of changing colors in game, but that can be done via RGSS. I understand, totty, that this baby doesn't use RGSS. I'm just trying to get a spark going so you can think of a way to make this better than RMXP and RMVX.' (RGSS2 can be used in RMXP just so ya'll know)
  6. I like your theory mate! I could never get conditional branches with buttons pressed to work, but that seems like it should work.
  7. Kiriashi

    For Paulo

    I don't get what you're trying to say here, but nice chess board!
  8. ShinyToyGuns, talking about who you are and aren't going to give rep is unnecessary and can start a mini-flame war. I suggest you don't do it! :lol: You can also make people feel bad. I'm not saying you did, I'm just using you as an example. And in my opinion, you should use your quota for reputation points whenever you see a post that deserves it, not save it up for other people! If you do give people reputation, then go ahead and say it. : D Nice tutorial miguel, you put a lot of effort into it! Rep Plus! ShinyToyGuns, do you understand switches now or should I also make a tutorial? (I'd do something different I suppose.....) I'm in the mood to make a demo... hehe...
  9. It's funny you posted this because I was setting up a contest with Polraudio yesterday that is quite similar to this. :) I think this is a great idea! And, zane, you'd be surprised; most people on this site are very easy to work with and don't cause a lot of trouble.
  10. This seems to happen a lot over there... :dragonhug:
  11. (please edit posts instead of double posting) I don't know... he just said "You are free to use any world map tileset" which doesn't say what you can't do.
  12. Same here! And see some as well! If you need ANY help at all, then just ask.
  13. -File -Compress Game Data -Click on the Encrypt button. -Your done.
  14. For one, he could have the map in the background when looking at it, and the picture can scroll with like the up and down key or something... I like it miguel. Whatever you saved your picture as ruined the quality though...
  15. :dragonwant: These are awesome! I didn't know the stars were working again Polraudio... hehe :5: Emmy!
  16. No problem dude. I'm currently making your priced shop one now. Yup. It'd be hard to script with my RGSS skills. :( There is a little scripting in my system but only called scripts by use of events.
  17. I like it but.... well don't you think you should use a tileset? Maybe it isn't against the rules... I dunno.
  18. Ah, like in harvest moon or something? I can't think of anything at the moment... but I will ponder :lol:.
  19. The purple aura looks kinda' odd IMO...
  20. BY RGSS I think you mean RTP. I have no clue who the artist is...
  21. That map is not showing up! Re upload it mate!
  22. Hehe. I'm sorry to all ya'll. I overreact a lot... I'm making one with prices now.
  23. It is indeed. I am making my map as we speak! :P You're on!
  24. Kiriashi

    Think everyone rembers

    What is it that you need us to do? Just read that topic.
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