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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. So there is nothing to learn when making a transition? I never really knew how to make one, but if it's as easy as just making the image, I wanna do one! This is a cool transition Shiny!
  2. (Please make the same changes I mentioned in the minimap script topic. Polraudio please move this out of requests.) Thanks for posting this miguel. It is quite a cool script.
  3. Why is this in script requests? If you don't need any help with it, then could someone please move this to RGSS and RGSS2 scripts. And please put the script in a spoiler Miguel. Also, when posting images from image shack, copy the direct link. We don't want a bunch of pop ups all over the place. (I suggest putting that direct link in image tags as well) Thanks for posting the script!
  4. I love this script so much! Thanks for uploading Marked! :lol:
  5. ...? What Joey? Now I wanna know what you wrote! :angry: lol
  6. Nah man, I was never upset. I was just playing around when I made that sig thing.

  7. Hey man. What'cha been up to?

  8. *Laughs at videos, and sets all his other posts to no sig* "Crap, I never did have the stick. HOW DID YOU KNOW?!"
  9. Of course! You're a good friend! Just look at my signature. *grins*
  10. Well (my OPINION) I don't really like the idea of crossovers, but as long as you have all of your jokes, dramatic scenes, and action tied together in a way that fits, then I'm sure you can come up with something great. I can't really say anything else without knowing a little more about the story. I also would like to know more about your anime (or did you mean to say manga?). Are you going to be using a lot of the characters from those stories, or mainly their elements? I think it would be better to go with the latter, but a firm mix could work...
  11. You should state which request has a higher priority. The down sprite or the poses?
  12. BUMP: (Yes I know, the last post was in July. My post has purpose.) Well he should. I recently re-played through this (Well I never actually got through the earth cave in my first go) and LOVED IT! I don't think you need to edit anything in the game so far. The monsters appear a lot, but I think it's better to have a challenge. The inflation system is brilliant. I loved how when I went back to the Mountain Shopkeeper after defeating the earth spirit, I could buy things at a cheaper price. When was the last time you made progress on this Leon? I really do want to play the rest of this game. Get on yahoo sometime (PM here whenever I'm not on yahoo) and I'll talk to you whilst you make the game so you can get some motivation :) . 8.9/10 so far, and I mean that. :mellow: Seriously, this game really is fun. You NEED to continue. Keep it up man! EDIT: Also, when you finish this game, I will defiantly write a full review for it and advertise. Well I'll advertise now. :) Lemme go make a banner. My playtime was 2 hours 55 minutes xD
  13. I think with the house at the bottom he was going for a side door house. Well actually I know he was, yet that is a really bad idea. I've played through a bit and have come to see that your NPCs are a little bland. They all say the same things, and most of the time there is no point in talking to them. (And remember, this is all just criticism, so don't think I'm angry or anything ;) ) You're shops interior needs to be in the sam- no, all your buildings' interiors need be relatively the same size (and a little less important, shape) as your exteriors. It clashes way too much. Here is an example shop based off of your map. http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/3626/shoppster.png Try to change your map with my map in mind. You don't have to make what I made, but I am showing you some basic concepts. I know, the screen-tone and blur didn't turn out well... A few more things you should change are: The things you can find in the various pots and shelves. Use an AMS to put both of those text strings together with a Wait - .25 - seconds command or two so we don't have to go through two texts. The large empty spaces everywhere. Bland and semi-pointless maps. I.e a forest map or two. Improper grammar, spelling, and dialogue. I'll give you a few more pointers when I finish the demo today or tomorrow.
  14. I'm pretty sure it would be really hard to combine the two battle systems into one battle system. Or do you mean something else?
  15. Why are topics being brought back from the dead?! WHY?! For the sake of on-topic-ness: Vash is hilarious ;)! I only watched the first volume of TRIGUN...
  16. You're welcome! Oops, I almost forgot your cake: ..Damn that looks yummy.
  17. Hehe, that you do Polraudio. You haven't seemed yourself recently actually. I'm kinda' intimidated by it. Also, trainspotter, In the whole year I've been posting here, I've never seen anyone named trainspotter. :mellow:
  18. I'll check this out when I get on a computer with RMXP on it. Criticism: The story-line doesn't sound the best, but I understand that this is just for a test of skills. If it were a real game, and when you make you real project, make sure you steer away from cliches' and be a little more in-depth with your story. Hope that helps! :lol: I'll tell you what I think when I try it out.
  19. Well here is the advanced message script by Dubealex. ._-Link-_. As for everything else, I suggest you do make different topics for your different topics. This way other people that need help like you can just read those topics, and everything will be more organized. At least that's how I think you should it. I don't really know how to answer this question. Are you looking for something? If so, what?
  20. Oooo, niiiiiiiiiice. I like it! Can't wait to see the light one.
  21. Joey you just captured a young girl. How do you feel about that?

  22. Ohh... some random creepy guy commented on your profile... WHAT DO WE DO?!?!!

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