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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. Ah, well it is easier this way with doors as well.
  2. :mellow: What do you mean? I made the whole damn thing. Don't tell me you are accusing me of stealing? And did you even try it out? Of course it's possible! I did it!!! Thanks miguel. And I made it, I didn't find it.
  3. Well I am making a bunch of mapping tutorials right now. I can't promise anytime they'll be done, but they will eventually be done. And I grabbed all of those bars from other people's sigs. Polraudio made quite a few of them. Just click on them to go to there links. I linked them all to their image shack links for some reason... it took forever.
  4. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=226 Bam! :P Try it out!
  5. 188 downloads

    This was created to demonstrate a limited supply of items in a shop. This will give you a basic understanding of variables! :)
  6. Previously called RMXP.org You've probably been there at one point.
  7. Or I could save you the trouble! :lol: Mudd Bubol Flamer Gusto DeVoid Shynesola Chi-Ki-Ra Quarx Nugget Whoa, I'm magical! (These are the ones he really made) Darkcerian, you already got my comments from HB Games :P Do you want me to make you a title screen? Give me an idea of what you want in it!
  8. No problem. Exact text: VX: Approach XP: Approach Same for both!
  9. *Rep plus to miguel* Darkcerian, do you have everything you wanted? If so please edit your title to [XP] [solved] Meter Enemy HP & SP
  10. And XP, so yeah. Check in the bottom left corner of your event. Make sure the frequency is highest, and the speed the same as the characters.
  11. Nisage, it was made in July ¬.¬ To answer your real question (I think Broken wants to know if DBZ would be a good RPG, not is it possible to make), I don't think so. IMO it would be really hard to make a DBZ dan game with a decent story line.
  12. Options: Movement: Follow Character. It's that easy! Now if you mean off of one map, then you'll have to make your own little system with variables. Though it would be possible.
  13. Yeah I knew he was from FMA. No RMXP project? You better get your ass in a contest or something. :lol: Join My link with me. I'd totally join your team.
  14. :) Brilliant. That is exactly what I meant. Very nice! And miguel, do you mean using new event pages and switches? That is a very bad way to do it. :P Ducky (your new nickname), I pwned some guy's comment on your video. : '|D
  15. Well here's what I came up with: http://www.neoseeker.com/forums/22121/t675608-rmxp-online-version-1-1/
  16. Nice tutorial mate! You might wanna make annotations everytime you insert an event command. That way it will be easier for some people to understand. I personally could read everything just fine though. :)
  17. Kiriashi

    Windows XP

    I don't like Vista only because I'm more used to XP. xD And you can still get Windows XP. :P Its just really damn expensive. You should check out macs!
  18. That's a cool skin. Not the best of them, but still nice. I really like the cross :P. You might want to lower the opacity.
  19. Deja vu eh Tomo? :p Read the below comment.

  20. Did you try deleting those comments and entering them in manually?
  21. Interesting story. Your avatar and name remind me of Trauma Center (Atlus's doctor game). Well if you need any help, just ask!
  22. What about me Polly? I can be a testimonial person too. This is a brilliant idea, and I'd actually like some TV help later today. :)
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