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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. I figured as much. In this case, its quite nice. :lol: :4:
  2. Thanks for saving the info! :) At first I was all like, why did he do that? Then I looked for my image to remove it, and ended up realizing that you got rid of it for me. :) http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&img=982 There ya' go.
  3. This is a large tile-set made by "erk". Use it for all your exterior needs! :) :5: To erk! If it doesn't work for some reason, use this link.
  4. Lookin good. The boat could use some shading though. : D
  5. That would be my fault. :) I saved that in small form some how. There ya' go.
  6. I don't see anything that resembles his description in the gallery, so I don''t think so.
  7. Oh... Well I'll do a couple searches and if I see it somewhere I'll post it here. You know, I really hate that tileset. :|
  8. You will regret saying that my friend. hehehe Is awesome available at all times in my posts? Lets ask the wisdom shiny thingies: :5: YES
  9. Hey Tatsu, sorry, I guess Nisage was the first person here I got to know on the site. (Plus I don't remember you being around a year ago... hrmm) Congratulations to ALL 1 year anniversary people! :P Wow dude, you just aren't gonna' let this one pass by huh? :lol:
  10. *hugs in a manly way*

    ...if thats possible.

  11. Could the window skin be something that you choose to make? That way it can be good, and you can make it now... Well I guess that way it isn't a prize, because everyone gets it.. Nevermind, lol. Well, I voted. There is only one vote sooo..... yeah. Also, please set the font of my name to "Book Antiqua"? Its more liek my style. Also please make it #2F4F4F.... thanks. :rolleyes:
  12. Safari.. Well I see everyone's signature now. Mine included. Before, all [ img ]s weren't working. I bet it will stop working again... *hugs Tosharu back*
  13. Well I posted that one in my previous pos- ah what the heck. Here ya' go:
  14. YAY! Thank you! I am happy now. :) I rate this topic... *Drumroll* :5:
  15. Isn't it obvious? They get... a thousand.... uh... errmmm... hmm.... points? Its a shame that points don't do anything. I really want to spend mine. Like, maybe, spend a hundred to change the color of your name, or change your name, or someone else's name or avatar. Stuff like that. Or pay 150 points to edit someone's post (They have to have at least 10 reputation points and it is only possible in a few forums. Like in Spam-O-Rama or in Welcomes Farewells and Birthdays or the Role Play section). It would be quite a lot of fun. ANYWAYS, It was just an example, I could make a real one if ya' want.
  16. The RTP tileset? Or are you talking about a cooler one? :mellow:
  17. Oh you just wanted Romanji? I could've done that personally. :( Translating is different from transliterating.
  18. I think it should stand out a little bit more though. People who do deserve reputation points won't get them, because they are the only ones that know where the damn button is. It needs to be more like .
  19. It's not like it matters.. It already crashed.. :( WHY CAN'T MY SIGNATURE EVER DISPLAY?!
  20. Have ya seen this? http://www.hbgames.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=25092
  21. Check this out: It took me SOOOOOOOOOO long to make.
  22. Well does this "Tsurugi" character have some sort of physic power that allows him to hold things in mid air, or can he harness some sort of synergy power and shoot balls of it at his enemies? :mellow: That's how I decipher the two images. :lol: Tell us about the story!
  23. Cool sprites! I'm using your king and queen in my game! ;)
  24. *wonders why no one but himself his playing the game*
  25. Thanks! :) I've been so lazy \ busy with other things that I still haven't finished another one.
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