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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. I agree with Wyzrd but for now, the second one. And you can still add a poll.
  2. I open and pour a soda on the ground in your honor.
  4. Kiriashi

    Weird Events

    I've guessed that a bird was going to fall down and die... AND IT DID
  5. .org's IRC :) No one is ever in our chatroom but me.
  6. Good times.. good times... Anyways, it seems like we're forgetting something.. Joey, do you know what it is? :mellow: OH RIGHT!
  7. This is quite a neat little system! I wouldn't of been able to think of that if I needed to!
  8. What on earth are you trying to say in this topic man? :blink:
  9. Bumpy bump. Does anyone else need some help signing this? I want to make you one MagicKid but I don't know what you want.
  10. I don't know.. For one, they were super hard. For me at least. And do we have to talk in pretty colors in your topics? :)
  11. Click to read previous topic. That's right ***stard (don't you just love all my old inside jokes :lol:), I'm making a sequel! If you don't know how this works, just read through the previous topic. And please, turn off your sigs in this topic. :wub: *Goes to the bloddy stick's wedding*
  12. You know I never really liked the old Donkey Kong games. I've got em all but I don't like em'. :(
  13. Those are the exact kind of questions you should be answering! :lol: We all love to have fun around here, so tell us about what you love to do and what kinda game you are making (or what you're doing with RMXP) so you can join in on the fun!
  14. Ah, really? Yeah, auto-run is a killer. You always gotta make sure you "turn off those damn cutscenes". :) If ya' need more help, just ask.
  15. Well I forgot to write this five days ago, so I'm doing it now... <_< Congratulations to Nisage, he has been a loyal member to the site for a year now! I think we all agree that Nisage is one of the best members here. Many great jokes have come from him, we've had good times with him, and he has been supplying constant help to members new and old. This guy also submits resources for us all to use and finds a plethora of awesome scripts non-stop! Lets hear it for out favorite anime addict, Nisage! I don't know if I would still be here if he wasn't. This entire site wouldn't be the same without him! We love you man! NISAGE ROCKS!!
  16. Its too bad he can't be here for his birthday... :( Happy Birthday man!
  17. ...hi? Hello everyone isn't the best introduction. Try writing a tad more so we can get to know you Sir Knyght. ( You know there is an "i" in Knight right? >.<)
  18. I think the only reason the game is "freezing" is because there is no place for the character to walk, but it has to because of the SetMoveRoute, so it freezes. That happens to me all the time when I make mistakes in me paths. Like I said before, if it doesn't work, upload your game. We'll find the problem then. :lol: Polra- I mean Pony Pink Polaroid, why don't you have your awesome avatar like the one in Anime Step? Its much better.
  19. (Please edit your posts instead of double posting.) Well you should just use mediafire. The downloads manager of this site is for adding resources and games. Though you don't really need to upload a demo, because what Nisage said would probably fix the problem. :lol: Check off the "Ignore if Can't Move" check box, or make sure your move route doesn't have anything in the way. If this doesn't seem to work, then upload your game to mediafire and post the link. ;)
  20. *sigh, blue font...* Welcome to the forums man! See ya' around.
  21. Yes, I'm going to make an awesome video game and make billions off o' it. Do you think Polraudio should change his avvy, name, and font styles back to normal?
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