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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. 160 downloads

    Play through this short demo to learn how to manage the party members in your game. Screenshot is just a random grassland map I made in a few minutes. Don't know why I uploaded it. : / Enjoy!
  2. Okay, here's the demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?wnomzmdmmyd Just play it, it'll teach you how to manage party members. If the file is called "Changing Party Members.exe.hqx" renamed it to "Changing Party Members.exe". For some reason compressed RMXP game's get weird extensions by themselves. Enjoy!
  3. Kiriashi

    Map Requests

    You want a beach at the bottom of the map, and the top? How about on the top and either the right or left? At the top and bottom or left and right would be rather odd. And I can make the insides of the buildings, but I won't spend a lot of time on em'.
  4. Kiriashi

    Map Requests

    I'll make the port town! I already started one for an event demo, I can just enlarge it and use it from there. EDIT: How many buildings in the port do you want? And where do you want the exit to be? North east south west? And where do you want the beach?
  5. I would suggest playing around with each individual event command. Check out Tomo's event class. And arky's and Isaacsol's.
  6. With eventing, you can become quite good really fast if you read the right tutorials. If you need help with anything in particular you can just post here! I'll be glad to help with eventing in your game as well. Mapping takes a lot of practice though. You need to post lots of your maps and let the pros critique the s**t out of them. I'm trying to write mapping tutorials as fast as I can, but meanwhile you should just practice.
  7. I hope you got the job! You would deserve it! ^_^
  8. What is the greatest flavor of pie? PIE FLAVOR! :whistle: Hello everyone! I'm back again with another tutorial. Wow, I sure do write these fast. [sarcasm] Anyways, in this lesson, you'll learn how to add life to your maps. There's a lot of words and pictures in this tutorial, but it really isn't a lot of content to learn, so bear with me here. First up, let's go over the two map settings that are important to the atmosphere of your maps: Panorama graphics and Fog Graphics. To change these, we use an event command. Let's go over the panorama graphic first. When we click on the Panorama graphic box, a window pops up. To the left, there is a list of tiling panoramas. When you select one, it is displayed in the box to the right. Below the box is a slider bar that changes the hue of the panorama before it is displayed. Right now you may be wondering what I mean by tiling (as in tile) panoramas. These are graphics that can be connected over and over again side by side without looking weird. Take a look at this panorama graphic: When we put two of these side by side, the result is this seamless double in size panorama: If you hadn't seen the panorama by itself, you wouldn't have been able to tell that it was a tiled image. ^_^ Pretty cool huh? All of the default panoramas are horizontally tile-capable. They (obviously) don't tile vertically. :3 So pick a sky panorama, and make sure the event's trigger is parallel process. Now then, we've set the Panorama for this map, but how do we map to make sure the Panorama shows? Simple. The Panorama graphic will display on all blank tiles. So if we make a mountain map like this: It will yield this in-game: Don't mind the crappy map and errors. This was just a quickie to use as an example. The trick with these panoramas is to add a little extra height to your map at the top. This way, when the player walks up, the screen moves up. This will let him or her look over the edge of a cliff a little bit more. Take a look at this: See? You can see more of the mountains now that Aluxes is at top of the map. This adds a cool effect to your game, and looks awesome in cut-scenes. You can play around with the panorama hue if you want, but it will rarely make it look better. I moved the slider to right here to get a sunset type effect: However, as you can see, it does affect the quality of the panorama. You're better off just using photoshop to edit it. Play around with Panoramas, and you'll be making better maps in no time! Now let's move on to the second map setting that is important to the atmosphere of your maps, Fog graphics. Clicking the Fog graphic box brings up a window similar to the one from before, except now there are a few options on the right side of the preview-box. Options: Opacity - With this option, you can enter a number between 0 and 255. 0 will make the fog invisible, and 255 will make it the only thing visible. Input a larger number to get a thicker fog. Blending - If you don't know what this does, you don't need to know. You'll never need it, so there's no point explaining it. Zoom - Here you can set the zoom percentage of the fog. 100 will keep it at its normal size, 200 will double its size. etc. SX - SX stands for the x-axis speed of the fog. Basically, you can make the fog move to the left (negative number) or right (positive number). Larger numbers equals more speed. SY - SY stands for the y-axis speed of the fog. Same deal here. Negative numbers move the fog down, positive numbers move it up. Combining SY and SX - You can input a number in both the SY field and the SX field. This way, you can move the fog diagonally. Play around with it. :P Here's an example of how a fog can make a map look better: It may be a subtle difference, but it's a good difference. There are more fogs for you to use in different maps, such as underwater, in a forest or a sandstorm in a scorching desert. Just because this overlay graphic is called a Fog graphic doesn't mean it's always going to be a fog. There's also another much more complicated use for fogs: Cosmetic Lighting. But what else can we use to change the atmosphere of our maps? You may have noticed that the previously shown swamp map I made had a dark brown tint to it. This really made it look a lot more like a murky swamp didn't it? This was accomplished with a Screen Tone event command. Ahh... The screen tone command. Such a wonderful tool for us mappers. If you didn't know about this, you're in for a real treat. With this event command, we can add a tint of color (or remove the color) to/of our maps. It's pretty simple. Move the sliders around to the left or right to decrease or increase the amount of a particular color to the map. This can completely change the atmosphere of your map, and it can really make an okay map become an awesome map. But.. how do we know which numbers to use? You could input random numbers or move the sliders around randomly and constantly playtest your game to see which combinations you like, but that's a bit tedious, no? Well, thanks to my good friend Leon, we have a script that makes this so much easier for us. Leon's Screen Tone Test Script: This is easily my favorite RMXP script of all time. ^_^ So how does it work? First of all, put the script in your game. Quick Tutorial on how to input scripts if ya' don't know how:: Now that you have the script in your game, playtest your game on the map that you want to find the right screen tone for. When you're on the map, press F8. This window will appear: Now play around with the numbers using the arrow keys. You should be able to find the tone you like pretty easily. Once you found the screen tone you like, record the numbers in notepad or something. This script will not change the screen tone for you. Now stop play-testing and head back into the editor. Make a new event, and enter in the numbers you recorded in a screen tone event command. Pretty easy huh? ^~^ Using this method will save you a lot of time, so go thank Leon for writing this. Now that you know how to give your map a screen tone, I will end this tutorial with some screen tone suggestions for specific types of maps. Humid Jungle: -40, -39, -51, 0. ~Tileset + Autotiles Download Link~ Savannah: 15, -28, -15, 28. ~Tileset + Autotiles Download Link~ I'll add more screen tone suggestions later. For now.. I'm tired. :< It's 4:43 AM. If I do say so myself, this is one of the best formatted and written tutorials out there, so copy my style if you want to make a great tutorial! If you liked this tutorial... ...Please give me a reputation point for it. ~Kiriashi
  9. I ban RKO for being so addicted to megaman.
  10. I ban Broken Messiah fo- oh wait wrong topic.
  11. ROFL! Elf thing.. LMAO.. red hat. xD I ban Broken Messiah for not banning anyone.
  12. Marked means that they should be uploaded to the Gallery as well.
  13. I hate it when that happens. ^_^ Today I had lots of peach tea. Lots.
  14. I am quite disappointed in both of you, but mainly you Kage. The epitome of a good forum is what we stand for here at RMXP Unlimited. We strive to build up the best community. One that is always helpful, kinda and easygoing. RMXP Unlimited would be nothing if it weren't for this essence. I'm afraid this isn't just something I can clear up and then lock. I'm going to have to inform Marked about this, and he will be very upset. If everyone started being like this -- like they are on other forums such as HBGames or Creation Asylum -- Marked would delete this site in an instant. Before I even go over the posts, I'd like to say that you both need to follow one rule more than any: be kind. Always be kind. No matter what. Hopefully everyone can learn from this, as surely if it happens again, this site will start to deteriorate. Arkbennett's first post was this: Arky gave you his honest opinion here. Your reply, Kage, should have been as simple as "Thanks for the insight!". Even if you were upset by his words. His last sentence seemed to aggravate you. But Kage, I don't believe Arky was even calling you defensive. He was saying that to prevent a flame-war. He didn't want you to take anything he or others had said as offensive comments, because he understands the essence of the forums. I'm not saying Arky was being perfect in this post, he could have been a little nicer too. But you went to far with your next post: You took his last sentence -- what he tried to prevent a flame-war with -- and turned it into a war. And to be honest, you were being rather defensive in your comments. Everyone is taking the time to look at your graphics and help you improve them by giving their perspective. THEIR perspective is what matters the most when it comes to your art. Not yours. Surely as an artist you should understand that, no? You want to make these graphics more appealing to your consumers. Well, they are potential consumers, so what they think is what you need to consider. Instead you went and corrected.. I believe every single comment that people posted in this topic. So Arky wasn't really wrong when he was saying you shouldn't be so defensive, even though that's not what he meant by that post. Another thing, that post is where you start with your second problem. You make yourself so high and mighty, as if you are better than all the other members on these forums. I assure you, that is not the case. I'm a little upset that you were not able to resolve this via PM Arky. This post continued the flame-war, which is most certainly not a good thing. However Arky did have a reasonable point in this post, even though he did come off a little rude. Like I mentioned earlier, the consumer's opinion and perspective is what matters the most. It continues: Kage.. It is so sad that you cannot see this. You continue to write mean comments over and over again. You are ruining your very own topic with these. I'm not even going to comment on whether or not these comments were right or wrong. They were spiteful. Beyond that it doesn't matter what they meant. And your last sentence is what really irks me. You seem to realize at least one thing. You are being hostile. How can you even say anything after that? You know you are going against what is the worst thing you can do on this site. And then Crimson went ahead and posted -- and for the most party everything she said was true -- though she should have left this up to us three. Your comment to her was: Mister idiot boy and idiot girl are my friends. They are not ignorant, for they have acquired the comprehension of what matters on this site. You have not. And again, this post of yours is composed mostly of rude comments and, ironically, ignorance. You are ignorant of what could be destroying our site. Arky, next time please call the staff. Swearing and telling Kage off like that is not going to do anything. You two both need to resolve this without fighting. Kage, I'm not even going to comment on your next post. You need to take the time to read all of our rules again very carefully, and keep in mind the golden rule that I have mentioned several times. Hopefully you will understand what I have tried to convey to you in this long and boring post. I'm giving you both warnings, and this topic is now locked. If you would like any further criticism on your graphic, Kage, make another topic. If anything from this topic carries over to that one -- or any of your posts for that matter --, there will be serious consequences. You too arky, contact the staff sooner next time. I am deeply sorry for being harsh in this post. I know that you will probably not be to fond of me from now on Kage, and that makes me sad. I don't want to be the mean mod, but I have to teach you the essence of these forums, and considering how far I let this go unnoticed, I was able to see that you really do not know that essence. This discussion will not continue any further, neigher in this topic, the next, or in any PMs. If either of you receive a PM from the other about this, you are to send a PM to me immediately. Have a nice day everyone! ^_^ P.S. Constructive Criticism Image compliments of Isaacsol.
  15. Not at all! I really like that tileset, please post it! The main thing I see wrong with your map is that there isn't really any path. You used the path tiles all over the place for like dirt or something, which you need to fix. Each map needs to serve one main purpose. This one seems like a type of cross-roads of some sort. Next is the weeds in the water, they don't really work. The rocks on the path are something I do a lot with the RTP, but in this tileset they really stand out, so you should use them a bit less. Also don't use the rock tiles with the most rocks on paths. Another thing is the stumps. Unless the guy in the tent is a lumberjack, the stumps probably wouldn't be that far off from the path. In fact there might not even be very many stumps at all in that area because it looks rather rural. If it is nearby a town or city then you can keep a few of them next to the path. Then again, that guy in the tent wouldn't lodge there if a town was close. He'd rather sleep in a Inn. When you post the tileset I will make a map or two with it to demonstrate what I have said. Thanks a lot for posting! It was getting lonely in here..
  16. Are you referring to Action Game Maker, or Indie Game Maker as its called out of Japan? It's been out for a while man. ^_^
  17. Thank you very much! ^_^
  18. What on earth is that supposed to mean? :|
  19. The only thing I would change is the order of the boards in the Game Development section: Oh, and the name for the support boards for RMVX and RMXP should be "...General Support and RGSSX Support". Saying technical support might make someone thing that they are only supposed to post stuff like installing etc. There's my two cents. P.S. Go read that BBCode tutorial topic I'm making. I have an error. :<
  20. The rule of thumb on forums is that, if you post it, you will get criticism. No matter what the circumstances, as long as they don't include you specifically asking for people to not give criticism, you can't reject it. You said nothing about no criticism, and the name of this forum section is "Resource Showcase and Critique". People seeing this topic would instantly think you'd want criticism. Hope that clears stuff up. *hugs everyone*
  21. ROFL! Omg this game is awesome so far. :P
  22. What is this? :S *downloads*
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