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Everything posted by formlesstree4

  1. In all programming languages, there are various ways to do a loop. Fortunately for you guys, I only care about how VB.net does these loops. These are the common loops: 1. The Do Until Loop Do Until <condition> 'Stuff here Loop Basically, the loop will continue until the condition is met. Example: Dim x As Integer = 0I Do Until x = 9 x += 1 Loop That loop will run until x = 9, and that will happen because I'm incrementing the Integer 'x' by 1 every time the loop goes through. 2. The Do While Loop Do While <condition> 'Stuff Loop This loop seems kind of redundant, because most things can be done with a Do Until Loop instead. The main difference is the Do Until Loop continues to run until the value is met, and the Do While Loop runs while the condition is met. Here are some rather sad examples of the Do loops: Dim conn As Boolean = False 'Do Until Loop Do Until conn = True CheckForInternet() Loop 'Do While Loop Do While conn = False CheckForInternet() Loop Obviously, the call to 'CheckForInternet()' doesn't matter here. I can say that that call will make conn = True, or stay false. The loops are actually the same result, it's just personal preference. You can also do this: Dim conn As Boolean = False Do CheckForInternet() Loop While conn = False Do CheckForInternet() Loop Until conn = True This actually will call the sub FIRST, then check if the condition applies, however this is hardly used and I don't see a good reason for that to even exist. 3. The For/For Each Loop Here's a For example Dim x As Integer = 0I For i = 0 To 4 x += 1 Next The regular For loop will continue to process the inside for a set amount of time. In this example, it will loop 5 times (0 to 4) while adding 1 to the variable 'x' each time. These kinds of loops allow for you to run certain functions for a set amount of time. The For loop will also accept variables into its counter: Dim x As Integer = 0I Dim i As Integer = 3I For i To i + 6 x += 1 Next As you can see, we can use 'i' as a predefined variable and tell the loop to run 6 + i times (which 6 + 3 = 9, so from 3 to 9, or 6 times), adding 1 to x each time. We can also even use the 'i' directly. Dim x As Integer = 0I Dim i As Integer = 3I For i To i + 6 x += i Next Whatever 'i' equals at this time will be added to the 'x' variable. This is a versatile loop. Now, this is a For Each Loop: 'Let's say I have an array with 5 items Dim y As String(4) 'From 0 to 4 For Each i As String In Y Messagebox.show(i) Next As you can see, using the 'i', we can tell VB.net to display the current string. This kind of loop can never have an IndexOutOfRange Exception because you are telling the loop to display each individual value in the Array of Strings. If you have any questions about these loops, or want me to go into more details, please let me know! That's all for now!
  2. Merry Xmas! My plans include going to my relatives and having a big party! Then gonna game for the rest of the week on my brand new Wii, then start doing some studying for AP tests (yay....)
  3. lhjglaks;gfsldjhf;asodflkdsfty67uct5re kjhgtfuy4ggfhjhudfhjbmrhjankgfawoeruhf;ldsfaiwruetfharewogsdhfa;ldfhdfhjdasljkfdskljakljfaljkdsfljkakljasfljkdsflj;ljigweroita;oiw4jtrao4u3iy5uiow45j;oiud5mp954anp9824mp88974y5pqo8ouatrhrfhas;ouifhjaigldksfks;ldfashtauiwroejt;ledfsrhaiuwroethawreljkw;lf yes....I had a stressful day that had some good news on it...but OMFG RAWR PEOPLE ARE SUCH IDIOTIC DRIVERS! GHAHHASDFKLAE;KLGASLJK;GJKLJK;LFJK;LFKLJDS;LJAJDK;LDFJ;LFADJK;LWREPWTJITIOU;TUIT;OAIGTJKLRTJKGFJA;LIFSDFSDF I need a /v/ raeg face..
  4. I'm terribly sorry to hear that. My prayers and sympathies are with you and your family.
  5. Can always go to a modulated system.
  6. I suppose Linux wasn't really included because Linux is more of a Server Operating System rather than a Home PC System. Granted, Ubuntu and Backtrack are examples of how Linux can be run on a desktop, but generally speaking, the Home PC Marketplace is for Mac & PC, while the servers are for Linux. Each OS (Linux, Mac, or Windows) thrive in specific fields. Linux is really good at running server systems and scalability, Mac's are known for great video, audio, and picture editing, and Windows excels at gaming and backwards compatibility. I suppose it's just personal opinion as to which is the greatest.
  7. Someone's been feedin you lies Crimson. Windows 7 is most certainly not epic fail. It's quite win actually.
  8. Windows XP: The Operating System that everyone knows and seems to love. It's become quite the 'staple' OS at many places because it's known (in it's later years) for its stability and reliability. Any program that was created from 1998 to 2009 can run on this 'can-do' OS. Many people love is rather familiar look and the ability to go to the 98-style look (which many people did and enjoyed it.) This OS was small, compact, and could get the job done, but did require a monthly maintenance. Think of Windows XP as a small Ford SUV. Windows Vista: This is the gas guzzler. It was slow, sluggish when starting up, took FOREVER to get up and moving, and even when it did, it didn't really get that fast. It got you from Point A to Point B, but you took out half of the Highway while going. Once it finally gets moving, you get into problems with maintenance issues, oil leaks (aka memory leaks) EVERYWHERE, transmission jams (startup problems). Think of Windows Vista as an old junker at the dump. There's a reason it's at the dump. Windows 7: A breath of fresh air. You might as well be driving a freakin Hybrid. This one can literally take care of itself, identify what exactly went wrong, restart itself, clean itself, and even perform maintenance on itself. My god, you just pay the upfront cost, and don't turn around. The occasional Oil Change (recycle bin clear out) helps out, that is if it doesn't do it for you already. [Enjoy the car metaphor I tried to do?]
  9. While you are right, the Galaxy itself will have been aligned directly on it's own Equator at this same date. The 'Great Cycle' is the pulse of the galaxy, when it becomes completely level for one short instance. What happens then is anybody's guess. In all actuality, we should be worried more about Planet X, which has a higher threat level to us simply because it can easily smack into our Planet and completely rape us. Here's a scale: Earth: 0 Planet X: 0 We don't stand a chance if it were to smash into us (which is a a 25% chance)
  10. The year 2012 has been of much controversy. While governments are staying quiet about this, much news has been spread along Internet Forums, Blog sites, and even Youtube. What I want to know is: Do you think this is real? Why do/Why don't you think this is real? I think it's real in some sense. The Mayan Calender does in fact end on December, in the year 2012. But not for what we first thought. There's been rumors going around that a 'Magnetic Shift'/'Polar Shift' could occur, where the North & South poles would swap locations and changing the rotation of the planet. That would cause immense destruction, as the waters, which would be going in one direction, would now be forcibly changed to a different direction. Not to mention the continental shifts that will occur from the force of the planet changing rotation. On top of this, we have the rumored Nibiru/Planet X that is coming towards us with a 25% chance of slamming into us, and a 100% chance of showering us with meteors and freezing our planet's rotation for a minimum of a week. Global death rate will soar to nearly 2/3 (66%) of the population. With the current population, that is 2,230,676,759 people dead. On top of this, 2/3's of the survivors (1,487,117,839) will perish from starvation, disease, and crime. That leaves us with 2,974,235,679 humans left on our planet.* Right now, I'm not a firm believer, but I do think something extraordinary will occur on that day. I just hope that it's not the end of mankind because I still have goals to accomplish in life (such as finishing college, which if 2012 does happen, I probably will not be able to finish college.) Further predictions is that we will see a New Stone Age (N.S.A.) until technology can be reestablished and Electricity can also be recreated. So my fellow RMXPU forumers, what is your opinion on this? * These figures are the current estimations.
  11. Changed my post so it has some more substance in it.
  12. I wasn't even aware that there was downtime....I slept in late so that's why I probably didn't notice.
  13. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Really good soundtrack man, can't wait for more to come. Also looking forward to the finished game. (there! I added substance :D)
  14. I fail to see your comparison Agckuu. Anyway, to get to the main subject of this topic. People have their own way of enjoying what they want to do. The fact that it makes you mad is probably not uncommon. The view that some of you take here is not uncommon either, but it comes down to each individual person and how they enjoy (or not) their porn. Pedophilia involved with certain types of hentai is rather disgusting, I will say that much. That does anger me, but the rest of it...I could really care less I suppose. It doesn't affect me in anyway, I'm not concerned with seeing something like that nor do I really care. Most of the cartoon crap they have on nowadays is terrible to begin with! The only time I have read anything with porn in it was a manga series that had a really good story line (to bad I've lost it since then...the series was really good!). Even then, it was only one scene with the romance staying throughout the series. I feel like I'm biting both ends of the same muffin, so I'm going to wrap up my post and go to sleep [Like I should have done an hour and a half ago.]
  15. So he can boot Vista and see it's fail before going into the win that is Windows 7. And no, my system :D
  16. I pwn you all. Type: Desktop CPU: 3.0 Ghz Dual Processor Pentium 4 RAM: 1 Gb of RAM Hard Drive: 124 Gb + 1 Tb Graphics Card: nVidia 8800GT 512 Mb GDDR3 (Upgrading to nVidia GTS 250 soon) CD/DVD: Can read/write everything but Blue Ray (Means I have a DVD-RAM Drive, as they are called) Operating System: Windows XP SP2 + Windows 7 Ultimate Edition (Dual Boot) Extra: 6 USB, Stereo Sound that can be rewired via Software, Wireless Gaming Mouse (By: Logitech), 22 inch monitor @ 1680x1050 Resolution. Yeah....woot. :)
  17. I currently run two systems, one with dual booting. The Dualboot has two operating systems: Windows XP SP2, and Windows 7 Ultimate (Retail). I did a timed check on start up times. The XP one took 30 seconds while Windows 7 took a little more than 15. I run a system with the following stats: CPU: 3.0GHZ Dual Processor Pentium 4 RAM: 1GB (1,023MB according to Windows 7) Hard Drive: I have two. 1) 130GB, 2) 1TB. Both OS's are on the 130GB. Video Card: nVidia 8800GT 512MB GDDR3 Edition (BFG Overclocked) I must say, Windows 7 seems to use about 600MB of ram on startup, but as I watch the ticker, I notice the OS gradually reduced down to a more comfortable 450mb or so. XP uses 350MB, but I have quite a few visuals disabled on XP. Windows 7 does have Aero enabled with the gadgets, fading backgrounds, and I typically have several windows open. My other system is my laptop, which runs Windows 7 completely. I'm sitting right now with 5 Chrome Tabs Open, 2 Visual Studio Projects up, an Open Office Document, 1 explorer, vDownloader, notepad, Media Player Classic, and 3 MSN tabs up. I have a total of 67 processes running and utilizing 65% of my RAM. This system has the following specs: CPU: AMD Sempron x86_64 2.1GHZ Single Core RAM: 3GB Hard Drive: A small 120GB Hard Drive Video Card: nVidia 8200m Series. The laptop came with Vista Basic Pre-Installed (gag.), so I got Windows 7 and installed it. Noticed quite an improvement. The Operating System can be left alone for days at a time on my laptop, and it will perform auto maintenance and go into standby when it's done. I wake from standby in a matter of seconds, and all my work is still the same. I've been quite pleased with Windows 7's new taskbar system, which I was iffy about at first but grew to love it. The OS is definitely what Vista could/should have been. Microsoft seems to have listened to the complains of people about Vista and the early beta's/RC's of Windows 7 and really came through with this new Operating System. I've seen improved stability beyond XP's hardcore stability (I have yet to crash Windows 7 on either my desktop or laptop). I did crash my video drivers in Windows 7. Normally, in XP, I would have been forced to reboot with a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death), but my screen flashed for a few seconds as the drivers reinitialized with a notification from Windows saying "Your Video Drivers have crashed and were restarted successfully.", which made me quite happy I didn't lose any of my work I was doing at the time. Even when installing, Windows 7 installed in nearly half the time as Vista. I was popping my disk in expecting a long boot up process, but I found out quickly that the installation was very single click oriented and seemed to know what I wanted to do. Even searching works faster than Vista (but mind you, I let the Index Service run for days at a time), and is quite solidly built. I will admit I had to reinstall once, but it was because I stupidly installed a virus on the computer (No Antivirus = :() I'm not sure what kind of PC you have Agckuu_Coceg, or what version of Windows 7 you tested/tried out. I have to calmly disagree with your posts about Windows 7 being buggy. I haven't had a complaint about the Operating System yet, and I don't see it changing in the future.
  18. I'll put one up. This might end badly...dunno. Name: Adam Sears Aliases: formlesstree4, {HV}Chaos Sex: Male Color: White Birthdate: 25th, June 199_ Height: 5'10" Weight: Roughly 143lbs Shoe Size: 12 Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: "Dishwater Blonde" (This is an actual color) Favorite Color: Blue/Green Birthmarks/Tattoos/Piercings: Some random thing on my neck. Dating/Marital Status: Completely Free Sexual Orientation: Straight Religion: Christian Family: Mom, Grandma, Sister Pets: 2 dogs Occupation: Student Favorite Movie: The Money Pit Favorite Music Genre: Techno! Favorite Video Game: Kingdom Hearts II (Number I was good, but II pwn'd) Favorite Book: The Inheritance Series (Eragon and what not.) Favorite Food: Meatloaf Favorite Beverage: ...I guess milk? I don't drink any soda's. Favourite Cartoon: The original Looney Tunes. Favorite Other Members: Kiriashi, Marked, Tatsu, Joey, Nisage, Polraudio...my list is quite large. Preferred RPG Maker: RMXP Preferred Web Browser: Chrome Preferred Email Service: Yahoo Website: http://vbforums.com Vegetarian: See favorite food. Where you've traveled: Been to several states across the US. Dislikes: Boringness Likes: Programming, gaming, writing stories Useless Facts: I spent 4 hours trying to unscrew a screw from a wall to realize two things: 1) it was unscrewed & 2) The screwdriver was to big. Pictures: Somewhere. Do you drink? No Do you smoke? No Did you ever skip class? Nah, to lazy to skip. Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily? If you add the hours I sleep in a week, you get the hours someone should sleep in a day :( Have you ever been on an airplane? WAS AWESOME. have you ever broken a bone? Not yet. Do you wear jewelry? Two rings. How do you dress? Polo shirt, jeans. How many keys are on your keyring? Probably 8 What time do you go to bed? Depends..anywhere from 11PM to as late/early as 4AM How many hours a day do you spend in the computer? More than I should :D What are your goals/dreams in life? Found my own programming company or publish my story. Who do you admire? .....I dunno. Are you into sports? I'm a competitive swimmer for my High School What is your dream job? CEO What was your first screenname? formlesstree3 (see the difference?) Do you have any piercings? No Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous? I'm ambidextrous most times, but there are some things my left can do that the right can't and vice versa. Do you have any tattoos? If not do you wish/plan to get one? No, and definitely not. What is your favorite website? www.mylifeisaverage.com. Do you play computer games? Quite often. Do you play video game consoles? Good ol' N64! Are you married or planing to get married? I plan on it, and I want twins. There is mine. P.S. Happy Birthday Formlesstree4!
  19. Math can be a hard subject to grasp for people. I was lucky with my family genetics as I received the math gene [Nobody in my family on my mom's side or the women (not to be sexist, it's actually true for my family) can do any math at all.] I sit there in a college calculus course in high school and think...how the h*ll did I get in here? What I typically do is take massive notes, write any sample problems down he may (or may not..if he's an idiot), and then when I get home, open a book and apply the same steps he did to a new problem. Generally speaking, I can learn what to do in a matter of minutes. I've gotten so good at doing derivatives that I can take any equation and usually derive it in less than 20 seconds on paper and some of them in my head. I guess practice makes perfect, but you're a visual learner...so I'd need to basically buy a whiteboard, web camera, and a memory chip and start teaching math to you for it to make sense.
  20. My username is one I've had for several years, quite literally. It was one I randomly made up one day to sign into the MSN Gaming Zone (when it still existed). It originally was formlesstree3, but I forgot the password and email address used. The name formlesstree came when I was typing in random usernames that were taken and actually the Zone gave me the nickname formless_tr as a suggestion. So, I messed with it a bit until it sounded good (formlesstree4), and that's how I got mine.
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