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Noob Saibot

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Everything posted by Noob Saibot

  1. No point in mentioning this has it has nothing to do with what I said. Okay, so what I said could work out... O_o
  2. You could also play this out as perhaps these people on the Moon like Earth are ancestors of Earthlings and thus could explain her family history as being descendants of Earth: Norwegian & Teutonic. Well shit...I thought I hit the EDIT button... 'face palm'
  3. Valda is a Norwegian name for a female meaning 'spirited in war' as well as being a Teutonic name (female) meaning 'inspired intelligence.' Source: The Writer's Digest Character Naming Sourcebook (Second Edition) I think this would be a great name for her as both of the meanings describe your character.
  4. In truth I would like to take a Work shop because I have tried self teaching myself stuff before and I find it boring. However, a class like environment or experience would be better for me. ~Keven
  5. Do you think real people wouldn't make mistakes or their personality change due to the situation of Zombies? Hell no, people would totally change. History as proven this over the years. Huge events change people, a nice guy could become a rapest. A women could change after the death of a loved one. My own grandmother completely changed when my grandfather passed way. People change and can change who they are and how they act based on what happens to them in their life.
  6. Sound like you like it to me. You more aless don't like the characters for who they are. In real life people are not nice, good parents, listen to parents, etc. To me it made them likable in the sense of wanting or needing to hate them. I like character I can hate for the stupid things they do, because people make dumb choices everyday.
  7. Yes, you are not the first to tell me not to use them. IN fact the people at Dynamic Scripts said to pay http://tizag.com/ a visit.
  8. Yes, I plan on diving into PHP and Jscript/Jquery as well. I don't have the money for a full college course, but I do have it for online work shops. In fact, after the holidays I'm going to sign up at here and taking their PHP, Java Script, Jquery, XML, & ASP. Because one of my future goals is to create my own CMS and Forum system. EDIT: Plus P2PU has a couple PHP work shops/tutorials: https://p2pu.org/en/groups/schools/school-of-webcraft/
  9. So I am making a layout for my topic Software List in the Other Engines forum and well messing with the HTML & CSS it was starting to come together. However, I ran into a snag as either my HTML or CSS was messing stuff up and not looking how I want it. So I went to Dynamic Drive (.com) and requested some help. And of course someone posted all my HTML & CSS in a simplified and working order. I will admit it would have been nice if they told me what was wrong with that way I could have learned something from it. In any case, it got me thinking how dry I am in the web development area and need to come up to speed on the latest and newest stuff going on in the Web Development area. So I decided to join P2PU (Peer 2 Peer University) and signed up for their WebCraft tutorials (or courses if you want to call them that). Their "assignments" are really basic stuff and I could probably skip a lot of them, but I decided to play it out and do them all. One of these assignments was to create a blog. However, I already have one so I just went and made one specific to Web Development. I'll be posting all my assignments from this P2PU as well as posting about my own projects at my new blog: Web Developer. My next assignment seems a little fun. I have to go out side and take pictures of itmes in the real world that could relate to HTML. So for example people standing in a line: <ul> {li}{/li} {li}{/li} </ul> *Had to remove the < > brackets because the forum kept removing them...odd. Might be interesting. ~Keven
  10. Completely the opposite & wrong? You must have read the Graphic novels and if so you should know that even Kirkman said the show would not follow the comic/graphic novel(s).
  11. I liked S2. I'm curious what made you not like it or enjoy it that much?
  12. Plus they have this BS Twilight wannabe love story.
  13. I'm going to set up my desktop tomorrow so I'll be downloading Engine001 and Construct 2. Also list wise I'm working to improve it for easy search by: name, type (3D/2D), free/commercial, etc. ~Keven
  14. I have beaten DP2, still need to work on Prototype, but currently I'm playing Infamous.
  15. Welcome to GDU, hope you stay active. ~Keven
  16. Welcome to GDU. Hope you stick around. ~Keven
  17. Well I hope you stay active this time and welcome back. ~Keven
  18. RUN FOR THE HILLS! IT"S ME! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rt3uX-tVbh4 ~Keven
  19. It was okay, but nothing in the wow factor for me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWN500nHDcs ~Keven
  20. Starts this 14th people and I personally can't wait. ~Keven
  21. 1) Assassins Creed Revelations 2) FF XIII 3) Infamous 4) Fable II (Replay) 5) Lost Odyssey 6) Blue Dragon (360) ~Keven
  22. I do not care for Tell Tale Games. I tried the Back to the Future and it was fun for awhile then the story took a 180 and I was like...what the &^^$&*! I have never trusted them again. I'll play Fable the Journey with out the useless Kinect. ~Keven
  23. Nothing. I mean their are still game making communities that have less then 200 members and they have been around for years. However, they enjoy the community they have. *Also more on topic I accidentally hit the submit button to fast before finishing the polls. LoL! ~Keven
  24. You see I have no problem calling Planets like Pluto a Dwarf Planet (i.e. Small Planet). However, their so called 3 Laws of Pluto are flawed (as I explained above). I'm okay with having rules on what a planet it, but they must make sense. Like for me I would say: 1) Is spherical (roundish). 2) Is not smaller then 1,000km Those make more sense and I'm sure many people could agree with them. ~Keven
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