I been down that road multiple times...especially the GF part. Its hard when family splits up.... altho i cant relate to much because i never really had a dad. He raped my sister when i was 5 and ended up going to prison for 15 years so i cant relate to that. But my mom has been through like 5 boyfriends and we lived at their houses so i can relate to the break up part and having so sneak out of the house in the middle of the night so he doesn't start shooting or go into a psycho rage lol. So yea be glad your life is WAY better than what mine was when i was a kid...
Anyways glad you got your life back on track and hope it continues going well.
A little life tip for ya: Enjoy being a kid and enjoy school while you can. Trust me, as shitty as school and being a kid can be i really with i could go back in time and be a kid in school again. Kids are to much in a rush to grow up now days to start the endless cycle of death, work, sleep, eat, work, sleep, eat. So really try to learn all you can so you can get a job you will love and make that cycle a little more fun. No matter what people think of you in school just remember this. Usually the bullies are the ones who end up being your employees or not getting very far in life lol.
If you plan on going into game design and are really interested get into unity or some real engine besides rpg maker. Get into something with coding because no game company is going to hire you unless your good at art, music, modeling or coding.
Sorry for getting off topic. I thought it was relevant.