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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Got to love Grilled Cheese with Bologna and garlic powder.
  2. Its been a long time since I did one of these thingies. Ask anything from personal to crazy questions lol. But please keep the spam down. So ask me anything you want and I will try to answer it to the best of my knowledge. Asked Questions: @Marked Q: What is most favorite breakfast meal ever? A: Got to love Grilled Cheese with Bologna and garlic powder. @Bob423 Q: Did you do this because I said you're a question magnet or something? A: That could have been it... Frankly idk. I think my sub conscious mind thought it was a good idea xd. @Marked Q: In retrospect, would you visit this site less if you knew how much time you'd eventually end up spending on it? :P A: Nope lol. @Tomo2000 Q: You have to choose one: Traditional mermaid; top half human, bottom half fish, OR Inverted mermaid; top half fish, bottom half human. Go. A: Id have to go with the top half fish because you cant have fun with the bottom if all i do is wack it all over the eggs. At least if the top half is fish i can get a paper bag and solve all my problems. @Ardaceus Q: How much strength is in your right arm? A: I see where your going with this XD. But to answer the question... ALOT more than my left xd.
  3. That is some fine modeling work!
  4. Yea integrated = shit. You are going to need at good dedicated GPU with at least 1.5gb of dedicated vram(not shared). Bob can just barely run it xd. If you want his laptop for comparison as a minimum here is his. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834232313
  5. If you are reading this status you failed the test that wasnt a test but you wouldnt know that it was a test without reading this status and failing the test.

  6. If porn is NSFW then its a good thing im in school. XD

    1. Marked


      Lolll my (female) friend did that in the library at our uni. I was like dafaq u doin', the screen faces the entire room. Lulz. Latenightlibrarythings.

  7. I am curious if i am related to danger dolan. If thats what your talking about.
  8. If you ever played Mine Clicker my name is in the lower right on the title. Lucas Dolan. I don't care if people know my last name. Chances are you are never going to find the right one xd.
  9. while(!PolTired){ State("Awake"); }else if(PolTired){ State("Sleep"); }

    1. Marked


      Lol. reads like English

  10. I transferred my character over from PS3 so im level 26 still with the best apartment and $700k to burn lol. But eh im not really into the whole online thing because none of my friends are rich enough to afford this game or they dont have a good enough PC.
  11. I been down that road multiple times...especially the GF part. Its hard when family splits up.... altho i cant relate to much because i never really had a dad. He raped my sister when i was 5 and ended up going to prison for 15 years so i cant relate to that. But my mom has been through like 5 boyfriends and we lived at their houses so i can relate to the break up part and having so sneak out of the house in the middle of the night so he doesn't start shooting or go into a psycho rage lol. So yea be glad your life is WAY better than what mine was when i was a kid... Anyways glad you got your life back on track and hope it continues going well. A little life tip for ya: Enjoy being a kid and enjoy school while you can. Trust me, as shitty as school and being a kid can be i really with i could go back in time and be a kid in school again. Kids are to much in a rush to grow up now days to start the endless cycle of death, work, sleep, eat, work, sleep, eat. So really try to learn all you can so you can get a job you will love and make that cycle a little more fun. No matter what people think of you in school just remember this. Usually the bullies are the ones who end up being your employees or not getting very far in life lol. If you plan on going into game design and are really interested get into unity or some real engine besides rpg maker. Get into something with coding because no game company is going to hire you unless your good at art, music, modeling or coding. Sorry for getting off topic. I thought it was relevant.
  12. I tried the drivers for AMD that were made for GTAV and it actually made the game worse, so i had to downgrade my driver back to 14.12. Once i downgraded i was able to run the game with everything on max except the MSAA and textures on normal. Even knowing my computer can handle textures on max it cannot handle it when im flying lol. Awesome thing is sites say i can only handle it on med-high but im able to run it on ultra/very high lol. So far im really loving it. It really puts the console versions to shame.... Almost all games on consoles look like someone put the game through the grinder and smeared it all over the screen into a blurry mess. First person mode is so awesome. First person mode + keyboard/mouse = noobs getting wrecked.
  13. and GTAV got here. took 5 hours to get here after it shipped.

    1. Marked
    2. Bigace360


      I been beaten that game twice already since it was released. moving on...

  14. Looks like its going to get here today. Looks like its coming from the walmart thats a few miles away. Shipped 3 hours ago and the delivery date is set for today lol. I also got to make an iso of every disk so i have a backup since my DVD drive is broken lol. Borrowing DVD drive FTW xd.
  15. Im from a planet called Zadune. I was sent to earth to learn all about humans and report my findings back. It started off as a learning project but in the end i led to something grand. You see at the time i was sent to earth Zadune wasn't much more advanced than earth. The only thing more advanced was the communication and space travel. The major flaw with Zadune is idead. Zadune is very efficient with building stuff but they lack the ability to come up with ideas so they don't advance very fast. As as i was saying about it starting off as a learning project to learn about humans. It started off learning about humans then i slowly turned into learning about human technology but that didn't go very far because we did everything humans done. Then i discovered science fiction movies. I started to report ideas from movies. Zadune took those ideas and made them a reality in no time at all. We started off by making a fully functional stargate from the stargate series. We realized that humans had all the right ideas and they actually worked as they thought they would but humans are lazy and use money for everything where everyone in Zadune comes together to pool resources to make things happen in days instead of years. Within 12 years Zadune has advanced thousands of years in technology all thanks to earth. Because of my findings i was voted to become the next leader of Zadune. Thus began the empire of Zadune. With my help and leadership skills Zadune became the super power of the universe and protected all developing planets like earth from other races that would harm it. Zadune became the #1 race in the universe by respect not fear. All other races respected me for my helpful nature. I have been on many journeys in my lifetime. I have personally visited hundreds of other universes like ours and have made countless allies over the years but all good things must come to an end. I have gave up my position as King of the Universe and Zadune to retire and live out the rest of my life on earth as a game developer. I have seen many worlds in my life so i will use my knowledge of other worlds and races to create games in order to prepare earth for that moment when they get advanced enough for Zadune to pay them a visit. Before i left Zadune i laid out some rules to help determine when a race is advanced enough to no longer need protection against other bad races. Once a race has the ability to send their people to another solar system within a year, land and live on another planet, then they will be worthy to join the great Zadune alliance. That story is the complete and honest truth about my life.
  16. Guess my physical copy will get here on Thursday. Sucks that i got to wait that long but on the plus side it is this week and all the MP problems will be solved by then.
  17. the digital version is actually releasing in 5min. The physical version is releasing tmr. I ordered the physical version back in december and doubt it will be here tmr. I had to get the physical or else it will take a month to download the game with my shitty DSL. even if each disk took a full day to install it will still get done faster than downloading it lool. I cant wait till it comes out because i been counting down every day. my specs should be good enough to run it on med-high, but we will see once it gets here. EDIT: Available now!
  18. Hide your kids, hide your wives and hide your...... oh its you so definitely hide your entire family. XD Just kidding lol. Welcome back ultim. How could we forget you lol. Your like my 20th remembered member(high on my list of like 300+).
  19. W E L C O M E T O G D U :thumbsup: If you look to our left theres some........wait wrong job, sorry.
  20. Should link your sources so people don't assume you are the one who did all this. Always give credit where credit is due.
  21. Aparently GTAV physical copies are coming with 7 DVD's and the games going to take up about 64gb of space when all installed. Glad i got a physical copy instead because it will take weeks to download on my DSL.

    1. Marked


      O.o wow. It's a monster.

  22. This is all opinion based. Not one of my top games are on that list lol. It also looks like you copied some of this off of another site because the text is different for some of them.
  23. One good thing to remember for making nature maps is to be random when making them because nature is random.
  24. 10 more days till GTAV on PC. So cannot wait since i pre-ordered it in december lol.

    1. Marked


      Duude.... same!

    2. zahraa


      Damn I want it!

  25. Looking good man. Any plans for an English release?
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