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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/11811-weekend-game-jam/
  2. Alright since a few people seem interested in a game jam and im interested in one also how about we just go ahead and do one this weekend starting Friday and ending midnight on Sunday? Dates are subject to change depending if its a bad time or not. Dates currently on hold... If you wish to enter the contest and are able to make it on the 16th through the 18th please let me know so i can add you to the list. List of people entered: -black mage Table Of Contents: -Information -Judging -When to start -Rules -Rewards -Other Info All projects must be submitted to me Sunday by midnight so I can make the judging topic. Any later and it wont be accepted. Information: Games made during game jam can be a game of any type and made in any game engine of your choosing. The reason for this is to give people complete creative freedom to make whatever they want so they are not sitting there forever trying to find out how to make a certain type of game. Judging: Judging will be done by the community its self and all scores will be averaged up for the final score. I will make a final judging topic when we are done with the contest. When you judge something give it a final score out of 10. Now some games wont have a story so you will have to judge them accordingly. These are some of the categories you can use to judge. You dont have to show these in your final judging post if you dont want to. Story, Gameplay, Graphics, Audio, Misc. Example of a story game: Title: Timmy's Tiny Tidventure Final Score: 9.25/10 Story: 9/10 Timmy's Tiny Tidventure had an awesome story... bla bla bla bla. Gameplay: 10/10 The way you handle Timmy on his tidventure was awesome. There was just the right amount of grinding... bla bla bla bla Graphics: 8/10 All the graphics were good. Sure they used the RPG Maker RTP graphics but the RTP graphics are not bad at all. They also edited some of the tilesets so that gave them 2 extra points. Sound: 10/10 Every song and every sound effect was perfect. I loved the sound timmy made when you walked and ran. The song in the end was killer and perfect for the sad ending. ~Review over. As you noticed i didn't include Misc since it was a story based game. Example of a non story arcade type game: Title: Carl's Candy Collectargg Maties of the Candy Sea Part 1: The Candy Collector Pirates Final Score: 9/10 Gameplay: 10/10 Collecting all the candy was very fun as there is many many types of candy to collect and lots of danger doing so. Whenever you collect a rotten piece of candy it will infect a few of your candies so you need to send pirates down to test the candy with the candyinator 5001. Best part of all was the timed levels. Each level gave me a candy rush. Battling other candy ships was fun. I mixed a fire candy with a boom pop to make candy fire grenades to blow the enemy's ships up. Got to love the candy fusion you can do. Graphics: 6/10 The graphics went the greatest since they did use unity and had to make all the graphics themselves. Sound: 10/10 This game is all around silly and they did an awesome job with the sounds since every sound effect was made to be very silly for this silly game. The pirate music with a candy mix was PERFECT for everything. Misc: 10/10 This game didn't have a story so ill judge other parts of the game that i found to be good. The game had an awesome level selector. You drive your pirate ship across the sea and land on objects like ships, islands and spots on the ocean. The game had 30 levels that were all hand crafted to look awesome and play out getting progressively harder. The difficulty curve of the game was perfect, it wasn't to hard or to easy and slowly got harder along the way. ~Review over. As you noticed i didn't include Story since it wasn't a story based game. When to Start: Since people are in school on Friday i will start the contest a little later in the day when those people get off. The earliest the contest will start will be 5pm Central US time. Click here for the current Central time. Rules: The rules are very simple. Make whatever type of game you want with any engine. You can use any resources that come with that engine or any resources you find. Most of all you are allowed to start working on graphics, audio, story and 3d models right now if you want to. But ONLY those 3 things. You are not allowed to even make the project yet. Note: Scripts are not allowed to be made prior to start date. TEAMS: You are allowed to work with a team of people but keep in mind that theres only enough prizes at the moment for 1 person so you will have to fight over who gets it. Im going to allow only a max of 3 people per team and team member names must be submitted to me when you submit your project if you are working with other team members. Rewards: I only have 1 reward to give so far. http://store.steampowered.com/app/318430/ If someone wishes to provide a reward for the game jam please PM me or contact me on steam. Other Info: If you wish to be notified exactly when the contest starts please join our steam group so you can get the event popup. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/gamedevunlimited I will be streaming the entire time im working on my project during the game jam. If you wish to watch me head on over here and follow or just wait till the contest starts. http://www.twitch.tv/polraudio
  3. I wouldnt consider this RPG Maker MV so im moving this topic. If it specifically said RPG Maker MV or showed making stuff in RPG Maker MV then it would be fine for here. I found the best way to get into any programming is to just start trying to make something or editing someone elses script. But i suppose everyone has a different way to learn stuff.
  4. So RMV has been added on steam with a release day of October 23rd and a price of $80. If anyone is interested here is the steam store link. http://store.steampowered.com/app/363890PolWasHereHeHeHeWhatAJipPriceThoEnjoyTheLinkIfYouEvenSeeThis Sadly mapping looks like its the same as limiting VX/VXA. You can see the script editor in this image. And a closer look at the plugin system.
  5. If anyone is interested in crypto currency(bitcoins) check this out. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3JYZ1P1fY-QOElRX0hnamk2QTQ/view?usp=sharing

    1. Polraudio


      Id suggest 720p if you can for the best quality.

  6. You wont be able to since VX is different than XP. XP Projects cannot be opened up in VX and VX projects cannot be opened up in XP. VX is like xp in a way with a few differences. Mainly the mapping is different.
  7. Heres how the program works with the reg(if it still does). When you install the program and run it, it will make a registry entry with an expire date, once that expire date comes it invalidates the "trial". Since i dont have the trial version im not really sure where that entry is anymore. Using ccleaner will help your PC and nor hurt it. Im not sure if ccleaner can fix a reg problem like this tho since its not really a reg problem(but its worth a try). The only other option i can think of is to buy rpg maker or TRY to find the registry entries for RMXP. But be VERY careful when poking around the registry as you can destroy your operating system if your not careful. MAC Address isnt used for this. you cannot change your MAC Address any ways since its your physical hardwares address. You can spoof it tho but none of that would do anything in this situation.
  8. Welcome Flytrap. Forums are never going anywhere lol. Forums will be around till the internet dies. Reason: Forums are the best way to communicate with large amounts of people.
  9. You can also go to images in google and drag the image into the search bar to search for other sites with that image. You might find the author that way. this is the search i got from using that image(long ass link). https://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZiua8G5gn8qkoPoI454S41N-BSr-XybW-cR_11nEK2pS755kFkCv4ZUyGwjteihN751o1L0khNLMevG4PQhK7gaT7D652e-fdf8bXb-0QBNfhc2onB42CQ6A_1V-jiEMKhLYwEBqSfPFo8ry5g8r0YKK3qFMH-214P9K99Js0He2Ez9GVUZ7-Wg5_1vKkIE_1xQL-Q4kaitdF3DAyuCr7sBfxMpyZe9BC5LYD2MdGzMavMDvMuVftToUk5uaTYcb_18ffGf1e5PnHvcOofy8VvM_1YddwlmjkjnssyvQfRGU6AlP7QH8LHV8kpjzhJquepVSOMe6q1OEgLfpTYocSh4ZD8neE3Ib4o_1RivslYMuFXYLPQK9Gzj-kptVzZxHYe8Z_1Q2MM2Iyo6C35GvcWeGQZUuEzdTXCnRBNXPokkJBHJTzvKEy38EF1-pFwCtu57OLcjW1OCeuQUIFYhgVgXcfl_1-bj46Uo5swaQP6oiZiFWoIElfUCU84OLT4NRVFbQ4XKekWColq8wlLNYjf-PS6Q-Fv3pH69uLhZJJca7Pt73aK88ku8ByUu_1Yo9QQEk2MggJkezpEjsnBPhMelN7-Q02mvCHUeRHE82bLYvA4gHBdUF73wT-a3gcnmjtQNyOUn16xGKgkkM92fvrC6euyw9gdqtYA8VPETMzIwPwAug854zxtKUrZMRIhJR2VsgkkET4NiiYasGCkmij75QiNeuLBD90-PuOnCGsSAUC17GsW61HBOOldnlES5gntPL5IWD4jQJC2KROn0dOTR9v3rhfQPu-JKgweZO0useprCzmQCMFMJvh_15_1rrRX8lmgdcjWouegJVTh8DFHRZPIwbrMzG3Xr3IdITuIZUg3oRlxTecItnw2DWPocmc9mIZcQJIgjaB2foCUn2Vmmu5PZzoBgTLJjlIPGKwcvsKO5zbcx1SH_1JzvjiqO-pB6Kp5uAKGtX9ZkoEoPX2FsU6TkThYEome9bkjem3TCZJ24wGhUB2ewWHxobpbV2DxzayqJiE_1pHRPsejPDnUydAKDAehIJg-0KScU42oixFJrzHptkq97aPb0fMlvvNPZ227auX_19lYVsomgwwvAse-GziJDIR1u8kIior55n90eM0XiDu-8NoisSBpejDXWLTStXd0_1qYBkyZtXv4_13hcYQCEKBEvkrTLT7aGDAuTVWeiL9ze5buvApXp-akmoiSzOyDB98vbNTb-hEId9apsqzNNq8U0tVrqv4C1DJGR4O9sV0aGUUWwOQFlOBuDhIrv5CeYlIeS9V8ZAVEapDVD2rir6v1MbSgN6RQhJmHShOwJB2RcpvLYJOoEHZQbPUp6oR6dGyA2O1HmLPz7B1KZEaHbtTU89lro3uFbTnFeQQ6zGm5z63eDkIbD0ZnEfaL9xct1si-hFL0Td395S63f-5VrH2EY5b2fka2QV5mjmBjrg1sDKtUNKsqklwKqk6VJJgxrE67beJr35QOClMkiq-OKSYS9TmEHnG8Fx_1cfZfPS-EomO6z7HTjwhwKZyesTBJTxCUHVOAVI9eXt8Y&hl=en
  10. Even if you are bad at making stuff its always best to try to make your own stuff. i suck at modeling and making graphics but i try to make my own even if it looks like shit. Follow this guide to make stuff good and a way to make you better. Step 1: Make Something Step 2: Get feedback on it and change it accordingly Step 3: Post what you got, then do steps 2 and 3 over and over till its good. but yea if your going commercial always make sure to find the author of said resource and see what there terms are. If you cannot get a hold of them cut your loss and find another resource. NEVER assume its ok to use a resource in a commercial project if you cannot get a hold of the author. Cut your loss and move on to another resource or do steps 1-3 above.
  11. Hey i remember you. WELCOME BACK! :thumbsup:
  12. I personally disagree more than i agree. Disagree: I disagree because this isnt really the case anymore since games are being made more and more dumb/linear so you dont really run into this problem. Its good to have missable items because it feels more rewarding when you find them and it also adds more reasons to play the game again. Same goes for missable side quests. Sure it sucks but thats how life is. Miss an opportunity to get something good its your own fault for not paying more attention or thinking it will be there when you come back. In the end missable stuff only helps the game in the long run. Especially if you have party members that you can only get at certain points in the game. Good example on how this is done is in the star ocean series. If you just play through the story and dont go and explore you are missing 90% of the games content. If you dont go to explore and miss all the missable stuff its your own fault. Agree: I do agree that its dumb because you miss out on lots of stuff that you cant get again. The main reason i agree is because im very inefficient at finding the wrong path. Every time i try to find the wrong path to get extra items i end up going the right way 99% of the time and not able to go back because i just found the boss and the area is no longer accessible after that part.
  13. YAY brothers sister moved out and now i dont have to worry about getting 4 hours of sleep anymore becasue of a crying baby.

    1. Bob423


      Your wording leads to me to believe this is a...half sister?

    2. zahraa


      I bet it's even more promising than world peace :D

  14. YES JAVASCRIPT!!! This makes me very very very happy. I use unity on a daily basis and code in JS all the time for it so this is amazing. Ill be able to make very very awesome stuff in rpg maker now. EDIT: Ill give it a go when it comes out and try to make cool stuff just to see what the new limitations are and if i can break past them with my decent knowledge of JS.
  15. Will be way less active on everything for a while. Havent had much free time lately because of real life stuffs. Rarely been home lately lol.

    1. Polraudio


      Once i get a job and get all settled down and back into a routine ill be back to normal activity.

  16. now that i can stream no problem i think im going to stream when i can. i may even stream me working on the space game tmr if anyone would be interested. I wont be till i get back from my 22 mile walk tho. Ill update my status and be in chat when i do so keep an eye out tmr if you want to see how a game dev uses unity.

    1. Kitsuki


      wtf 22 mile walk

      btw, I've been on Twitch before and on certain channels you have to subscribe to chat. Your channel would not be one of them... would it?

    2. Polraudio


      Im not a twitch partner lol. You need like 200+ constant viewers to even get partner to even get subscribers. I wouldnt do that to my viewers. even if people watch the stream to just use the chat im happy lol. more viewers = higher up the list ill appear that will = more viewers xd.

    3. Polraudio


      Guess it wont be tonight. got very busy with job applications. tmr i got more job applications and stuff to fill out. LOTS OF PAPER WORK! lol.

  17. Streaming final fnatasy type zero for a while. twitch.tv/polraudio

  18. And completely moved into a new town thats alot bigger than my last. More ops to get a job and i finally have fast internet. now i just need a job to move out of my brothers to get my own place :D.

    1. Marked
    2. zahraa


      Yay! The best thing you have now is...wait for it...Fast internet!!!

    3. Kitsuki


      Good luck! Break a leg, Pol! :D

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  19. Im off till saturday or sunday. cya till then if anyone cares lol.

    1. Bob423


      I am head moderator until you get back ...Not that that actually means anything or even exists as a position/rank.

    2. Marked


      It does and he has it.

    3. Marked


      When he's back :)

  20. Going to be moving this weekend to a new home. so might not be active very much for a while.

    1. zahraa


      well it's both good news and bad news in one status, How are we supposed to feel now? XD

  21. Hezlo thair Gaudete. Welchum te de sete.
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