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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Thats good that everything is working again. That would suck if you had to re-do the whole entire site.
  2. I think so Nisage cause it is a Tactical RPG Maker. Looking nice so far. Cant wait to see it finish and cant wait to make some scripts.
  3. This looks like a sweet game but if i play it i wont know where to go or what the story is. Will there be a translated version?
  4. Polraudio

    Cat died...

    That is sad. Well at least she had a long life.
  5. Dang Leon beat me to it. The arrow keys are the same as anything else. UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT They should work.
  6. It looks as if you dont have the legal version of RMXP. You need to legal version to view the text. I know theres another way but i forgot cause i been using the legal version for 4 years now.
  7. What? Who? How? Who edited her post count? NVM i see lol http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=2643 O well it was fun while it lasted this week.
  8. Cool. He is working on it. Cant wait to see how it turns out.
  9. Keep it Legal and free! And please stay on topic. I will add all of them as soon as i can.
  10. Looks good Nisage. I should put some new pics of my game up.
  11. Nice a rep system. Cant wait for that to come along.
  12. Yea i remember my friend made an iso of a game and gave it t me and i had no clue how to use it. But now i can do almost anything with a computer. Using Daemon Tools helps with playing games on the go without bringing a CD.
  13. Thanks Marked. Good luck Joey. No one beats the all mighty Polraudio. :P
  14. I would say they would have to have knowledge. They would have to have a good perception(Spelled right?) on whats going on in order to plan right or they will fail there plan and get killed or something along them lines.
  15. ^_^ Daemon Tools if free if you get the light version. I use Daemon tools all the time. its my fav program and i cannot live without. :wub: I will add the links as soon as i get off the school network cause its blocked. Last day of school so i dont have to worry about it anymore.
  16. I tried gimp and i suck at it. then i tried paint.net and i liked it, Then i got PS and ii have been using that. But photoshop is not free so im not putting that on there.
  17. The only way in the database is to use the up key. Other than that you will have to use scripts. Just thought of something. Try using a variable in battle to set the hp of the enemy.
  18. Me too i love Open Office. Way better than paying 100's of dollars when you can get OO for free.
  19. These are nice. No death sauer, and death stinger. Cant wait to see more.
  20. Im so playing this now. Note: Works with Windows 7 EDIT: Dang! this is so scary i dont know if i can keep playing.
  21. How's the next version coming along?
  22. Well no MOTM this month ~Topic Closed
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