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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Thats good for having paint. Now we need Arky and Wyz.
  2. I nominate Nisage for always helping people when they are in need and even when he cant help he tries to help as much as he can. He contributes lots of resources and has helped big time with making the Resource pack. No matter what he has a good attitude twards others. Categories fell under: Kindest Most Helpful Contributor Edit: Wow a big paragraph.
  3. Looks very good but i have 1 question. Are them holes in the wings?
  4. I think you got the right section. You were looking for help. Good to see you found it.
  5. Welcome back Nisage. Haven't missed much. I was bored without you.
  6. Very fun game Marked. Good job.
  7. This is very fun. Cant wait to beat it.
  8. Cool i was waiting so long for this. I will report after i play this, when i get home. Nice character's. EDIT: Testing... Edit: BUG ALERT! After you break out and end up in the girls house and plan on heading out. I slept in the bed and the screen went black and it never went back. The Bug
  9. I heard about this program before. Is it as good as it looks, and is it user-friendly?
  10. Looks like you might have to start over.
  11. I had this happen before. I couldn't fix it so i had to start over again. Try moving your resources and everything to a new project. but do not copy over game.exe, game.ini, Game.rxproj. I would back it every week. I back mine up every week in 3 other spots. Don't want to lose 7months of work.
  12. Polraudio

    [XP]Mapping Help

    I was planning to use fog.
  13. Very nice so far. This is looking great. LEON hurry, run to the picture and mark your name before its to late.
  14. Well Welcome to RMXPU. Nice to see people with lots of experience joining, But if you do need help just ask.
  15. April Nominating Thats right its time for the April Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like. Nominated: -Jesse -Leon -Polraudio -Nisage ------
  16. Polraudio

    [XP]Mapping Help

    I never even thought of layering clouds. I will give it a try and post a screen. Thanks Leon.
  17. Polraudio

    [XP]Mapping Help

    I have tried many ways to map with this tileset and every time i try it dont look good. See? I need ways to improve on it but i dont know what to add. So if anyone can help on making this map look better please let me know. This is a tileset i cant do good mapping with and i need to get better cause i have a whole part in my game that deals with this tileset. Thanks in Advance.
  18. Happy birthday man. The big 20. Sorry i was a day late. My internet was down for 2 days and it still is. Party like you use to when your parents were gone away ;).
  19. Welcome to RMXPU. If you need help just ask and i will try my best.
  20. Like the new look of the Scripts Archive and the RMXP. Why is there information for VX on the RMXP page? Lets hope everything goes as planed. I been having a little more time so i might be able to release more resources and scripts.
  21. Polraudio

    Happy Easter

    I would like to say Happy Easter to everyone.
  22. Very nice programs to add. Open Office is awesome. Way better than paying for that Microsoft Office when Open Office is free and has way more things you can do with it. I like that you can make PDF's with it.
  23. Wow. That is very very odd. Dont know what to tell ya.
  24. Thats a sweet menu and job change system.
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