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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. I wouldnt mind trying this sign me up. ASAPIMINLS(As Soon As Possible I Mean It No Lie Seriously) EDIT: lol 2 votes and both 0%
  2. Alright everyone who is working on it. The duedate for this is going to be this Sunday night on the 15th. Monday the 16th the resource pack will be put up for download regardless of whats in it. So lets start cracking.
  3. I lost all my work when i got my laptop. So we could start over. But i dont know if all the members will actually do what they say they will. Just look at the Unlimited Resource Pack.
  4. Need a windowskin? First one is on the house.
  5. Here is a look at my awesome Custom Menu System for my game Umaro Tondaro. Let me know what you think.
  6. Alright then. I will get to it ASAP. I will edit the first post when its ready so stay tuned. Also with it being transparent you can put it on Unlimited Pro. Edit: All added to the first post even made it a gif. Lets hope it stayed transparent
  7. CMS's are fun to make. My favorite thing to do. You see Umaro Tondaro's CMS i made?

  8. Yup. Thats why i put me in the center of the banner. I like both of the weapons. Cant wait for icons. If you want a windowskin or 2 just let me know and i will make you one in return. To see my work its in the gallery.
  9. Here ya go. Sorry it took so long. Wireless was bad. Edit: Can you do this weapon also?
  10. I got one. The weapon on Monster 11(Battler) in RPG Maker XP. If you need the pic just ask.
  11. So were voting inside me but with 1 more "L"? Just Kidding. Cant wait to win this contest. My 5 map game will be awesome. Question: What about scripts. How many, What types? yes, no?
  12. I don't think he needs help anymore. Look at the date next time please. Thank you.
  13. Radiata Stories BEST GAME EVER MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Its a forest so you will need more trees and more ground detail. Other than that not bad it all ^_^
  15. Wow 5 books filled up. You should upload some more. ;)
  16. Polraudio

    [XP]Unknown Error

    That is very odd. I never gotten that error before. I got errors when closing but nothing like that. How often does it happen?
  17. Here is a section of my unfinished world map. Yea i know it sucks but like i said unfinished. I only worked on it for an hour so far.
  18. Here is the instructions on how to use it. The only problem i have is they didn't give a good example on how to use it. I dont know how to get the local switch to work. I tried all of this and i had no luck it just errors out check = View_Range.new(1, 2, "A") check.enemies_straight_view check = View_Range.new(1, 2, 'A') check.enemies_straight_view check = View_Range.new(1, 2, A) check.enemies_straight_view It should work the first way but it didn't. No clue what went wrong.
  19. Can you please give me the full link so i can look over the script and help you?
  20. Wow nice map is so sweet and full of awesome-sauce. Could get rid of the flower on the rock in the upper right. Other than that great job.
  21. Im on like every day all day. But i dont think the forum is dying actually its picking up a little more. Before there use to be a new post every 3 days now it is every day we get about 10 or more. Sure the members are not active at the time but they all come here about a few times a day. All and all were doing great for our selves.
  22. What have you been up to?

  23. You could learn to script. Take apart Scene_End.

  24. Now it works. Thank you very much Leon. Off to the Special Thanks with you.
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