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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. No problem. Cant wait to see it up. Edit: It looks nice up there What do you think everyone?
  2. Polraudio


    *Presses Ctrl + F and Searches Arkbennett but no results* I Doudnt Tind Hem. Hod Ye De Dat Thon?
  3. Well i don't see any more votes. I think we should have it up then.
  4. Polraudio


    *Pulls out Funny Quotes(Warning: Long! and Funny! If you dont want to fall over on how funny and long this is please don't read this and look away)Oops! didnt use all the space*
  5. 1000 gigabytes(GB) 1TB 1000mb = 1GB 1000kb = 1MB That might help I will need that much for all my music, movies and games i backup. Go Power ISO. EDIT: I already have a 320gb external 50gb left on that
  6. Polraudio


    *Destroys Comment*
  7. I'm not working on project but i would have to say Keep it going. Here is some things i would do. Kick the members who are working on it into gear!!!! Make due dates for each member!!!! Give each member a thing to work on till the due date!!!!
  8. I got it now. Thanks everyone The total with 1 day shipping is $144.00 Not bad for a 1TB(1000gb) external
  9. Looks like both of us might win there. If we do i guess we say if we want a prize. I wont want one so if you want that windowskin just say so then. Well thats what you win anyways. Winners can be choosers.
  10. So i would use yes? Cause on the card it has my address
  11. Im ordering a 1TB external right now from walmart.com as we speak and i want to know one thing about the billing address. Im using a Visa Card and i want to know i use. Here is the question. Is this address also your billing address? ->Not apart of question:->(I used my home address)<- Yes No(Then we'll ask for it soon.) What one do i use? Like i said its my first time ordering online. I know its a stupid question.
  12. Im so saving this. Im getting tired of people asking.
  13. Polraudio


    *Teams up with Kiriashi and takes turn's beating Nisage and Joey with the bloody stick*
  14. Polraudio


    *Steals bloody stick while Nisage is putting gas mask on*
  15. Polraudio


    *Polraudio slips in quick to grab it from Nisage*
  16. Might be 60$ like usual. Cant wait till the full version comes out. Wow thats a big file 226.3mb Translation http://translate.google.com/translate?prev...=auto&tl=en
  17. Banns Nisage for using 2 smiley's.
  18. Banns Nisage for being Member No.: 2,803 and Joining 21-September 08. Beats Joey with my stick for not beating me with a stick. *gives bloody stick back to Kiriashi*
  19. Polraudio


    I dont get it either so maybe.
  20. No stick aww...... Banns Joey for not pulling out the stick.
  21. banns Nisage 2 times 1 for not getting banned up there. 2 for banning Kiriashi who banned Joey who banned Kiriashi. And that backwards and wrong so dont even ask. If your going to bann me pull out thee stick.
  22. Actually its a monster cave made from dead monsters.
  23. Today i had 2 Sausage, Egg and Cheese biscuits. Very good.
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