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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Polraudio


    Nice job Marked. I love it.
  2. Very good question All depends if i want one. But knowing me i love prizes so i might have to give me one and show everyone. But if someone wants to give me a prize then go ahead.
  3. So who is going to win a windowskin. You all know how good my work is so you wont get let down.
  4. February Voting Time for February Member of the Month voting. Note: I know its early but i couldnt wait and there's not 29 days this month. You probably couldn’t wait either People to vote for: (Votes shown after each name) -Nisage(1) -Polraudio(3) -Leon(1) -Jesse66126(1) -Kiriashi(3) Winners: Polraudio(3) Kiriashi(3) 2 Winners this month Reward: Windowskin By Me(PM your Favorite 2 Colors and if its for XP or VX) Note: Random Reward Each Month -------------------- Im not saying who i voted for till its over :P
  5. Nice updates. Makes it more intresting.
  6. Edit: I didnt make the world map Inquisitor did No problem. its my job.
  7. Here ya go. Everything should be ready. dont forget to paste the tileset from the database to save you tons of work. Inquisitor_World_Map.zip
  8. That one is alright. i would use the one i gave you a link to. You have to join to get it.(By forums then go to the page)
  9. Im going to be a little harsh. No offense But the map looks a little square and i would avoid using the RTP sets to make a world map. i would use the one Kiriashi said. http://www.rpg-palace.com/downloads/details.php?id=103
  10. Sorry i didnt get to this. Fallout 3 got in the way. I could do this but can you upload the scripts file(Zip it up) in the data folder to make it easier for me so i dont have to go hunting for all the scripts?
  11. Polraudio

    Your Pics

    Come on don't be shy. Be a man and show us what you got. unless you want to be known for the people who were scared of showing a little picture. If arky could post one anyone can.(Don't know what that means)
  12. Intro, so it makes people want to find out what happens next.
  13. Looks nice. Thats my favorite type of map to work with. So much you can do.
  14. Yes that would be awesome. I dont think i would leave the TV.
  15. Yes it is. But you might need to find someone who can make battle systems. I don't have what it takes to make a battle system. The default one is hard enough to edit. I always break it.
  16. I had a big breakfast pizza with Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, And Cheese. 7inches by 7inches
  17. I would have nominated him to but rules are rules.
  18. Did you make sure your character has the right class?
  19. Well atleast you got it in time. Just remember next month im not going easy on people. So look at your posts before you post them. :D
  20. Worth a try. What could go wrong? Might work.
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