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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Custom Image Menu System I was bored during school one day so i decided to make this cool looking menu hope you enjoy. Screens: Script: Demo Only Image_Menu.zip
  2. I will make it where you can be Member of the Month more than once a year but there still can only be 1 Member of the month each month for now till we get more activity. Can Emily or Marked make a category for Member of the Month.
  3. I know you can but im not good with math and im not familiar with the scripts for battle yet.
  4. I see so only 1 person each month. Then we should make it where the member must fall under most of the categorizes to even become nominated. As for the rules i think this is simple enough. Member of the Month Rules Member of the Month nominating will be held on the 15th-20th and voting will be held on the 25th-29th of each month Members must fall under at least 2 of the following categories to become nominated. Kindest - Is always kind to other members, and has a positive attitude all the time. Most helpful - Is always on top of helping people and has very great help Most active - Is on the forums a lot. Contributor - Has contributed lots of resources or has been involved in lots of the activities. Trend Starter - Almost like Contribute but has come up with lots of ideas that has shaped our forums. Member of the Year To get member of the year you must have been Member of the Month for that year.
  5. I love walking around at night its so peaceful. Never been there but i sure would like to. The place i would like to go to is Australia.
  6. Most active and most posts are way different. Im on almost every day all day but i dont make as many posts as some members each month. I don't think im going to have contributor that's something i just came up out of the blue. Im not so sure what categories that we are going to have yet. I would like to see some of other people's ideas first. I plan on having at least 5 categories. also i plan on having this done by the 1st so we can start next month.
  7. Polraudio

    Your Pics

    Very cute ark Here is a recent picture after i got my hair cut. Like my cute cat?
  8. I added a poll. If this turns out good i will make up some rules.
  9. Just compress the Animations.rxdata that's all i need. Almost done with Character recolors. How is the music coming along Maph?
  10. I agree with you on this. Fast food places should stick with what they were meant to make. I mean you don't go to a car garage and order a burger or pizza.
  11. Like Leon was saying to, we can have the member of them month and at the end of the year we can vote for the member of the year. But they must have had member of the month first before qualifying member of the year. We just need to decide on what categories to go with.
  12. That sounds even better. I was thinking that we should have 5 members every month.
  13. You can upload files and attach them in a PM. You have to do a full reply instead of a quick one. It will be at the bottom of the message like so.
  14. I thought we could have like an award system or something that we could do each month to point out those who deserve it. Like we could maybe vote on certiant members each month for things they have done. Here are some ideas Kindest Most helpful Most active Most posts Most popular Contributor
  15. i forgot to point that out. I added this to the first post Uploading: When everyone is done with there part just send me a PM with your files and i will start putting them into a project pack. So when your done PM me your work and i will add it to the pack.
  16. Once your done with the song you could edit into Audacity and cut the 4sec off of it. Actually yea when your done go into your data folder in the game and upload the Animations.rxdata for me. But if you have any you made with the custom animation graphics i will need the graphics file to but only if you made it. When everyone is done with there part just send me a PM with your files and i will start putting them into a project pack.
  17. alright your all setup for gameovers. Now all we need is someone for tilesets, icons and battlebacks. I was thinking for the tilesets we can mix some to make more use of them. In the end i think we will make this into a big project file with everything ready for use.
  18. We could use them. Should i put you down for gameovers?
  19. Dont know what i could help with. I will wait till i get the program and see what i like best about it and i will let you know.
  20. This sounds like a good idea. I might have to go get Game Maker so i can try to help. I tried it before tho and i was so confused i couldn't even get the people to move or show up. But it looks like i might have to learn it so i can help.
  21. Cool these are nice. I like the angry one and the winking one.
  22. After the battle event use the erase event command on the first page its the 12th one down.
  23. This is very helpful Leon Thank you very much. This will expand my RGSS knowledge more.
  24. #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: # START Configuration #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DAY = 1 # switch ID of the "day" switch NIGHT = 2 # switch ID of the "night" switch INSIDE = 3 # switch ID of the "inside" switch OUTSIDE = 4 # switch ID of the "outside" switch INSIDEDARK = 5 # switch ID of the "inside dark places" switch DAY_VAR = 1 # variable ID of the "day counter" NIGHT_VAR = 2 # variable ID of the "night counter" MAX_DAY = 120 # duration of a day in seconds MAX_NIGHT = 90 # duration of a night in seconds DYN_DAY = false # allow dynamic shortening and prolongening of day DYN_NIGHT = false # allow dynamic shortening and prolongening of night DAY_INT = 3 # variation of day in seconds NIGHT_INT = 2 # variation of night in seconds MINUTES = true # if dynamic day and night are turned off show minutes on clock SHOW_CLOCK = true # set to false to remove the clock from the map This is what you will need to edit. You will have to set what switches and variables are used by the system here DAY = 1 # switch ID of the "day" switch NIGHT = 2 # switch ID of the "night" switch INSIDE = 3 # switch ID of the "inside" switch OUTSIDE = 4 # switch ID of the "outside" switch INSIDEDARK = 5 # switch ID of the "inside dark places" switch DAY_VAR = 1 # variable ID of the "day counter" NIGHT_VAR = 2 # variable ID of the "night counter" Everything you need is in the top part of the script. You will have to use call script's like they say(Last event in the last events tab)
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