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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Banns Arkbennett for having a more expensive name then me.
  2. Yup you need to be active. And fall under 2 categories. I dont think i seen him once this month. 3 more days left everyone.
  3. I have been advertising like crazy but it don't work out to well. I have been even advertising offline here and there when im trying to get people into rpg maker. Advertising can be a hard job. Especially when everyone in our town is so active and don't have much time to sit around on the computer.
  4. I will let it slide this once. Seeing as it is the first time its been held.
  5. Good story. Makes me want to play it. When is the demo going to come out so i can test drive this game? Sounds like it would be a good game to sink 40 hours in to.
  6. Nisage is already Nominated Ok 1 more step what 2 categories would that fall under. Thats all you need and he is nominated.
  7. Sorry cant nominate your self. Someone might. But don't worry you have all year.
  8. Banns formlesstree4 for having a lvl 23 pokemon with my name.
  9. Shouldnt be to hard to translate I don't think were alone. There has to be other life forms out there. Just ask Area 51.
  10. February Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like. Nominated: -Nisage -Polraudio -Leon -Jesse66126 -Kiriashi ------ I nominate Nisage for being very kind and helpful. He don't contribute resources that much but he has helped and is never afraid to express his opinions to others. Categories Fell Under: Kindest Most helpful Contributer(Always has something to say) Most Active Good job Nisage you earned it.
  11. I like the extended one but the 2nd one is awesome. I like the slow start.
  12. Ok for one you must be out of your mind for think such of a thing. An icon set out of 1500 icons. I must be out of my mind to even try something like this. Which I have started this already for you. No telling how far I go before I end up in the place for psychotic people. But hey it’s what someone does for someone. I may not have lots of time on my hands but this is easy enough for me. Use Photoshop and Photoshop grid system and wala. I think I might also use these also, but first I need to know who to credit for all these awesome icons.
  13. No,its just a silly superstition! I dont think anyrhing bad happens on this day. Nothing has ever happend to me on this day. Its more of an Lucky day for me. I had so manny good things happen today, so i would say its just a silly superstition.
  14. I remember this. I love this song. Cant wait for more to come. Hury Hury Hury, Jk take your time so it ends up being good like this one.
  15. Lets just hope you get niominated. Then you can vote for your slef. Hope everyone is here on the 15th to start nominating. I know who im going for. And make sure to look at the rules on how to nominate.
  16. This should go in the spam section now. Its getting a little off topic and its a little old now. Just remember Member of the Month comes in 3 days
  17. Here is a fully recolor of it. its a little darker.
  18. The only game that i know that does that is Starocean 2. but at least you can customize your character more in them games. There is a good example on non-girl healers. Except one but everyone else is a attacker. There is a guy healer to. So its not in most RPG's, I think girl healers are a thing of the past.
  19. I dont agree cause there's guy healers in RPG's. I seen quiet a lot of them. Most rpg's now days have it where you can chose what your character does.
  20. Polraudio

    Umaro Tondaro

    I have had my project going for a while now and its getting good. The demo has been released but not publicly yet. If you wish to try the demo ask via PM and i will give you a link. I plan on a public demo to be releaced by Feb. 20th. UPDATE: Due to lots of things going on the demo has been changed to the end of the month.
  21. Unless your sound card is going bye bye.
  22. I was bored but i managed to pull it all together. I played a little Age of Empires and had to get my daily polraudio always wins online in GTA4 done.
  23. I made these a few years when i started to get into graphics a little. Stick fight between the 2 main characters in FF7(73Frames) Stick War(First one i ever made) Youtube Video -> When Pokemon Attack Youtube Video -> If you cannot see the secrete and you want me to tell let me know
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