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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Lol that would be great if that happend.
  2. I have the same problem except it take about an hour to upload 30mb and then it gives me a connection has timed out. I have a great connection(not dialup) i dont see why it takes so long my average internet speed is 250-300kb/s
  3. Welcome back. Hope you enjoy your stay.
  4. Looks nice, you should upload to gallery
  5. After they are done test it out. I think.
  6. Both look like good movies to watch. I have all the movies i need for the weekend but if you have any other movies feel free to add.
  7. Nice video it makes me want to play it. Cant wait for the next demo or full game. Think you could keep us updated?
  8. NP just call me Mr. Computer I provide tech support for everyone i know.
  9. They all look like good movies to watch especially The Strangers but im not so sure about An American Carol Wow 7 movies that should set me off for the weekend
  10. You could do it my way here try the demo i set up. No scripts all simple event's well 1 event http://www.box.net/shared/n92dq2kiro
  11. Thats ok i like when you do that. I learn more. Did that answer your question Nisage?
  12. Don't you need to replace the n to what ever number switch your using? I still think you need true
  13. if $game_switches[N] Change it to this. 1 is what ever switch you want to use. if $game_switches[1] == true or you can do it my way Here is what you could do. Before every boss battle use this Call Script $data_system.battle_transition = "Transition Here" So you can set the boss transition. And right after the boss battle change it again to the normal transition.
  14. You could try for at least 20 levels and have addon's later if you want to. Thats what i would do. 20 sounds like a fair game it takes a while to get past the demo.
  15. Polraudio

    Show off

    Lol nice background, the 2nd one, I like Stronghold but i don't like the 2nd one all that much. I play Legends.
  16. Polraudio

    Your Pics

    I consider my self a Nerd or Geek but there both the same. I mean i fix computers all the time and provide tech support for everyone i know. I cannot stay away from them no matter how hard i try.
  17. Yay! Yay! that was fun. Cant wait for the full game. Any planed release date or at least an idea when.
  18. Polraudio

    Open Book

    I would love to see more of your work. Where can i find some good tutorials for PS?
  19. Polraudio

    Your Pics

    I don't look like him. I just don't understand why people always say i look like him. Nice to know that i don't look like one even knowing i'm one.
  20. when in detail view right click on the bar where it says size, type and click on comments then click on the comments bar and it will sort it out by comments.
  21. Polraudio

    Your Pics

    Don't know if this is anywhere on the forum but this seems like the place to do it. If you have any photos of your self post them up. Here is me. People say i look like Harry Potter. Tell me what ya think Dang red eye just replace red with brown Here is another You might be thinking what a nerd right?
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