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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. I seen Lake Placid but The Producers looks like a good movie to get thanks Leon.
  2. I couldn't find sprites but i found other things that might be helpful. http://sdb.drshnaps.com/sheets/Media/Other...AllenWalker.png http://sdb.drshnaps.com/sheets/Media/Other...an-KomuiLee.png http://sdb.drshnaps.com/images/BGs/DGrayMan.png
  3. You cannot do that on XP as far as i know. but you can change the view to details and show comments. And go to properties on the file -> summary -> comments and type your comments like "Media" and you can sort it that way(Cannot be done with folders). but for the way your doing it i don't think you can.
  4. Polraudio

    Open Book

    Wow nice job Chief. You always amaze me with your photoshop skills
  5. Polraudio

    Boat, Ship, Airship?

    No problem. If you need anything else don't be afraid to ask.
  6. Nice cats. Tiger reminds me of my friends cat Tiger. 2 cats sleeping with each other so cute.
  7. Cool cant wait to play. This looks like it will be fun.
  8. I plan on getting lots of movies to watch this weekend so i need a good list of movies. If you have any feel free to add. Heres the list so far Comedy Get Smart The Producers Action/Adventure Cloverfield V For Vendetta Horror Mirrors Resident Evil: Degeneration The Strangers The Frighteners Other Kite Runner
  9. You could try this place to test it out http://www.phpbbweb.com/ Not sure its the same as having an actual host where you get access to all the files on your site, but its worth a shot to try it.
  10. Polraudio

    Boat, Ship, Airship?

    Exactly what they say they do. Boat - travel across the shallow water. Ship - travel across all water. Airship - travel to the skies and you can only land on passable areas.
  11. lol i was scared. Anyways welcome home.
  12. Kiriashi? if your still here say something. Hope he didn't leave again.
  13. I don't own any of them games but im not a big PC gaming fan. But if you ever want to have a GTA4(PS3) tournament i would gladly join in.
  14. Welcome back Adam. Lots has changed from the last time you have been here.
  15. I agree. I was never a fan of Wrestling. Every time my family members watched it i would leave the room.
  16. Happy new years Marked. Sorry its almost a day late

  17. This is a very nice tutorial thanks Zeriab. Im a Zeriab Fan see my sig.
  18. YAY Kiriashi is back. Welcome back buddy almost felt like you have been gone forever.
  19. Looks good. I like the hair style.
  20. Polraudio

    RMVX Problem

    I had this same thing happen to me. The files got corrupted and i couldn't open it. Well there is a few things you could try. Starting a new project, Take the rmvx data files and replace yours (Exclude Map Info. Keep that.). I lost a years work due to this. Always make a backup every day.
  21. Save me some lol Happy New Years to everyone.
  22. Very nice system but nothing happens when you put all the boulders in the places.
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