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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. I havent had any troubles with any rpg maker on windows 8. must a driver issue or something. This site has one of the older versions 1.0.4 http://www.gdunlimited.net/engines/rpg-maker-xp
  2. Very awesome. Love the latest thingy at the top. Background could use something little different tbh. Maybe something darker?
  3. you know whats really dumb? i hit the popcorn button on my microwave then when it was done i checked if it made popcorn and there was nothing in the microwave. why have a popcorn button if it doesnt give me popcorn?

    1. drago2308


      Ahh the first world problems are real!

    2. zahraa
  4. Bring it on bots ill slay everyone of you!

    1. zahraa


      Oh so the site was under spam attack...It looks clean now. Nice job!

    2. Marked


      Yeah good job mods.. Should have stopped the flow... about 170 bots registered and most are still in the system but not posting. I might just delete all accounts made over the last two days... only about 10 regular members should get deleted.

  5. You dont need to double, triple, and quad post lol. I had to combine all 5 of your posts. Please edit your post next time till someone else posts. add an edit line. EX: EDIT: say something new EDIT2: Say something newer. So please edit next time :thumbsup:
  6. Item System i was working on. http://i.imgur.com/aQMXZ9m.png can right click to drop items on the ground and can pick them up. http://i.imgur.com/vp2sFSP.png

    1. Polraudio


      My favorite part is the items show in the inventory in the order you got them. No sorting atm tho.

    2. Bob423


      You're gonna need to teach me how to do this when you're done. I'm already getting ideas for how I can use this in my game...

    3. Polraudio
  7. I found that reddit is a good place for feedback. i got over 3000 downloads total for my game and well over 100 comments with very useful feedback within 2 weeks.
  8. interesting unity fact. if you set the pixel to unit ratio to 1 you can have 3,125,0000,000,000,000,000,000 tiles in 1 scene(map), thats not including the 2.1 billion layers you can have per tile. if you set the pixel to unit ratio to default that number gets about 10x larger. you coould prob make 20 full games on 1 scene(map).

    1. Marked
    2. zahraa


      heyhey pol Happy birthday! Sorry I couldn't find a better place to post it '^^

    3. Polraudio
  9. For release its going to be 50% off(so $2.50) till it comes out of beta. Beta is when its going to go commercial(still a ways away). Once it goes into beta we will start work on management mode and tons of fun stuff. when we feel the game is a complete game it will go for $5. Theres still LOTS of stuff to come from this game. To start mining gems you need to get the gems upgrade "Shiny Rocks For ALL!". Once you got that you will randomly(1/1000, 1/750 with 2nd upgrade) gain gems from manual mining and from workers(manual mining = more common). to unlock more stuff like different types of ore and bars you need to levelup your skills by doing more mining, smithing and crafting.
  10. Im on the fence with this one. RPG Maker, no thankyou(im done with rpg maker completely). Unity, Yes i would. Depending on the date and what program i can use i might be interested.
  11. Updated links to my game. completely forgot to do that for the past few updates cause no one is really replying to it.

    1. Polraudio


      Come people i shouldnt see anything in the recent activity say 1 week ago.

  12. Yea there was a problem with the exp a while back lol. I forgot to update the post here because no one was really replying that much so i completely forgot to post updates here. The links have been updated as well as versions for linux and mac. Lots has changed in this new update so you will need a new game(its worth it).
  13. The forget that feature has kind of been around in firefox forever. Its the same thing but its called clear recent history and is still there. Tried DuckDuckGo for a while and it seems nice so far. only problem i have with it so far is the image/video search. when im searching for images/videos i want the search to be in a new page instead just a widget thing at the top. Its all a step in the right direction for sure. On a side note: is it possible to add HTTPS/SSL to this site? I just feel more secure when a site is HTTPS.
  14. 2 feet of snow overnight and its still coming down. way to get hit with winter lol.

    1. zahraa


      Oh I love snow! It never snows here :(

    2. Marked


      Lol I haven't seen snow for 2 years... and it gets pretty cold here. Snow days + no work/uni + chills by the fire is good :3

  15. wlecome to GDU @Venya :D. if you need anything at all feel free to ask.
  16. I found this 1 year deal for $1 a month for the first year on godaddy. not sure if that means ill get mysql, full file access and stuff(not to good with web lol). i dont want some simple website creator because i want to do all the dirty work myself or use some cms/forums. https://www.godaddy.com/offers/online-business.aspx?ci=93372
  17. I was wondering if anyone knows of a good cheap web host where i can host my own site for my upcoming game Mine Clicker? I dont have much money to spend at the moment so $12 a year for hosting and a .net domain is the cheapest i can go for right now. What i will be doing with the site is hosting a forums along with a web version of my game so i will need at least 50gb or so for the space and about 100gb for bandwidth.
  18. Been working on a kind of big update for Mine Clicker. Might be out at the end of the week.

  19. Posted my game on reddit and it got 1000 downloads and lots of replies within 2 days :D.

  20. October Voting Its that time once again for Member of the Month Voting. Members to vote for. Kind/Helpful: @Moonpearl @zahraa Contributor: @Moonpearl Good luck both of you :D
  21. Cant just randomly nominate people lol. check profiles first. only made 2 posts this month and none were helpful or a contribution. but i suppose i can add her for helpful because her input on my game was helpful as i know i need to make it easier to figure out. 12 more hours left.
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