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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. So thats 2 people so far. Omar you still need to tell me if your interested(without trolling case that shits getting annoying).
  2. NICE! :) Glad to see us on something big.
  3. How is it not worth it lol its free?
  4. 4 entries total if you do everything. +1 Entry - Submit a Script made by you and must also be submitted after the topic creation date(only 1 will count). Yup This part is required. If you do not do this part everything you do will not count. You have done that part already so no worries.
  5. I want to do a giveaway on steam but i just dont want to give stuff away without making you work for it first :P Games: The games i will be giving away are the following(click on picture for steam page): Note: I didnt mess up with the first two cause i got two to give away. When It Ends: The giveaway will go for 1 week and will end on Sunday the 17th. How To Enter: REQUIRED: To enter you must be an active member of the forums(with at least 25 posts), be in the steam group and reply to this topic. OPTIONAL: To get extra entries you can do the following. +1 Entry - Link steam account to the forums(will count if already linked). +1 Entry - Submit a Script made by you and must also be submitted after the topic creation date(only 1 will count). +1 Entry - Make a game page for your game and fill out all the info(will count if you already have one). Winners/Prizes: Winners will be picked completely at random using a random number from 1 to the number of entries we get. Once the winners are picked you will win the following. 1st: Pick 3 games from above 2nd: Pick 2 games from above 3rd: get leftover game After 1st place picks its 3 games 2nd place will be able to pick the 2 games they want then 3rd place will be left with whatever is left. How To Claim Prize: After i announce the winners i will be contacting you on steam where you can pick the games you want and i will trade them to you. I will do a trade incase you already have the game and just want to give it to a friend instead. If you are not on steam to collect your prize within a week of winning all places will be bumped up 1 place and a new 3rd place will be picked. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
  6. Polraudio

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for saying cute and for double posting.
  7. Polraudio

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for having a cute avatar and not banning someone.
  8. First ultra noob unity script submited :D

  9. You will have to set it per window per scene. Post your menu here and i will show you how.
  10. Polraudio

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for not having a 7 after your post # (if anyone knows what i mean)
  11. Polraudio

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for being a mod :tease:
  12. Join the steam group if you have steam. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/gamedevunlimited

    1. Polraudio


      Link can also be found in the social links at the bottom of every page.

  13. Yea it takes a while. your on there now.
  14. Steam group has been created. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/gamedevunlimited Edit: Just got to figure out why it has my avatar as the background EDIT2: oh i guess the background is made up of all the members avatars
  15. Is it possible to make something we can put in our sig like what i have to see if were online or offline on steam? The one i have right now takes forever to update and sometimes i could be online for hours before it even says im online.
  16. I like this idea very much. Would be awesome to see RMXP RGSS3 scripts that people make from this.
  17. Linked perfectly thank you :)
  18. Congrats on MOTM tigurus and drago :thumbsup:
  19. Ok so i accidentally clicked the gray X here After i clicked that the forum ended up like this. How can i fix this without wiping my cookies cause i dont want to have to relogin everything and re set some settings on some sites? EDIT: Just realized you can wipe cookies for the past few hours in firefox so wiping before the problem happened helped. You might want to remove that X marked.
  20. Polraudio

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for having the most points and having less points than your # of posts.
  21. Polraudio

    Ban 2.0

    banned because "u1g engine" is not an engine
  22. Could you add unity there please? :huh2: :) [spoiler=Pic]
  23. Polraudio

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for not using Unity3D (lets play till someone gets a real ban XD)
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