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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Really wish i could have afforded to stay in the dorms this year :(

  2. Was wondering when you were going to come back. Missed ya. Welcome back in 7 days.
  3. Voting is now over and it looks like its a tie between Saltome and Broken Messiah. Congrats you two :D
  4. Polraudio

    Appear Halfway

    So far i haven't had luck with this cause when the enemy appears halfway you cant hit it and acts like the enemy is dead so you get victory right away. Hopefully someone with more scripting experience can script this for you since im not very good at messing with the actual mechanics of battles. Sorry i couldn't do anything :(
  5. Wow this is nice. Looks like alot of work went into this so far. Cant wait to try it out :) .
  6. No problem. Need help with anything else just ask :).
  7. Ok i may have found where to change that per skill but its going to be very confusing and long. I havent found any other way to modify this so if anyone knows please let us know. First go to about line 503 in SBS Config. You should see something like this. To add your own animations copy the "START_MAGIC_ANIM" line to a new line above or below it and rename it. so it should look like this. Now you can name it to whatever but keep it uppercase. As you see i changed the ID to whatever animation i want it to play. So this will play the first animation. For this were going to do an actual skill instead of magic since the magic animation ID 2 is already done on the line above. After that addition were going to move down to line 816 where it should say "SKILL_ALL" Were going to want to copy that on the line below or above it. And change the names a bit. As you can see we copied it down and changed the name to "SKILL_1" and we changed the 2nd action from "START_MAGIC_ANIM" to the "SKILL_ANIM" we created earlier. Now for the last part where were going to tell what skill is going to use that animation we set. Scroll way way down to line 1486 and you will see something that looks like this. Were going to add our own when and return for the skill crosscut(ID 57) so below or above when 85 and return add your own when 57 return "SKILL_1". So it should look like this. Now when in battle when the enemy or actors use skill 57(cross cut) it will play the first animation before doing the actual skill animation. You can add multiple skills to use the first animation without going to edit everything again. just add a ,id after the when 57. So if we want skill 58(Feint Attack) to have the same animation just do it like this. You can add as many as you want to use that animation 57,58,59,60... and so on. If you want a skill to use the magic animation instead of the skill animation just add another and change "SKILL_1" to "START_MAGIC_ANIM". Now you should know how to add your own animations per skills :) . I know its a little confusing and long. Read it multiple times if you dont get it and you will get it sooner or later. If you need any help just ask. I really wish there was an easy way to do it and it used the animations from the editor thats set for the skill. Theres most likely a way but for now your going to have to use this way till someone smarter comes along.
  8. Do you mean the animation(Special Move) right before the character attacks the enemy?
  9. Welcome to RMU Vis_Mage :) . Id you need anything at all feel free to ask. Yea its hard to convert your project over. Only way i know of is doing it manually. But its worth upgrading at some point.
  10. 2 more days to vote. come on people we should have more then 3 votes right now. I want to see at least 10 votes before voting ends.
  11. We could use exclusive content and unique events(with good rewards) for a start. Advertising on other sites will help out lots if you got a good foot in their door(helped another site i was admin on(we had a steady 50 people online posting at all times)) If i had money i would give away money for events. That mixed with advertising will get people to come but getting them to stay is the hard part. Main thing to ask is what can we offer that other sites cant?
  12. As you know Marked has been looking for someone to take over RMU so he can do other things. I have accepted that role to ease the burden for marked and continue this community with its awesome members. Marked has lead the community for years and has done one hell of a job to give us all a home and one awesome community. So lets all thank Marked for all his years of keeping this place going and welcome our new admin. Don't worry he will still be around.
  13. Marked is the owner he cant go anywhere :P I wont let him.
  14. June/July Voting To Vote For: -Saltome -Broken Messiah ---- Not as many people as i expected for this month but better than nothing. Good luck you two :thumbsup: .
  15. Might start a video series on some stuff for rpg maker.

  16. Finally power. A big storm with super high winds blew over bunch of trees and power poles. Was without power for 8 hours.

    1. Marked


      With power comes responsibility

    2. ShinGamix
  17. Saturday is the last day to nominate.
  18. June/July Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like. Nominated: -Saltome -Broken Messiah ---- Since i forgot last months MOTM were going to have a double wammy this month :P
  19. Icon Item System is almost ready for an update with tooltips.

  20. I would personally love to see a P90. My most fav gun of all time.
  21. Added a script after a long time lol. Was the most pain in the but script i have ever made edits to. They could have made the Window_Item a little less messy.

  22. Sorry i completely forgot about it :( . I was to busy with filling out paperwork and college stuff and forgot about motm.
  23. One thing that would be awesome to see in an open world sandbox game is the ability to buy furniture and be able to place it anywhere in your house and interact with it. EX: buy a jukebox, place it anywhere in your house and play songs you buy from the store. Maybe a tv also and you can watch shows on it(scenes you have made). I always look forward to the little things like that ^. Cant forget the collectables. I love to collect unique things and leave it on my wall or something(would go great with the placeable furniture).
  24. Almost done filling out paperwork for college. If you ever start college dont take a year off. way more paper work to fill out to go back :(

  25. Sweet. Cant wait to be apart of it. I can have 2 internet homes :)
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