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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Eh 1 year old topic but meh i suppose i can update what i been playing. Havent been doing to much in terms of gaming lately but heres what i been playing when i feel like it. Planetary Annihilation X Rebirth Skyrim Runescape Starbound(havent started yet but will once beta comes out tmr)
  2. As of right now i dont really have a game i could post up since theres not much info about it but i suppose i can check it out. Might even give me some inspiration.
  3. If anyone else wishes to join please say so. The contest has already started. You get almost a month to make a short game.
  4. Slowly converting things from xp to ace. Once i fully get rid of aces dwarf looking crap it will be just like xp. even got it to be 640x480 :D http://i.imgur.com/FxDCTZk.png

    1. CrimsonInferno


      I'm not sure what that means. xD

    2. Polraudio


      oops completely wrong status lawl. thought this was my old status talking about the contest. im just trying to make xv ace feel like and look like RMXP.

    3. CrimsonInferno
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  5. Voting has ended and it looks like Mepps got 1st, bob and xTsukihime got 2nd place. Congrats guys :thumbsup: . Points will be added to your accounts in a little bit.
  6. Please join the Official Holiday Game Contest. Theres no loss in joining and you can win a free game and some points.

  7. Santa Sprite Found Here Welcome to the official holiday game contest. In this contest you will be asked to make a holiday(christmas) themed short game. We dont want any gore/blood in the game so make it as family friendly as you can :thumbsup:. Rules: Game must be Christmas themed in some way. Can use any tiles, sprites, etc.... May use scripts, events, etc.... May use anything you wish as long as you provide credits. If you dont know who to credit dont use the resource :ok: Game must have a beginning, middle, and end with credits at the end. Must have at least 1 battle. Try to keep the game between 5-30min Dont make battles impossible(Dont want to sit there and grind forever just to beat the next enemy/boss) Can use any RPG Maker as long as its made by Enterbrain. ALL RESOURCES THAT YOU DIDNT MAKE MUST BE IN THE ENDING CREDITS! IF YOU FAIL TO PROVIDE CREDIT I MAY FAIL TO JUDGE IT Notes: Game will be judged on but not limited to the following. Story, Grammar, Content, Time, Gameplay, Mapping(#1 thing im looking for), Music, etc... The game should be good in all areas like a normal game. I dont want to play a game where i just hit 1 button the entire time or battle enemies 90% of the time. Make everything match. If you use RTP style stick with RTP style. If you use a non-rtp style there should be no RTP style stuff in it. Same for music, no one wants to play a game where theres rock music playing when it should be calm music lol. Examples to help: Santa might not be able to deliver all the presents in time and he has tasked you to deliver presents to a town for him. Santa got captured by bigace and as an elf its up to you to save him or else Christmas will be ruined. Bob the reindeer has gotten sick and cannot pull the sleigh this year. Its up to you to find another reindeer or a cure for bob. Marked has stolen all the presents from your house. When you find him you can beat him up and take your presents back. If your a bad boy or girl also you can choose to steal all his presents :P. Polraudio(monster 11) the demon has enslaved your town and killed santa. You and a team of people team up to kill polraudio to revive santa. The life force from polraudio is enough to revive santa. Your job is to cook a good meal for your family for Christmas. Tasks might involve getting into a battle with food just to secure them for cooking. Those are just some of the things you can do if your not good at coming up with ideas. Prize: Since this is a game development site and were all game developers first prize will be a game where you develop games :P 1ST: Game Dev Tycoon; If you already have the game and want something else i can only offer points. EDIT: Will throw in The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut only if 8 people joined the contest. 2ND: 200 Points 3RD: 50 Points Dates: The start date is now. The duedate for all submissions is December 31st 2013. I wont accept any submissions later than January 1st. ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE PRIVATE MESSAGED TO @Polraudio Santa's List: -@Bob423 -@phionabrie-@Mepps -@Luky --- Hope to see lots of people join :) . If you have any question feel free to ask :thumbsup: .
  8. VXA is slowly pulling me in.

  9. Happy thanksgiving to those who celebrate it.

    1. Polraudio


      A few countries celebrate it. its not for certain religions, its a country wide thing. Theres a nice wikipedia article on it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thanksgiving

    2. zahraa


      Yeah.It has useful information,Thanks :)

    3. Marked


      Xmas is a chritian event but everyone does xmas in countries that celebrate xmas unless they have a different religion, or are chinese... or maybe its just atheists. Idk.

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  10. Looks like a good movie. What was your role?
  11. Few more days to vote. Vote while the booths are warm :P
  12. No problem :) . Need anything else feel free to ask :thumbsup:
  13. >First you would want to download the demo and copy the scripts from the demo into your game. >Then run the Blacksmith Configuration program and go to the misc. tab and click cache script and place that under all the scripts and above main then run the game. after all that your script editor should look like this. After you run the game after adding the cache script you can remove the cache script cause its not needed till you add more items to your database. >after you ran the game and have the cache script removed go back to the program there should be a file in the root of your game called BlacksmithCache. Drag that file into the anvil in the blacksmith program. After that you should see all the items from your game in the program. The program is really easy to figure out if you just play with it for a while. Example of item requirements to make a potion. >Once you get all the crafting part done in the program click the generate button in the lower left. and copy that to your scripts. Overwrite everything in the "Blacksmith Configuration" script. >Now for the confusing part. Go to the Misc. tab in the program and click "Create Script Call" There you can choose what items would be allowed to be made when you call the command from an event. useful for if you have different stations to craft at(like a furnace, anvil, etc...). Once you select the items you want to show up for the player click generate and copy what is in the box and make an event with a callscript. And thats all thats really to it. Seems kind of annoying and hard but you will get use to it in no time.
  14. No problem. if you need anything else just ask :thumbsup:
  15. Theres a blacksmith script made by @ForeverZer0 http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/6997-blacksmith-system/ Takes awhile to get use to it since the program is buggy. play with it for a few hours and you will get it. It comes with a program for adding your own recipes.
  16. I made a project that will help ya out. the tracking event is in the upper left. http://www.gdunlimited.net/media/uploads/manager/object-pushing-521.zip
  17. I remember making a project for this back in the day and posted it here somewhere. hard to find it since i have to go through 3832 posts lol. 2.) use an event to track the position of the box. for the box have it set to interact with the player when touched. when the box reaches a certian x and y the event will trigger a switch. EX: event when player facing left move box left. when player facing right move box right ... and so on for up and down so when the player bumps the box it can move in 4 directions. If you cant figure it out i will make a project for ya.
  18. LOL my brother cant tell the difference between skyrim on PC and skyrim on PS3. Im using ultra hd textures for skyrim to make it look real and he still thinks ps3 looks better.

    1. Bob423


      I can has comparison screeny?

    2. Polraudio


      Added some screenshots on my steam. put your skyrim on all low or med and compare since thats the consoles graphics. even with putting yours on max you will notice a huge difference and it will still be better than consoles.

    3. Polraudio


      would have looked better if i used ENB but it was lagging my computer since mines not powerful enough.

  19. That menu looks awesome. Cant wait to see what it looks like in action.
  20. Next week is the last full week of school then its exam week :D. So i wont be very active till exams are over.

  21. Welcome to RMU Ajr :) . You came to the right place for help :thumbsup:
  22. My age leveled up to level 23 :P

    1. zahraa


      :D I hope u find an item for more skill point so that you get "triple tasks" sooner

      Hey did u like that bday card that i sent for u?

    2. Polraudio
    3. Polraudio
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  23. Can you find the invisible cow? http://findtheinvisiblecow.com/ and vote in MOTM while doing it.

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