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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Why not have their own and you can set each to whatever you want. Have both. They can be the same or different. More customization = better.
  2. That should be fine. Im not sure why its nagging that thats undefined. Mine works fine and its right here. Try it there and if you get the error message again i would ask someone like bigace cause im not good with error message like those.
  3. Did you place the script under all scripts and directly above main?
  4. I play once in a while but i dont play normal starcraft cause i completely suck at it. I just stick to playing Desert Strike, and Nexus wars. Those games its all about countering what your enemy puts out. They are Tug of War maps.
  5. Voting has ended and the final votes are. Congrats to Liz for winning MOTM for the first month of the year :excited: . Topic will be close in 24 hours.
  6. As far as i can see looking through all the scripts and optional scripts it comes with you cant. Theres so many scripts that i could be missing something. If you do figure it out do let us know.
  7. 9 hours left to vote. If you haven't voted now would be the time.
  8. I dont think you can dual wield if thats what you mean.
  9. This should be it i hope. Its the only one i can find on the site. http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/files/file/16-virtual-pet-system/
  10. It seems like the code is all messed up from the site upgrades over the years. The whole script is a complete mess. I cant find that exact script anywhere else but i can find it without the side battle part. Im sure someone that knows battle systems can make it side battle for you. http://rpgcreative.net/rpgmaker/scripts-62-combat-ameliore.html
  11. All you have to do is go to their profile and look at the posts they made for this month. So you dont really need to be to active to vote. :thumbsup:
  12. If you haven't voted yet you got till Thursday 11:59 PM Eastern Time Zone.
  13. Good job Tom :D I would have never guessed there. I was looking in old topics lol.
  14. Can't wait to get Skyrom Dragonborn next tuesday(Feb 5)

    1. Polraudio


      Wow i just realized i said Skyrom instead of Skyrim

  15. I absolutely LOVE the new look and name. As for the engine sections im not sure really what to add. To me they look well planned. Just need a few more screenshots and FAQ. Most of the faq you can get from rmxp since they are mostly the same.
  16. Glad they are doing more than just making it 1080p and calling it hd like they do with the ps3 releases. I already play wind waker in 1080p with a little better graphics with the dolphin emulator.
  17. Can't believe its voting time already. Seemed like the month just started. My bed is what i sit on when using the computer so yes i wake up by my computer lol. Shoot me a pm or make a topic
  18. Sorry. I really shouldn't do this when i first wake up lol. Added.
  19. Don't forget to vote in MOTM.

  20. January Voting People to Vote For: -dolarmak -Lizzie S -Tomo2000 --- First MOTM voting for the year has begun. Good luck you three :P
  21. Polraudio

    Now is the time!

    I wil try to post as much as i can and try to make tutorials. Right now im working on an open world game for xp thats going to be a GDU Exclusive(what isnt that i make?).
  22. Im going to nominate Lizzie S for being active, kind, and for trying hard to get the community back up and running. :D
  23. Not really sure about mobile since i dont own anything besided a psp and a ipodtouch. If you have an ipod touch i would suggest Final Fantasy Dimensions, or Zenonia. I think Zenonia was on PSP but im not sure about PSV or DS. Might be on DSi since it says its for DSiware also.
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