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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Oops didnt even see that lol. I should start choosing a better time to make these topics lol.
  2. Dont forget to vote in Members of the Month

  3. September and October Voting Members to Vote For: Kind/Helpful: -Metaclaw -Moonpearl -Bob423 Contributor: -Mepps -RATED-RKOFRANKLIN 1st place in each category will get 100 points and 2nd will get 50. --- Good luck everyone :thumbsup: .
  4. I made a simple tutorial using 1 event with 3 commands a while back. you could easily use the same one and use a common event instead. http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/8562-very-very-simple-flashlight-tutorial/
  5. September and October Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like Kind/Helpful: -Metaclaw -Moonpearl Contributor: -Mepps -RATED-RKOFRANKLIN Misc.: --- Im doing it a tad bit different this month and for now one. Please read the Information/Rules before nominating since i updated the topic.
  6. Member of the Month Information and Rules Updated 10-15-13 Member of the Month nominating will be held on the 15th-20th and voting will be held on the 20th-29th of each month Nominating: Nominating will be split into different categories and members can be nominated for each. Note: You cannot nominate admins Kind/Helpful - Someone who is very kind and helpful. Contributor - someone who has put a lot into the site in terms of content. Misc. - Anything that doesn't fit the bill above. Still need a valid reason for each tho. More will come soon Each submission must have a valid reason to be able to nominate. Cant just say you nominate someone without a reason. Voting: If voting shall result in a tie what to do will be up to the members that are tied. Members that are tied get to chose between everyone getting MOTM or to do a tiebreaker. Member of the Year: At the end of the year we get to vote for member of the year. At the end of the year anyone who won MOTM will be added to the voting for member of the year.
  7. Welcome to RMU Valshe :) . I must say your artwork is amazing :grin: .
  8. Welcome aboard Hiroshi :wave: . If you need any help with anything dont be afraid to post :thumbsup: .
  9. I wouldnt mind starting over. Would feel good to get all those points again :P. How is the points system setup right now? I plan on giving out points for the winners of MOTM and i dont want to give to little or to much.
  10. Battlefield 4 beta is out for anyone who wants to try it.

    1. Polraudio
    2. Marked


      this is ur busy times pol??? lol.

    3. Polraudio


      weekends are my non busy times lol... except sunday night. thats when i slave at all the homework i had for the weekend :P

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  11. "I dont have a PC, I have an HP"

  12. Love all the new changes. Especially how comments always show up in recent posts, makes it so much easier to find and help people on old and new content. Can we comment on our comments then comment on those comments :shock: ? Congrats on becoming a global mod chigoo :D.
  13. I need to stay awake more often. Every time i go to bed one of these happen and is over by the time i wake up.
  14. Just spent the last 5 hours on an accounting quiz. I hate accounting so much. Dont even see why i need to learn it since im not going to be doing anything accounting related or ever want to.

    1. Marked


      lol I had to do accounting as part of my Bcom. It wasn't that bad... A = D + OE. Lulz.

  15. Welcome to RMU :) . I seen a few people playing Tibia at school. Looks like an interesting game.
  16. That module would be nice to have. Awards under the members title or in their profile would be a cool thing to have. What i had in mind for MOTM was to have more then just member of the month and make it more like members of the month where there will be sections people can be nominated under. So we can have thing like scripter of the month, graphics of the month, game of the month, etc....
  17. I bet theres some people out there who still use VX. You could combine VX and VX Ace in the same section into a "VX/Ace" section.
  18. Back after a few day vacation from the internet. Sometimes you just need a break from the internet.

  19. Will be offline till tmr night time.

  20. I have decided not to do member of the month this month. Im instead planning to revamp member of the month so next month and on will be better. The plan is to get more people to be noticed instead of 1 person every month and give out points each month(cause more then 1 deserve it every month). If you have any suggestions on how we can improve MOTM more feel free to post here(no i cant give money unless you guys want to donate every month).
  21. *uses pokeball on Metaclaw. Now you belong to me. XD Welcome to RMU. If you need anything at all feel free to ask :) .
  22. This is actually something you should fill out. Cause we dont know how tough the monsters are or how tough the bosses are. Not knowing that we could mess up so bad that you could kill the final boss in 1 hit at level 2. Ned to know the pace of the game.
  23. Marked changed his avatar O.o!

    1. Bob423


      And it was in all caps too. How did you manage that?

    2. Polraudio


      It surprised me so much that i didn't even see anything xd.

    3. Marked


      I'm glad you guys were surprised.. I felt so dirty doing it. I've had the same avatar for all 7 years... I'll prob change it back coz it feels so wrong :S

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  24. Very nice. I thought the kiwi was our mascot?
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