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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. November Voting Members to Vote For: Contributor: -@xTsukihime -@Bob423 -@Mepps -- Good luck :thumbsup:
  2. Bring it on spambots im ready for ya :P

    1. Polraudio


      Another bot bites the dust nanana xd

  3. Im bad with birthdays lol. I can barely remember mine on the 23rd(in 2 days). Happy late Bday :P
  4. Best bet would be to just play with numbers and test lots. Start off by making a standard enemy with lets say every stat low and the stat you want to test little higher. Do the same with skills, weapons, armor, etc... Then test how much damage the skill would do when the player gets levels. May sound like a pain but thats game development for ya. Took me hours of playing with things to get it how i wanted it. Personally i would say scrap all the values that are there by default and start over from scratch so you can learn/test how it all works.
  5. I nominate Bob and Mepps for their contributions to site.
  6. I dont listen to music besides game music while im playing games so i would have to say. Desert_Exploration_1 from starbound lol. Yea its odd that i dont like "normal" music :P
  7. November Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like Kind/Helpful: Contributor: -@xTsukihime -@Bob423 -@Mepps Misc.: --- Im doing it a tad bit different this month and for now one. Please read the Information/Rules before nominating since i updated the topic.
  8. ~Merged your posts~ raana theres no need to reply to each one seperately. You can use the MultiQuote button then a reply button will show up in the lower right then you can reply to each at the same time :ok: .
  9. #1 Never had that happen before and wouldnt know how to fix it. i dont have a / key by my z. only 2 / \ is by my . and ]. Try running rmxp in windows xp SP3 compatability. If your unsure how right click on the RPGXP.exe in the folder located here "C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterbrain\RPGXP\" click properties then go to the compatability tab and set it for "Windows XP (Service Pack 3). Should look something like this. If that doesnt work im not really sure what could be causing it. #2 is a problem everyone has. the way to get around that is to type your callscript in notepad then copy and paste it over and it should work. Everytime you make an edit to it you will have to do it in notepad and paste that over to rmxp. I know its odd but at least it works that way. #3 only way to enter 4 lines per message box in the editor is if you had the illegal PK version of rmxp. legal one is only 3 lines. Hope it works out well for you :) .
  10. anyone interested in a resource respawning script thats not very userfriendly?

    1. FleshRenderStudios


      depends which engine its for :)

      I need one for ace :)

  11. Welcome to RMU Blue. Looking forward to your game :)
  12. Welcome to RMU whitekaizer. Its usually always a good idea to give credit or else people could get mad. I would wouldnt like it if i found someone used my stuff and didnt give credit. Sure i did it for free and for fun but its nice to get credit where credit is due so others dont thing someone else made it. Most people will say if they require credits or not. Either way i would credit the person to be safe and avoid possible conflicts that may end up getting your game removed from sites. If you need anything at all dont be afraid to post :thumbsup:
  13. Welcome to RMU raana. If you need anything at all just ask :thumbsup:
  14. Polraudio

    Eventing Question

    Im in class at the moment but i may be able to compile my respawn script. It respawns any type of resource over whatever time you choose. It even saves when they player saves so if you set it for 5min and the player saves and quits for 5min there will still be 5min left for them to wait when they come back. It will also change the graphic when it has been picked and is there. But i will warn you its not very user friendly to use and may not work for you.
  15. Thought blender was a 3d modeling/animation program?
  16. Wow nice pics. Im loving this one http://oi42.tinypic.com/k4yyjt.jpg
  17. Not sure if people use these but might as well so people have the option. Unity UDK
  18. Welcome to RMU :) . If you need anything at all dont be afraid to ask :thumbsup: .
  19. Cant wait till the 15th when X Rebirth comes out.

  20. Voting has ended and the winners for motm are. Kind/Helpful 1st Place(100pts) Metaclaw 2nd Place(50pts) Bob423 Contributor 1st Place(100pts) Mepps 2nd Place(50pts) RATED-RKOFRANKLIN Good job everyone and keep up the good work :thumbsup: . EDIT: Points have been added to your accounts.
  21. Think its safe to backup your media to a file site as long as your the only one who has access and downloads it. I could be wrong tho.
  22. Interesting addon for firefox if you want to see your browsing history in a neat way and its links to other sites. https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/lightbeam/

    1. Polraudio


      Will be a little button in the lower right if you have add-on bar on. http://i.imgur.com/TPAycyA.png

  23. Thats why there is a misc. category. Its not only for members who contributed things to the site.
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