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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Got to love having an SSD. within 5sec of hitting the power button im on the desktop with everything fully loaded and ready to go.

  2. Might just be you. The game is very well optimized. It even runs on my crappy tablet just fine.
  3. For the past few days I been working on a little side project called The Collector. In this game you play as a ball that runs over objects to collect them. Every object adds points to your score and your goal is to collect all the objects before the time runs out or its game over. This is an arcade type of game with lots of replay value to get the highest score possible. Sorry for the lack of info its very early in development. Those who have been around a long time may remember when I made this game in rpg maker XP. NOTE: Please keep in mind that this game is in very very early stages of development so there will be bugs, missing menus, and non functional stuff lol. EDIT NOTE: The game does work with the controller but only for the ball movement and not the menus. Those out there who like controllers you might be able to get a higher score using one. DOWNLOAD https://www.mediafire.com/?p0oh1kf3mhj13sm EDIT: Reuploaded with the ability to load/save. the game autosaves after every level. Please feel free to post your highest scores and try to beat the best. Sorry theres no online highscores. If you want to try to beat my scores here are mine.
  4. If you're not willing to learn, you're not willing to earn.

  5. Raspberry Pi all setup as a NAS. Its 100% powered by my router aswell. The pi is low powered enough to be powered off a single USB port.

    1. Marked


      Ooooooh sounds cool. You should post more dets coz I'm interested. I've got one to play with when I.get back to nz

    2. Polraudio


      Ill make a tutorial when i get some free time.

    3. Marked
  6. I love to see that. Im a big FF3/6 fan. I know how it is with snow...... getting like 3 feet overnight and -20f temps sometimes. I haven't been doing much lately besides working and working when i get home xd. I have been slowly making RPG voxel assets in Qubicle with the help of bob for Unity.
  7. Love the clean modern look. Cant wait to see how it looks with everything.
  8. Anyone want to trade places to live for a few months? http://i.imgur.com/VGb94Ec.png

    1. Tomo2000


      I'd gladly swap. Upward near 40 C and always with 60% humidity

  9. My new years resolution: actually fully make a game lol. oh and its 1920x1080 :P.

  10. Woot im level 7 in the refinery xd.

  11. I love both the first and 3rd option. Maybe you could add hype as an option for the first one? That way if someone is really excited about a feature or something in a game they can hype it. Chugga Chugga Hype! Hype!
  12. Feels odd being on vacation.

  13. 12 hours till 8 days of vacation :D.

  14. It all depends on the direction you want to go with it. If it gets really popular peoples posts could get buried fast and not a single person could see them. Maybe you could make a use for the points system and make a featured post or something for the cost of points. Could also have a hot and trending tab for topics that get alot of attention. Maybe a small banner system at the top where people could spend points to have something advertised for lets say a week. It could cycle through banners every 5-10sec. Points system: You could do the points system kind of like the forums or even use the same system.
  15. I think it would be a good idea. People would post more to the refinery meaning they would be working on their game more, interacting with members more often and overall a good thing for the community. EDIT: Could also spend points to display your game on the main page for [insert days].
  16. Very awesome job on the gameplay. Graphics/maps need a ton of work tho. Other than that keep up the awesome job :thumbsup: .
  17. Redid the entire site of http://www.zadunegames.com sure its still not that great looking but at least its something lol.

  18. Compared to most places this is far better. You have a good way of making complex things simple and easy to navigate.
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