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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Since theres a change windowskin color option im going to have each character have their own color message box when they talk.

  2. ohhhh so thats how you do the console log. I was thinking it was print still....then a printer window came up lol. If you want to run pieces of code at runtime heres how you would do that. I personally use Atom for all my scripting needs. Its got a clean, simple, and minimalistic look.
  3. Was excited for MV, Tried MV, and now im disapointed in MV. I thought JS would make scripting alot easier but its really no different than RGSS. Thought i could freely code whatever i want but i forgot how annoying it is to work with other peoples code.

    1. Bob423


      Figures...is it at least easier to learn from so you can make your own version?

    2. Polraudio


      most of the scripts are crammed together so its harder to find what you want to edit.

    3. Marked


      I expected this though. You're right, it is a lot like RGSS except that I understand more of it. Maybe it's a matter of just getting familiar with the lib and after that, it is in fact easier. Nevertheless, I shall report on this once I attempt to create an MMO.

  4. IS now trying rpg maker MV

  5. Cant remember since i threw it out. the reason it broke was because it was like 100F(‪37.77778‬C) that day and was prob a good 120F(‪48.88889‬C) in my room that day so the water in the cooler boiled.
  6. I got rid of watercooling becasue it bursted and got my motherboard and GPU soaked. had to let it dry for an entire week before my computer started to work. Im glad i still had the stock fan cooler in a box cause i cant afford to get another cooler. So if it wasnt for the stock cooler i wouldnt even have a computer to use still and its been 3 months i think.
  7. LAWL ready for MV(i sure hope so). Not a bad rig. Got to love Samsung SSD's. We nearly have the same SSD. Nothing in my rig has changed since my last post besides having to minus the watercooling.
  8. Any group project would be hard to pull off but id love to see an rpg maker MMO WITHOUT an action based battle system. It would be awesome to have the normal side view turn based battle system in an mmo with skilling options(like runescape). I would prob try to make an MMO since most MMO's now days suck balls and are all the same. Get this, kill x amount of this, deliver this to this person. Lots of towns/areas locked till you get to a certain level or finish quests. That formula is getting annoying in all MMO's(the reason i like runescape is because its unique and avoids stuff like that). MMO's need to give the player more freedom instead of locking content away behind a huge quest wall. Back on topic: I would probably be easier to make an MMO with MV that it is for XP/VX/VXA since MV seems to be more open to scripting now. Then again it all depends how much you can change through scripting. With the ability to port to HTML 5 id LOVE to see a web based MMO. EDIT: 100% of my scripts for unity are JS so im really excited to try lots of things in MV.
  9. Hello there. Yea i don't remember you and i usually remember everyone.
  10. Maybe we can just do a month game jam instead of a weekend? It will give everyone plenty of time to work on a game. It would be great for me since i never have 2 days off in a row. I dont really want it to feel like a competition as its more made to let people see what they can do in a given amount of time and put skills to the test to crank something out. I start many projects and dont really finish them...so some sort of time limit for making a game will actually make me finish something lol. EDIT: If i end up winning, any prize i put up will go to 2nd place. If we do the month game jam i may actually have some extra stuff i can give people since ill be getting paid 2 times within that period.
  11. Not enough people so i guess not. and i cant do it anymore either since i just got a job at walmart :(. sucks being a grownup lol.
  12. Started working at walmart. Its mostly 4 hours a day at $9 an hour. Not bad for a temp job. Can finally start my life :). If i work hard it could turn into a perm job.

    1. Marked


      Good for you Pol :)

  13. You could still do combat but in a non violent way. I only make million dollar ideas so feel free to use this one for free :P. Aliens came to earth and the best way to take them out is to scare them away with fart noises. So you can have guns and stuff that emit fart noises. The enemies will just get scared off instead of dying. You can craft parts and combine them together to make better fart guns. The aliens use an attack called scare. Instead of HP you have the stat called scared. To "heal" you would use items like teddy bears, candy, toys, and etc. to take away the scare. The story could be something like...... Aliens have came to earth to invoke fear into everyone. The more scared people are the more power the aliens have so they don't kill people. Everytime you kill an alien every human that the alien has scared will die(if an alien scared 3 people and that alien gets killed so do those 3 people). That is why you use a fart noise gun instead of killing the aliens because your family got scared by an alien and you killed the alien...you know the rest. The end goal is to get to the alien mothership somehow to scare the alien king. The more people you rescue/make feel good about the whole situation the less power the aliens will have. Theres lots of types of equipment you can have. You can have different types of music tapes you can find for your walkman(yes i know...) and each tape reduces the amount of fear/scare you will get per attack done to you. Theres many different things you can do. Just use your imagination.
  14. How would your day be without being able to see what time it is?

    1. Kitsuki


      For me? The same. I'd sleep/internet/occasionally eat the whole time.

    2. Polraudio


      It would be shitty for me. Id be constantly wondering what time it is. I plan my day around time so i would prob end up going to bed like 5 hours earlier than i normally do, would end up eating more than 2 times a day. I would prob get up at 7am thinking its noon and going to bed at 6pm thinking its midnight.

  15. The RTP is perfectly fine. The only thing you need to do it make the world believable. If i go to a town and see 6 NPC's in the bar and 10 NPC's outside and theres only like 3 houses in the entire town its going to feel unrealistic and will take away from the immersion. All you got to really do is plan your places out to make it feel like its a living breathing town. You dont want the player to walk into a house that is for 3 people but only see 1 bed. You will be surprised how far the little things can go and what people will think of when playing games. When i create a game i think of all the little details like does this person like to play the piano, does this person like books, or even does this person drink coffee(then i put a cup on the table). When making something ask yourself why that item is there and if you can think of a reason then that's good. Mapping doesn't have to be perfect. it just has to make sense^ Were not bashing your mapping, your mapping isn't that bad. Just a few details you need to think about. were trying to help you become a better game developer. Also keep in mind that im looking at your maps as a person who would be really into your game and want to figure out each little thing like omg this guy has 3 coffee mugs in his house on 1 table and he lives alone HALF-LIFE 3 CONFIRMED!!! XD Game development is all about learning. I find myself constantly learning new things and having to redo my game 100+ times to make it perfect. I went through like 300+ learner projects in rpg maker xp before i learned it. i spent hours on each one trying different things.
  16. This rule mostly applies to unity and other game engines since 90% of most games in unity are scripts where 90% of the game for RPG maker is made without ever touching a script at all. Graphics, audio, models and sound are alot harder to pull off and make a game than it is to actually build the game. You can use existing scripts. But cannot get them, config them, or make them till the start date.
  17. ~Topic moved to VX Ace Requests
  18. Updated. Guess the youtube tags were being glitchy.
  19. Alright just a heads up. My post may seem VERY rude but keep in mind that its not meant to be rude. Ill be looking at your maps as a player and a project manager/game designer. So think of my post as how i would judge your map as your boss. VILLAGE: First ill say you did a good job with the map just by looking at it. Now for whats wrong. A: The windows on the left can be put a little more to the right by a few pixels so it matches the window on the right. Yes i know thats VX's vault buy keep in mind you are making a game and are a game developer so don't give me this crap "ohhh but its how VX is" Bullshit in my mind because you have all the tools you need to make edits. Once again sorry for my rudeness as i dont mean to be rude. B: Im going to assume every B spot is a door since you did forget to put them in. Make sure when you make a screenshot for feedback that you put everything in that you want in becasue sometimes a little door can make a HUGE difference when judging something. Overall look or something like that. C: In real life a path will not have a gap like that between. instead it will have the dirt look like its going under the stone path(or the stone path going over the dirt....all depends on your logic). ONE MAJOR thing id do in all of your towns is make sure theres a house for every single NPC. Find out who is related to who and make sure inside the inside of the house matches the outside also and how many people live there. EX: Your houses look wooden from the outside except the inn and the pub so make all the interiors of the house wood AND MATCH THE DOOR ON THE INSIDE WITH THE DOOR ON THE OUTSIDE. Sooo if your door is at the center of the house on the outside make sure its at the center inside the house also. The pub matches just fine. HOME: Ok now for the house i was really confused. Is this a house or a basement? IMO its a basement so where are the stairs leading to the house? A: The bed is apparently floating in the air because its on top of the wall and not in front of it. B: Not really something bad but id suggest something with black borders to make it look a little better maybe. C: Why are there teddies just sitting on the floor? I can understand if it was carpet or something but it really makes no sense. If its a little girls room sure there will be teddies but why in the hell are there book shelves? Does this little girl or boy read ALOT and live alone? Id consider completely redoing the home since it looks like a basement instead of a home and its a little to big for just 1 person. The kitchen doesnt look like a kitchen, the table is missing chairs and it doesnt really look like a dinning room. Why is there a random piano in the hall and a bookshelf at the end of the hall and thats it? Judging by the amount of books this child or person really loves to read like a shit ton and must be rich to afford all those books so why dont they have carpet if they are rich enough to own a piano and tons of books? TIP: One major factor to think about when designing homes is to think about how much wealth the family has, how many people are in that family, and what personalities does each person have? Make it look and feel like a real home. Maybe Timmy likes books and Lisa likes her teddy bears. "ARMORY": Ok so this ones a little done randomly and it shouldnt be since its an "armory". An armory is usually a place to store mmilitary goods and not setup a shop. Either way theres not much you can do but id suggest grouping stuff together since its just 1 piece of clothes per holder thingie. Also why is there random helms on the floor? The helms should be put on stuff like tables and not on the floor. By grouping things id put all the armor together in a section, all the hats in another section, etc..... Id also rename it to a shop with a unique shop name instead of armory. like Timmy's Wears. Main thing tho is to keep the helms and hats off of the floor. LAB: So only a few things wrong with the lab. A: Why are those things on top of that freezer/fridge. It would take some kind of latter to get up there to get them down. B: If this is a lab does that mean its a food experiment lab because no lab is going to have that much food unless its a shop but it looks nothing like a shop. The most you are going to see from a lab is one fridge for the employees to store their lunches in for the day. From my information gathering by looking at the map it is a lab where they do experiments with food and people. They prob feed someone some food and see how the body reacts to it. If so thats alot of computers and room for that kind of work. CAFE: The cafe has some work that needs to be done. It doesnt feel like a cafe at all. Usually in a cafe theres a room where the food is made and not out in the open. Id also make a counter for people to get their food from the kitchen. Most of all where are the chairs? The whole place looks like a food contest place gone wrong instead of a cafe. In a cafe you will have tables for the people to sit at with chairs instead of counters. PUB: The pub has a few things wrong with it. A: Remove those things so you can extend the counter and add more places to sit. B: Extend the counter so the merchandise is behind the counter(that's how bars/pubs work). C: Add a few more tables and chairs. Add chairs to the counters because there are chairs/stools at the bar counter in a real life pub/bar. D: Make sure you don't have any floating stuff or it will make people laugh at your game and call you a noob. Like i said earlier.. You are a game dev so be one by editing stuff to make them fit. --- Few tips for ya. Always make sure every single NPC in town has a place to live whether its in a different town or not. If the player talks to someone at the bar and the NPC says they live in [insert town name], make sure they have a house in that town. When making the interior of houses make sure you make a room for every single person in that family and make the rooms to fit their personality. Most of all. If something doesn't fit right together make sure you EDIT it to make sure it fits. Always think about the purpose of the building and where things should go inside it. The lab is a good example of what to not do.....unless its really a food testing/food research place. Think about the place as if you were really going there and question every single thing you place. People will think of every possible reason to bash a game so make sure everything makes logic sense. EX once again is the lab. I had so many questions about things there and couldn't really figure out what the lab was for because a food testing/food research place just doesn't make sense but its the only thing i could think of. Hopefully all this info was helpful in some way and opened up your eyes to think a little more about building places instead of being random and in a rush. NOTE: Id highly suggest imgur for the future. also use hyperdesktop to upload stuff to imgur. It also has a selection tool where you can select an area to take a screenshot and it will automatically upload it to imgur and give you the link. http://www.mediafire.com/download/0jobbx9b1xq1l0l/Hyperdesktop_v1.0.3.9.exe
  20. If anyone is interested in one of the awesome new upcoming updates to unity 2d you GOT to watch this video. Sure its an hour long but it will make you want all these tools in RPG Maker. They have added awesome tools that make mapping just like rpg maker but WAY better. I usually wont post this kind of stuff unless i thought it was worth a watch. Guess the tags linked it to the wrong link. This should work.
  21. Yes you can work on a story now so you have sort of an idea when you get to jamming xd. I already know what game im going to do. You can enter the contest as a team but keep in mind that right now there's only 1 prize so you will have to fight over who gets it. And the prize is on steam so steam is required to receive it. I should prob add this info to the main post. Ill update the topic here to allow teams and to allow you to work on your story ahead of time. Basically you can work on anything that doesnt involve using the actual engine. Scripting is not allowed to be worked on either since if you were using unity or something you could "complete" the game before the contest even started. 90% of my game is going to be code and it would completely be unfair if i could code before the game even starts to get built. I know how long it takes to build a game and it would be very hard for people to make all the graphics, sounds, models and story during the contest. EDIT: Updated main post.
  22. So how is next weekend looking for everyone? The 16th to the 18th?
  23. We could do it next weekend if no one can do it this weekend. Will have to be on a weekend since people have school.
  24. Consider joining the game jam this weekend. Starting friday. http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/11811-weekend-game-jam/

    1. zahraa


      I don't bother making a post to say that sadly I won't join lol but I wish you luck with that bro ;)

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