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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. EWWWW an upgrade! Problems usually come with an upgrade if you dont do a full install. Upgrading is usually never a good idea for any OS and you should always do a full fresh install. That is prob where most of your problems are coming from. Its also possible that your hard drive has some bad sectors. bad sectors are usually caused by the computer shutting down wrong(usually power failures or holding the power button to shut it off). How to do this is open command prompt as administrator then type without quotes "chkdsk c: /r", it will ask you if you would like it to run after a restart so say yes and restart. It may take a long time to do but it will remove all bad sectors from your hard drive and if that was the problem it should be fixed. My bet is that its because you upgraded.
  2. Thats good. So they got nothing really useful if they got stuff.
  3. What kind of information did they have access to?
  4. if you get ccleaner you can see more startup items than what windows may show. http://i.imgur.com/g31SVpb.png https://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download/standard take a screenshot of all your startup items for me.
  5. I think i know how time works. after 1:59am its goes 3am right?

  6. Pol to the rescue! Ok im going to ask 2 questions here since it sounds like a virus/malware/otherthings. 1: What program are you using? 2: Have you checked the msconfig to see if any unwanted programs are starting up?
  7. 1 + 1 = 11

    1. Marked
    2. black mage

      black mage

      I thought it was 10 :v

    3. Polraudio


      1+0=10. you just add the numbers together.

  8. Get up at 11am, check, try to go to sleep at 6pm and fail, check, stay awake till 6am to go to work, check, work till 2:30pm then go home...... then stay awake till 6pm THEN finally go to sleep after 31 hours of being awake. man i hate switching from late shifts for months to a few early ones T.T

    1. zahraa


      you are having a hard time aren't you D:

    2. Polraudio


      Im glad its only for 2 days then i go back to having day/night shifts.

    3. Marked
  9. Sad to see it come to this but since me and my partner both have jobs it has to be this way T.T http://mineclicker.tumblr.com/post/139681457054/life-update

    1. Polraudio


      Note: If you buy the game at any point you will get the source.... and be able to see my poor coding from a year ago lol.

  10. So last night i stumbled upon this cool program that allows you to easily upload stuff and get links to various places. As you can see above there's ALOT of places you can upload stuff to(I can see marked looking at the thing at the bottom). It even has lots of cool tools like automation. Without further adoo heres the link https://getsharex.com/
  11. HOLY CRAP ITS RYAN! Long time no see.
  12. Was looking around and seen this game engine. Its like cryengine but has more to it. Best part is its FREE!. It looks very interesting and i cant wait till it extracts so i can try it......... Heres a vid on it. And the download/info link. https://aws.amazon.com/lumberyard/
  13. Yes or No?

    1. Marked


      No to drugs yes to education. :)

    2. Bigace360
  14. Its not up to us as we don't own any rights to anyone's games. Its 100% up to the author of that game to give you permission. You will have to ask him about it. This applies for any site on the internet.
  15. Heres an hour and forty four minutes of gameplay.
  16. Hey hey hey, welcome to GDU :thumbsup:
  17. Theres no real engines for making a voxel type game but theres software to make voxel models. One of the most popular free ones is Magic Voxel. https://voxel.codeplex.com/ Either way you will need to learn programming to make a game but to make models its as simple as uing the program i put above^.
  18. I been following this game forever now and its FINALLY got a release date. If you like harvest moon you probably have heard about this game and if you haven't heard about it well now you have. Heres the trailer for those who are interested. I cannot wait till it comes out. Harvest moon was alright but it didn't have the freedom i wanted where this looks like its got alot more freedom. What do you think? Are you excited(Im horny for it :P)?
  19. *Pokes Everyone*

    1. zahraa


      *slaps* Good morning >:D

    2. Bob423


      For some odd reason I immediately thought of this, partly because of that ">:D" emote... http://i.imgur.com/vOULjZf.gif

    3. zahraa
  20. Having to use temp graphics is annoying sometimes but what about temp audio? you tell me... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3JYZ1P1fY-QWVdzYThLSkY0UG8/view

  21. I got a TS server if anyone is interested. its only 10 slots for now so if your really interested PM me and ill give you the address. I may upgrade it to 15 or more if its used enough.

  22. hmm.. I didn't have to do any of that... I just stopped it from starting up with windows and it stopped being showed everywhere.
  23. if(Life >0){ WorkSleepEat += 1; Life -= 1; }

    1. Polraudio


      if(Life =< 0 && WorkSleepEat > 0){ Print("You didnt break the cycle and had died after living a boring life");}

    2. Marked



      Live a happy life, please.


    3. zahraa


      that cycle is my biggest fear D:

  24. I cant say i remember you. Just kidding. I could never forget you. Have you been working in rpg maker or unity lately?
  25. Windows 10 insider is free and its the same thing as windows 10 but just more updated. So if you want a free version of windows 10 there ya go. AV is actually free. Never spend money on that junk that does less than the free stuff like malwarebytes and spybot But yea to the average consumer they will just buy AV. But i dont see miscosoft charging for security updates. I see them doing a paid service pack type thing like mac does.
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