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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. wu wuuu whaaaaattt??????? Im completely confused what this even is lol. But im sure marked know what it is. To me this just looks like an alien just posted stuff that i cant read XD.
  2. I haven't had 1 problem with windows 10 yet. So far it runs flawlessly and way better for games than even windows 7 or 8/8.1. Windows 10 wont fail and isnt going anywhere anytime soon. Sure they still screwed up the start menu to all hell but please get startisback for the windows 7 experience. Im loving windows 10 way more than windows xp, v, 7, 8 and 8.1. My 2 fav things about windows 10 is the iso mounting, drive pools and creation/mounting of virtual disks. I keep my important files and stuff in a virtual disk that is encrypted so if someone even manages to get on my computer they cant even access my important stuff at all for a good couple thousand years. Im a heavy power user and i think its a very good OS. From what i understand they are going to pull an apple and make major updates to windows 10 in the future and charge $ for them just like MAC. As much as i like windows i would switch to linux instantly if i could game on there and create games just as easy as windows. Sadly unity doesnt work on linux even with wine T.T.
  3. Who are you? Just kidding I remember you :P. Where have you been?
  4. Long time no see grave. Welcome back. Yea most people start with JS since its easier to learn. Im good at programming in unity JS but i suck ass when it comes to Rpg Maker MV. I cant even figure out how to even script in MV. Even knowing i can program anything in unity i cant program anything in MV because it doesnt have as much freedom.
  5. Yea its a popular genre. It doesn't necessarily mean clicker games.
  6. YES! I feel the same way when using auto save. I always wonder if its saved, when the last save was, was my internet shit and it didnt save what i just did if my internet was shit and how the hell do i manually save if i want. Sometimes i make lots of changes that i later realize i dont want to keep and i have no choice because of the auto save. I think a manual save would be good.
  7. the notifications for the private messages, status updates, and someone quoted your post are the only thing i use it for.
  8. stayed awake for 20 hours to fix my sleeping schedule.... well get it sort on track. with random work times its hard to have an actual schedule lol.

    1. Marked


      Damn man, that's rough. I used to work a night shift job. It's pretty shit being outta cycle. Ruins your whole "day".

  9. Sweet! Was wondering when you were going to pick this up again. I think loads quick enough. Can you add an x coordinate for the title so I can center mine?
  10. This will be my second article for Dear Devs. If you haven't read my first one please head on over here http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/11682-dear-devs-demos/ Dear Devs: In most RPG's I noticed people don't really think about the environment they are making. Problems: Homeless NPC's. Super ultra small towns. Nature doesn't look natural. Doesn't make sense why some things exist or are placed. Those are just a few things. What should you do? Towns: To many times I see people having like 40 NPC's in a town and have 2 houses with 2 shops. When making towns you should make a place to live for every single NPC. Most of all every NPC should have a bed somewhere. EVEN IF YOUR NPC WORKS IN A STORE they should still have a place to live. It should be apparent to the player that every NPC has a home. Every NPC should also have a personality shown in their rooms and dialog. What do I mean by this? Well when you go into someones room/house it should reflect the likes and dislikes of that person. EX: Lisa likes teddy bears so she has teddy bears in her room but she doesnt like carpet so you wont find carpet in her room and maybe her brother knows she likes teddy bears so he has teddy bears in his room with the heads off and maybe her brother also likes carpets and lamps....be creative. With NPC dialog the player should be able to talk to the NPC and have the NPC talk about things they like or maybe even ask the player if they like that stuff also. One important thing is to make sure NPC's don't just have 1 single thing to say. Please use a random number and conditional branch of some type so the NPC will say different things. Also make use of that self switch(if your using rpg maker) to make it so if the NPC asks the player a question the answer gets stored. Another thing to remember when making towns is to make sure the outside matches the inside. So if you make a house that's an L shape make sure the inside is also an L shape and if the outside is a 2 story make sure to make the inside a 2 story....don't make the inside a 2 story when the outside is a 1 story. Also make sure not to make the inside feel bigger than the outside. You don't want the outside of a house to be 4x4 and have the inside be the size of a fricken castle. The little things matter also. Also keep in mind the wealth of the person. you don't want a poor person to have a piano in their house. Also make sure object placement makes sense. If there's just 1 person living in a house don't place 2 tea cups filled with tea on the table. Sure it seems like its alot of work but trust me it will make the game feel so much more alive and not dumb like most RPG's out there now days. Most RPG's feel like they don't put much thought into towns. Follow everything I said and your towns will be far better than most. Nature: To many people make nature not random or don't add enough details to the world. Nature is a little different than making a town so this will mostly be general guidelines to follow. A simple thing to remember when making nature is to remember that nature is random so be random. Try not to make land flat and boring. Add some height and different types of shrubs and grass to the area if you are making a forest or some grassy area. One major thing to avoid is making square water, grass, and paths. Sure in some cases its hard with rpg maker because the water is square but I mean by area and not per tile. EX: When making a river you don't want to just have a rectangle of water. Take it to the next level and add little runoff streams and stuff. For the actual nature part with trees and stuff make sure it makes sense. you will rarely ever see trees alive inside water...unless its a jungle. this part is mostly common sense and I shouldn't have to go to much into it as most devs do a good job with this. Just make sure to add little details like flowers, grass, weeds, etc..... Paths are prob the easiest thing to make since they are manmade. When making paths there's 2 types of paths to keep in mind and how they should appear in your game. Rocky path: Rocky paths are usually things like roads. These paths are usually straight and don't usually have parts of the path scattered around. Dirt path: These paths are usually things like trails or non main roads going from town to town. Its a good idea to not keep these paths perfectly intact like the roads are. Break the path up sometimes by adding grass in the middle of the path maybe some dirt ended up off the path. Just use your imagination and be sort of random but not very random because its manmade usually. Everything: Theres 1 thing you should do in every single RPG you make. Examine text! The player should be able to go around and hit the action button on almost everything to see text. EX: I see a crate in someones house. I should be able to examine that crate. *examines crate* Crate: Its just a normal crate filled with condoms. The little things like examining stuff goes a long way when making an immersive world. Hopefully this has helped you think about what you are doing wrong or doing right. If it has helped you please hit that rep button in the lower right, comment and add to the conversation :thumbsup: .
  11. InvokeRepeating in unity is amazing. Its perfect for timing things perfectly instead of trying to make custom timers and relying on constant FPS. Not that anyone cares lol.

    1. drago2308


      InvokeRepeating is the only way I create loops in unity, although don't go to overboard as it tends to lag if too many calculations are being done in the sub frames (as per usual)

  12. Since im a nice guy and believe every project should eventually have its source released im going release the source of this for you guys. The only thing i ask is that you don't sell the source or make a game with it and sell it. Its fine to make a game with it and release it for free as long as i get credit somewhere thats noticeable. <Even if its on the main post to a download link and not actually in the game its self. As long as the person downloading it can see a list of all the people who made it. The source is the latest version of the game and has some features that are not in the current downloadable version. Some of these features are... -Solargate System(highly highly inspired by stargates). -Ship and planet inventory. -Can store items in your planet(cant take stuff out or do anything with them yet) -Asteroid system(this system has a solargate. discover it and remember the solargate address so you can dial it from any gate....dont forget to remember your homes gate address also.) Source Agreement and Download: Note: My code is probably very very messy and confusing so good luck XD [spoiler=Source Download and Agreement]> I will not try to profit from this. > I will give the creator(Polraudio) credit in someplace noticeable. > If i upload or link a project made with this source i will leave a link to this topic. > I understand that the creator has no obligation to help with problems i may have. > GDU is the place to be. Download: By clicking the download link you agree to the above terms https://www.mediafire.com/?x6p4fy8ucoxfu08
  13. 1: Buritos 2: Lasagna 3: Pizza 4: Chili The typical nerd favs :P
  14. This hasn't started and don't think it will since school/work and all. Sorry for not replying sooner. I been really busy lately... thats why i haven't been active on the forums lately.
  15. my record is about 33ish hours. I felt tired the entire time, zoned out alot, i was slow at doing things like taking 5min sometimes just to click on a link i knew i wanted to click on. Right around the 33 hour mark i closed my eyes for a sec to rest them and BAM i was asleep and woke up 5 hours later. Felt like an entire sec went by from the time i went to sleep and woke up.
  16. Been playing Fallout 4 for the past 2 days and its fricken amazing. GOTY 2015!

    1. Marked


      That's good :) Coz im my seeds are running hot.

  17. Ughhh i hate being a grownup. Might not be on tmr or the next day. i work so late tmr that as soon as i get home i have to go to sleep just to get enough sleep for sundays work day. T.T #EnjoyBeingAKidInSchool

  18. I think i can beat everyone here. I know exactly what Ardaceus looks like. Heres the face shot. And here is my recreation in RMV. I think i got it spot on. Yes theres actually images there. Ardaceus is a ghost so yea i win :P
  19. Heres a link to the game for anyone.
  20. I think it will be slightly worse than XP(during XP's prime time) but above the rest. Its a solid good rpg maker. The only 2 things i hate so far is the horrid as hell mapping system.....like seriously have they learned by now after 3 rpg makers that XP is far more superior in mapping in every single way. Hopefully someone finds a way to make tiled maps work with MV then half my problems will be solved. Another problem i have is the scripting... It seems like enterbrain/kadawadasioieoi(whatever the hell its called now) really likes to make every script require every script and likes to make functions of functions of functions and functions. I really miss the way everything was made in XP. XP was far far easier to learn scripting for than this shitty new way of throwing everything all over the place. I consider myself good with JS but man this is hard as fuck to learn because i got to learn other peoples code that is all over the place like a drunk person puking on a wall :P. Where in unity i can just script and throw it in the game and bam it works.
  21. So far it has been rock solid for me(then again i usually don't have issues with things).
  22. So this is my review of the game called real life. So when you start out in this game it can be kind of boring since your character suffers from memory loss till about the age of 3 id guess. As you get further in the game it gets more and more boring because you have to go to school and do homework. No one likes school or homework. As days go by you wish that you never had school and count the hours and days till you get out of school for the day or summer. The best thing about this part in the game is you have no bills to pay and girls are all over you(or men if your a girl or gay...not judging). The only thing you have to worry about is who you are going to date and if that person is single. Its a very simple life as a kid since school is 99% of your life. As you get older you start to wish you were an adult because you have grownups telling you what to do, you are sick of school and all the homework you get. This is the hardest part of the early game because you start to go through all the emotions of a teen and your sex drive gets the best of you. Once you reach the level of 18 your life finally fully starts and you start working for the boss if you failed to do anything before level 18. Level 18 may be the hardest level depending on many factors. This is where the game gets really hard or easy depending on the random factors at the beginning of the game. When you start the game you will have a random chance of having poor, average or rich parents. I was unlucky when i started the game as a i got put into a poor family and had level 18 and above be hard. I cant put the rich into this review as i ever only played the poor part for 99% of the game and average for 1% when i was in college. Once you are in the adult stage of the game you will wish you could return to a previous save when you were a kid but since the game auto saves to the godcloud and is tied to your bio signature in the soulcontroller. Getting started in the adult stage is really hard to do at first as you may be left on your own and be forced to figure out stuff on your own like i had to since my parent wasn't very smart and only made like $400 a month. The hardest part in the adult stage is the bills you have to pay while working at a dead end job if you didn't do stuff in your kid stage correctly. I made a huge mistake in the adult stage and hopefully you can learn from my mistakes. I will post tips on how to avoid these mistakes in the game tips at the end under the game rating. I cant really review anymore of this game since this game is really long and i only played for about 24 years out of probably 70 years. The game will end eventually since you will die sooner or later in the game. Once you die your save file will be completely erased and you will have to start over from the beginning. I highly doubt you will be able to keep any data when you restart the game so make the best of this save(I dont even think the godministrator can let you keep any data). Game Score 7.5/10 Needs more work and the difficulty toned down a little as it might turn off new players Game Tips: Stay in the kid stage as long as you can and enjoy school like its the best thing in the entire game because it is. After i reached the adult stage i been wishing i could go back to the kid stage every single day but that damn auto save feature pisses me off. Have an idea of what you want to do when you get to the adult stage and start doing it before the end of the kid stage. Id try to start no later than 10th grade when you are in the kid stage. Get really good at something before the adult stage and try to make a living doing it before you reach the adult stage if you can. This is harder done than said but if done right the adult stage will be a breeze. SAVE UP!!!! Money is really super ultra omega x100000000000000 in this game so try to save as much money as you can because once you reach that killer adult stage your money will be gone before you can even get it. I made the mistake of waiting till i hit 24 to get a job and its REALLY killing me right now in the game. Use your parent NPC or any NPC really that will help you. The best thing you can do is use your family NPC's as much as you can as they sometimes have helpful advice or can help you for when that adult stage comes. I had a bad parent NPC that didn't really prepare me for my adult stage and its really hurting me right now but im slowly recovering and leveling up my skills with only a few hours of free time every day because of work. Final tip: Enjoy the kid stage as much as you can and don't rush to the adult stage as the adult stage sucks for people like me who got stuck with poor parent NPC's. Being a kid is the best thing in the entire game and i wish i could revert my save back to it. But in all seriousness yes treat your school years as the best because it does get way worse and harder down the road. Hope you enjoyed this ramble review. If you liked it please hit that rep button in the lower right of my post right above that signature. it will look like that->
  23. Polraudio

    Calling a scene?

    Ok so im completely confused with the new scripting. I know my way around JS very well but i dont know how to work with other peoples crap like calling a scene i made. In unity its very simple to do because i only have my own code to worry about. Im trying to make the most barebone simple script possible that just does 1 thing so i can get my foot in the door. I know in the past you would do something like $scene = Scene_Test but it doesn't seem to be that simple anymore. This is the test script im trying to run. //============================================================================= // Test.js //============================================================================= /*: * @plugindesc For testing * @author Polraudio * * @help This is for testing */ function Scene_Test() { $gameParty.gainGold(7000); } If anyone knows how i can call this simple script via event callscript please let me know and thanks :). Im probably missing something since its been a very very long time since i ever touched something thats like RGSS.
  24. You wouldn't be able to convert your project to begin with. the data is totally different in every possible way so you will be waiting longer than the PS5 emulator for a converter. If you mean resources like images then you wont have to wait to long....but then again MV uses 48x48 tiles instead of 32x32 so if it was converted over it would look totally odd.
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