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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. A very big burrito that will surely give me heartburn. I will be thinking about the heartburn to much to even be worried about dying.
  2. :cry: This is sad new indeed. I understand your feelings and why you have to do what you have to. It would really suck to see this place just end. This is my home on the internet. If this place goes down im completely homeless like a hobo living on a dwarf planet in the middle of the star ocean alone without any contact with the outside universe. If i may ask how much does it cost to keep this site up and running? If its not to much trouble i wouldn't mind taking over completely when the time comes. I may have some troubles paying for it but i will find a way in the end. I may not be good with the admin stuff but i will learn just like you did.
  3. OMG STEVEN! Long time no see pal. Glad to see your going on 4 months being clean :D. So glad your doing will again and making a return here. I think its been what 3 years since we last talked? I remember the good old days of us talking on MSN every day for hours.
  4. PS4 RULES! from what i seen at E3 it blows the Xbox One out of the water by far.

    1. Marked


      Lol I was watching that live (by coincidence). It's pretty square. I thought there'd be more curves, but looked pretty cool. I like how it's the perfect companion for my Vita

    2. Bob423
  5. E3 starts tomorrow :D

  6. Say Talk and Tock out loud. You just said the same thing 2 times. Isnt english awesome?

    1. Marked


      Haha... now I can guess how your accent sounds. In mine we say it like "tork"

    2. Broken Messiah

      Broken Messiah

      I'm from South Carolina, and we say crayons like crowns. Its annoying, but I can't fight it

    3. Bob423


      I used to "crans"

  7. Long time no see pal. Glad to see you graduated and making a return here finally :) .
  8. After giving a few more days to vote voting has ended. CONGRATS TO dolarmak FOR WINNING MOTM!!!
  9. Yay status updates are back :D

  10. Welcome back Ratty. I remember you from way back :) . Then again who dont i remember?
  11. Now that is AWESOME! I never knew thats the way MIDI works. I always had great experience with MIDI to begin with but now im going to love it even more with OpenRGSS. :) Keep up the awesome work Moon your really impressing me and getting me excited :thumbsup: . EDIT: little off topic but what would you recommend playing MIDI with to get the best possible quality(right now i use vlc player)?
  12. Please vote if you havent voted. Only 2 people voted out of how many of you visit the forums every day? I dont care if you show up once a week just to visit for a few min. Spend some time looking at the nominated members posts/contributed stuff and cast your vote on who deserves it. :thumbsup: Note: This should only take about 10min of your time.
  13. It always says i have 1 when i didnt since i checked them all and deleted all of them. Now when i still check them it says i still have 1 when they are all gone. Before checking: After checking: Now i refresh the page: I check again and theres nothing there: No matter what when i refresh the page i have 1 notification. Using Firefox 21.0 EDIT: after i replied here it says i have 2 now and i check the box and it says i have nothing and when i refresh now it says i have 2 no matter what. Also checked the log in the usercp and nothing is displayed there.
  14. Could call it Endorsements instead of likes(If that would fit)?
  15. Now thats cool. Works perfectly and looks awesome :) EDIT: mine doesnt work but yours works fine. :(
  16. Good luck :) . Hope you pass all your classes :thumbsup: .
  17. Some reason i cant see what other people put in spoilers so that might be a bug. Before Clicked: After Clicked:
  18. Works perfectly now with some edits. Thankyou very much moon :D
  19. May Voting People to vote for: -NoxieNation -dolarmak - Sorry for the late voting topic. Been kind of busy for the past week. Good luck everyone :thumbsup:
  20. Sorry i havent been very active lately. I been very busy.

  21. I will allow up to 24 more hours to nominate(cause i will be busy all day tmr).
  22. Ok so i made a game_variables class called game_rep to track the players reputation with each npc in the game. I was wondering how i can use text as the id instead of a number if you get what i mean. EX: instead of using $game_rep[1] += 1 i want $game_rep["Lana"] += 1. That way it will be easier to modify rep per npc instead of having to remember the id number for thousands of npc's. If you want to see how i have the script its really simple. Its just a name change of the default variables. class Game_Rep #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize @data = [] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def [](variable_id) if variable_id <= 5000 and @data[variable_id] != nil return @data[variable_id] else return 0 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def []=(variable_id, value) if variable_id <= 5000 @data[variable_id] = value end end end Thanks in advance :D
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