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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Welcome Trig. Can't wait to see what projects your working on. Feel free to post info about your projects here. http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/forum/18-user-submitted-games/ Hope to see you active around the site and if you need anything at all just holler. :D
  2. I just tried xp on windows 8 on a virtual machine and got it to work fine. All i had to do is run as admin and set the compatability to windows xp sp3. I know i always had problems installing xp on peoples computers that wernt custom built or they didnt install the os them selves and using the OEM version. Always had troubles with OEM versions of any os. Didnt know thats exactly what you meant sicne theres more than 1 way to get it to work in win 7. Got to provide more details. -- I could also use more info on what part it froze on. Did it freeze before it asked you to use the free trial/enter product key or did you get past that part and were about to actually use the program?
  3. It takes a while before it gets good. About a good 2-3 hours.
  4. JRPGS are my fav games of all time. I got one for PS3 or 360. I would suggest getting it for PS3 since you will be swaping disks lots on the 360. Star Ocean The Last Hope Its not really a fast paced story but a good story with annoying(1)/funny(all) as hell characters. Infact i would suggest any Star Ocean game(Second Story for PS1 was my all time fav). If you have a PS2 or a PS3 that can play PS2 games i would highly suggest Radiata Stories. If you havent played any Final Fantasy(all time fav was 6 and 9) i would suggest any FF before FF13(not including 13). Theres also Eternal Sonata for PS3. Havent played more than 2 hours because i formated my PS3 and didnt back up save but it was really fun. EDIT: almost forgot another good one with a battle system that takes some time to get use to. Last Remnant for 360.
  5. Did you try running it in compatability mode for xp or 7?
  6. January Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like. Nominated: -dolarmak -Lizzie S -Tomo2000 ---- Welcome to the first MOTM of the year. Good luck everyone :D
  7. Terrain Tags By: Polraudio Welcome to the Terrain Tag Tutorial. This tutorial is to teach you all the useful things you can do with the Terrain Tags. Few things I will be covering in this tutorial is healing tiles, damaging tiles. STEP 1: Tileset Editor First lets set some terrain tags in the tileset editor. For this demonstration we will be using the grass and the rocks. Open your database and go to tilesets and the Grassland tileset then click on Terrain Tag. Set the Rocks for 1 and the Grass for 2 like the example below. We are going to use rocks to damage the player and the grass to heal the player. Hit ok on the database to ensure the tags are set. The next step will be to make the event to track what terrain tag the player is currently on and heal or damage the player. STEP 2: The Event Make a new event without a graphic and set the Trigger to Parallel Process. Create a control variables event and name it something like Terrain Tag. Set the Operand to Character, Player's, Terrain Tag. So it should look like this. Now we want to setup how the rocks and grass interact with the player. Create a Conditional Branch right under the Variable you just made. Set it to Variable and the variable you just made. Set it to Equal to and Constant 1. So it should look like this. If you remember from the tileset we set the terrain tag of rocks to 1. When the player is on the rocks the terrain tag will be set to 1 and when the player is over the grass it will be set to 2. Now we will make the part where it hurts the player when they are on the rocks. Note: i will hurt the player as long as they are on the rocks. Even when not moving. Right in the conditional branch above else we will want to make it so it hurts the player. Go to page 3 and Change HP .... Here you can set it to harm or heal the player but in this case we want to hurt the whole party so click on Decrease then set the operand to constant and whatever number you want. i will be using 50 for this example. So it should look like this. Now you can play test and enjoy. But wait... Something's wrong my party dies almost instantly. Why is that? The problem is because we forgot to set a wait time after each time the players party gets hurt so they get hurt 40 times a second because rpg maker xp runs at 40 frames a second. To fix this we will need to add a wait after the party gets hurt. After the change hp command add a wait for 40 frames. Why 40 frames? Cause rpg maker xp runs at 40 frames a second so they will only be getting hurt every second instead of 40 times a second. Now as you noticed after play testing again everything's working right except you have no clue when your getting hurt. To fix that add a screen flash right above the wait command. On the 2nd page click Screen Flash .... Set the sliders for green and blue to 0 while keeping red at 255 and strength at 255. Set the time for 2 frames. Any lower than 2 frames and it will not show sometimes cause rpg maker xp is not a constant 40 frames per second and sometimes is 39 frames per second so it will be skipped sometimes unless you have it set to 2 frames. So it should look like this. Now that we got the screen flashing we also need to make a noise when the party gets hit. It doesn't matter where you place it as long as its before the wait command. Make a play se ... command and set it for whatever sound you want. After everything's done your event should look like this. Congratulations you now know how to make a hurting and a healing event using terrain tags without using tons of events to get the same effect. Now your saying to yourself "But... we didn't go over healing the player!" but we did go over healing the player. It may not seem like we did but we did. To make it heal is the same way as making it hurt except we use change the variable, set it to increase party HP, change the screen flash to blue and change the sound. I will show you how to add healing in the pic below. Download: http://www.gdunlimit...in-tags-521.zip Hope you enjoyed this little tutorial and as always. Thanks for reading :D. If you want to request an event tutorial for me to do with rpg maker(any version) just shoot me a private message. Note: This tutorial is a GDU exclusive and shouldn't be posted anywhere else!
  8. Might make some advanced eventing tutorials.

    1. Polraudio


      I think marked is still working on that.

    2. Marked


      Sort of. It's definitely ready for submissions and its live for everyone to see, but I haven't announced it yet. If you're wanting people to comment, then post it on the forums because I haven't implemented that into the tuts yet. The only reason the xp tuts section is open is that there's too much content in there. The Ace tuts section is now simply a redirect to the ace category of the tuts section, and that's the future.

    3. Marked


      The tuts section needs a search and filters, but Im gona do that when it gets bigger because there's no enough yet. The finish product should be more timeless content that is much more accessible than forum topics, and much better quality as we'll moderate and give feedback to authors if standards arn't met.

    4. Show next comments  132 more
  9. Yup. Congratulations to rgangsta for winning Member of the Year, you deserved it :D.
  10. Im not a big pokemon fan because it felt like you play one and you played them all. X and Y actually looks promising.
  11. Just stopped getting the attack site warning today :D

  12. I see your tutorial and it looks fine to me. It wasnt showing because i guess mods have to approve it. I also approved it yesterday also. So the one you made before went through also. Your tutorial should show up now since i approved it.
  13. Thats about how it looks on my ipod(4th gen) also. Image size is the actual resolution of the ipod. Safari: Atomic Web: I usually use my ipod in widescreen mode. Would be nice to be in desktop mode for the site but i didnt see a button for full site. Mobile versions of sites are kind of annoying.
  14. Welcome ajay if you dont mind me calling you that. If you ever need help learning my 8 years of experience is at your disposal :D.
  15. Voting will be open till the 10th so take your time.
  16. Hello Shadic, welcome to GDU. :D If you need anything at all feel free to ask. Im currently working on an open world game.
  17. Welcome to member of the year for 2012. It was a year with lots of changes and a few months i missed for MOTM but here we are. People To Vote For: -Kellessdee -ForeverZer0 -Moonpearl -Wyzrd -rgangsta Good luck everyone :D EDIT: Voting will be open till the 10th.
  18. Just celebrated 2013 with my friends on minecraft. We had 2013 fireworks go off :D.

    1. Bob423


      and it was awesome! well it would've been cooler if my computer didn't suck, but still

  19. You need more posts to change your title. I can't remember the exact number but i think its 100 posts.
  20. From all my years here i must say 2012 was by far the biggest change so far. To another good year *cheers*
  21. Yea just ask marked said. Forums were down to long for December. But keep an eye out for Member of the year :D Theres no nominations for MOTY. Whoever got MOTM throughout the year get added to the MOTY voting list.
  22. i have this site set as my homepage. When i load up my browser i never get it when it goes to my homepage on startup but sometimes when i enter the address or click my home button i get the attack message. EDIT: sometimes when i click on links after the homepage loads i get it.
  23. It seems to be completely random to me
  24. >Not very many people use PS2 anymore >Not very many people know about RPG Maker for PS2 >RPG Maker for PS2 is obsolete >No real way for people to distribute anything made in RPG Maker 2 Thats the main reasons people dont care. I tried RPG Maker 2 before and i must say its good but its nothing i will sink my time into because theres no real way distribute what i make. If they ported it to PC and added a few things i would use it.
  25. Cleared cache, cookies, everything! and im still getting the attack site warning for here.

    1. Joey


      Yup...it won't leave me alone either. >.>

    2. Marked


      im getting help with it.

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