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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Nice! This will come in handy once i start my game topic. Progress for nothing:
  2. May Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like. Nominated: -NoxieNation -dolarmak ----
  3. Sacrifices self giving Godmodder hp limit break and an increase in hp = to my post count. I can no longer post in this topic since im dead. (sorry guys i had to since im a mod :( )
  4. This game is fun. I played the hell out of it my first time. ended up with like 900 billion shortly after the game ended. Its a uber hard game but very fun.
  5. once i get a steady job and if i have extra money left over i might start paying people here to make custom stuff for me. might take a year tho :(

  6. Been getting lots of work done on my open world game. The intro is about 20-25min long and i didnt even start the story yet.

    1. Broken Messiah

      Broken Messiah

      For Sanctuary, I'm making it when elder scrolls oblivion in mind, but the issue with opened endedness is I have a hard time keeping track of things and focusing on sidequests and never advancing through the story

  7. Welcome bladezuez :) . We have lots of very talented people here so if you need help at all feel free to ask. Even if its a very small question like finding the save button dont be scared to ask :thumbsup:.
  8. SWEET! Is it possible to scroll through a large list of options with the scroll wheel if you get what i mean?
  9. Polraudio

    Enu SBS Tanketai XP

    You must have missed that option. Theres 2 major option files. The one your looking for is in * SBS Config - XP. Look for the line CURSOR_TYPE = 2 and change it to CURSOR_TYPE = 1 It should be around line 59
  10. ~Moved to Resource Showcase & Critique~ Its almost like the ultimate tileset but better stuff. I may make a few edits my self for my personal project. If no one gets to this within a few days i will do all the passabilities. Im in the middle of moving right now so not much free time for the next few days. Edit: you may want to check the image cause i think somewhere in there its off by a few pixels and the height is not divisible by 32 cause i get 906.25 when i divide the height. I think i found where its off by 1 pixel. http://i.imgur.com/g1eo7Zy.png
  11. Sorry for being almost 12 hours late with this. Congrats bob for winning MOTM. you won by 1 vote(and they say 1 vote dont matter).
  12. Now thats awesome! I so cant wait to try it out when you get a public version out. Just need to learn actual ruby lol.
  13. You know your game is good when you sell more games than there are consoles in the world(playing game dev story).

  14. I must say this is very very neat. I dont know much of regular ruby outside of RGSS. So in other words its just like RMXP with the latest ruby and RGSS, so we can still use RGSS scripts?
  15. Welcome to RMU Gothax :) . Im sure you will make lots of friends here.
  16. Working on an open world game. Its kind of like skyrim in a way.
  17. [subscribed] I love your spotlights. Maybe one of these days(more like years) i will see my game up there(if i ever finish it).
  18. if anyone wants to play Dota 2 send me a pm with your email that you use for steam and i will send you Dota 2. I have 5 to give away. You must have steam and actually know what Dota 2 is before asking for one(i dont want to give them away and not have them used(its like leauge of legends)).

    1. Wyzrd


      Weird 'cuz I was just looking at DOTA2 earlier. To be honest, I really have no idea what it is.....It's downloading now. It said I already owned and and I was like uh......ok.

  19. 5 more days to vote. Please vote if you haven't. :)
  20. April Voting People to vote for: Bob423 bigace Good luck everyone :D
  21. I use to be on lots before i moved to pc gaming. after pc gaming i never go back to consoles. If you want to add me on psn its obvious what mine is. Polraudio. Im on about 1-2 times every year for about 5-60min. But if you want to add me on steam feel free. Im on steam whenever im on my computer. once again its obvious what it is.
  22. Don't forget to nominate people for MOTM.

  23. Yay! Thank you very much :)
  24. April Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like. Nominated: Bob423 bigace ---- Sorry for being a day late. Been kind of busy. Welcome to fool of the month. jk xd.
  25. That works perfectly :D. As far as i see it should be easy to make it work with my cms. Thank you very much. You dont know how much this helps my game. As for the warning that would be nice. Edit: just tested it with my CMS and it works perfectly :D. This script just made my whole day alot better.
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